Chapter 924 Fire

The current Safavid Empire has declined, but with the efforts of the Safavid Empire's prime minister Tachi, the current Safavid Empire has shown signs of resurgence.

If Zhao Wen does not participate in the affairs here, in the next few years, with the efforts of the emperor Abbas II of the Safavid Empire and Prime Minister Taqi, the Safavid Empire will usher in their revival.

Even regained the lost Kandahar several times.

However, none of this will happen.

Song Hu's fleet docked in the central region of the Safavid Empire, which is the hinterland of the Safavid Empire.

If you go further west, you will reach the Ottoman Empire in the west.

The Safavid Empire is located at the junction of Europe and Asia, and belongs to the land of the Four Wars.

Whether you are going from east to west or from west to east, you must pass through here.

On the sea surface in the central region of the Safavid Empire, a mighty fleet covered the entire sea surface.

In addition to Zhao Daniu's fleet, these fleets also have merchant ships transporting supplies.

These ships are densely packed, covering the entire sea surface.

After seeing this scene, the people living around the coast fled here with their families.

When Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's fleet entered the territorial waters of the Safavid Empire, the Safavid Empire closely monitored them from top to bottom.

The huge fleet suddenly entered their territory. No matter who puts this kind of thing on their body, they can't sleep.

The prime minister of the Safavid Empire, Taqi, sent troops to closely monitor the fleet of Zhao Daniu and Song Hu, and all the movements of Zhao Daniu and Song Hu were reported by these soldiers.

Because he didn't know the purpose of Zhao Daniu and Song Hu, Ta Qi didn't act rashly, but let people watch him.

Because the distance was too far away, Tachi couldn't keep track of Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's movements.

When Song Hu started to land in the middle of the Safavid Empire, Taqi still didn't know about it.


On the long coastline, the mighty fleet began to dock.

Song Hu's fleet has many treasure ships transporting tanks. These treasure ships are huge and push towards the coastline like a hill.

The soldiers monitoring Song Hu on the coastline looked at the treasure ship approaching the coastline with a dull expression and began to pant heavily.

This sense of oppression made them breathless. They had never seen such a huge ship, nor had they seen such a mighty fleet.

There are nearly 100 cavalry on the coastline, and these cavalry are all monitoring the Song Hu fleet.

"They are going to land here, report the news back quickly!"

A leading cavalryman looked anxiously at the fleet approaching the coastline. He yelled loudly at the soldiers behind him, then flicked the whip in his hand, and controlled the horse to move towards the northwest direction. run wildly.

The current capital of the Safavid Empire is located in Qazwin, in the northwest direction of the Safavid Empire.

Kazwin is almost two or three days away from the central coastal area.

There are many mountains in the northwestern part of the Safavid Empire, and this is the fastest speed for cavalry. If it is on foot, it will take more time.

The cavalry who were monitoring Zhao Daniu and Song Hu ran towards the northwest as desperately as they could.

Before landing, Song Hu had already spotted these cavalry through binoculars, but Song Hu didn't take these situations seriously, nor did he take them to heart. The most important thing now is to land first.

Song Hu led almost 1 soldiers, plus a tank regiment, and the landing lasted for three full days.

During these three days, those cavalry also sent the news of Song Hu's landing to Qazvin.

This news was placed on the desk of the study in the home of the current Prime Minister Taci.

The command center of the Safavid Empire is somewhat similar to the Western Parliament, but it is somewhat different from the Western Parliament.

Today's Taqi is the prime minister of the parliament, and because the current emperor is still young, everything is controlled by Taqi.

Tachi was sitting in the study, looking at the information sent up on the desktop with anxiety on his face.

In terms of intelligence, the description of Song Hu's fleet is very exaggerated.

According to intelligence, Song Hu's fleet has at least more than 1 ships, and Song Hu's fleet is mighty, covering the entire sea. It is said that there are at least several 10 soldiers who landed.

Of course, Taqi didn't believe this description. When Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's fleet just entered the waters of the Safavid Empire, Taqi had already sent people to monitor them. According to the information obtained before, it is impossible to have so many Soldier.

Although there are not so many soldiers, it is estimated that there are tens of thousands, especially the treasure ships that are like hills in the fleet. When he first knew that there were such big treasure ships, he was so scared that he did not sleep well for several days Sleep.

"What should we do now? After fighting the Ottomans in the west for so many years, the treasury has long been unable to make ends meet.

Now that there are so many people coming suddenly, how can we fight this battle?
The fleet that covers the sky, the huge ships that are as big as the hills, where did these people come from?It can't be from the Mughal Empire in the east, can it? "

"Impossible, the Mughal Empire did not have such a powerful force.

Although the Mughal Empire has always boasted that it has a very powerful fleet, this is all blown out. If he really had a powerful fleet, he would have come to our seas to show off his might! "

"So, these people don't come from the east of the Mughal Empire?"

Thinking of this, Tachi's eyes lit up instantly, and an ominous premonition appeared in Tachi's brain.

Although the Safavid Empire is far away from the Central Plains, it does not mean that Taqi knows nothing about the Central Plains.

On the contrary, Tachi still knows something about the Central Plains. After Zhao Wen defeated the Hongyi and Frangji, they passed through the Safavid Empire when they retreated, so Tachi also learned from these Hongyi and Flangji. Learned a lot.

It's just that at that time, these things were very far away for Tachi, and Tachi was only slightly interested in the affairs of the Central Plains, and did not have a deeper understanding.

But despite this, Tachi also knows that the current Central Plains has undergone tremendous changes, and a new empire is rising.

But at that time, Tachi didn't feel that this newly rising empire was a threat to him, or to their country.

"This mysterious fleet must have been sent by that empire. According to those Hongyi and Frangji people, in the present East, that ancient and mysterious empire has risen completely, and their strength is very powerful.

Also, if the strength is not strong, how can they beat Hong Yi and Frang Robot? "

Tachi stood up, and he kept walking back and forth in the room, the anxiety on his face became more and more intense.

The current emperor is only in his teens, and he doesn't know anything. Corruption is prevalent in the parliament, and everything is on Taqi alone.

Tachi wanted to find someone to share his pressure, but he couldn't find such a person at all.

"There is no other way but to send the empire's army over there to stop them for a while. If these people can come from the far east, their strength must be tyrannical!"

Tucci took a deep breath, trying to calm down his excitement as much as possible.

Afterwards, Tucci walked out of the study.

The next day, Tachi's order spread to the military camps around Kazvin.

Because the current Safavid Empire and the Ottoman Empire have ceased fighting, soldiers on the border were transferred back.

If it is not transferred back, the food consumed by these soldiers every day will be a huge number.

According to the officials of the current Safavid Empire, how much of these grains can be sent to the border?

When Kaziwen's soldiers headed towards Song Hu, Song Hu had already occupied a large area without any effort.

Song Hu was sitting in a large tent not far from the coastline, and a map of the Safavid Empire was placed on the table in front of Zhao Daniu.

Song Hu looked at the map seriously.

"The name of this country is really a mouthful, and you can't say it right!"

Song Hu teased a few times, and then studied it carefully.

"Khazvin is the capital of the Safavid Empire, and it's not a good distance from here.

The population of this Safavid Empire is not large, and the number of soldiers is not too large! "

Song Hu looked at the map and kept mumbling.

In fact, the number of soldiers in the Safavid Empire is not small. After all, the Safavid Empire has been fighting against the Ottoman Empire all year round.

It's just that compared with the Central Plains, there are really not many.

"Taking the capital is equivalent to taking half of the country.

If this is the case, then I will lead the tanks allocated to me by His Majesty and head towards Kazvin first.

As for other soldiers, attack other places.

Anyway, I always carry a transmitter when I come out, so don't be afraid of not being able to contact them! "

When Zhao Daniu and Song Hu came out, Zhao Wen equipped them with a large number of transmitters.

The reason is that they can easily command their own men to capture the Safavid Empire and the Ottoman Empire as quickly as possible.

After Song Hu's idea was finalized, all the officers in the general gathered together to formulate a more detailed plan.

The next morning, the plans were drawn up.

Song Hu led the tank regiment to press towards Kaziwen, and the remaining soldiers were divided into two groups, going west and east to attack other places.

That afternoon, the order was circulated throughout the barracks.

Of course, Song Hu didn't send all the soldiers out. In order to deliver supplies, Song Hu had to stay some soldiers.

In the early morning of the third day, Song Hu set off in a relatively tall tank.

In the vast Gobi desert, with endless yellow sand, 25 tanks headed towards Kaziwin.

The tank's tracks rolled over the yellow sand, rolling up pieces of sand.

In this place in the Middle East, most of them are Gobi deserts and deserts.

Song Hu sat in the cabin behind the cockpit, looking out through the periscope of the tank, he could only see boundless yellow sand.

"I really don't understand why His Majesty wants to attack this place.

The place looked really desolate, with nothing there. "

Now Song Hu has begun to doubt the purpose of Zhao Wen's doing this. Song Hu is not a college student, he doesn't know the importance of oil, and he doesn't know the conditions for oil production.

To him, the place was just rambling, poor, endless desolation.

Song Hu sat in the cabin of the tank, watching the scene outside through the periscope, although the sand blown by the strong wind could not fly into the window of the tank, but looking at the sky full of yellow sand outside, Song Hu couldn't help panting , as if I am now in the yellow sand.

In the following time, Song Hu led the tank troops and kept heading towards Gaziwen.

On the way to Kaziwin, Song Hu encountered many cities or villages.

Residents in these cities or villages saw tanks they had never seen before, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

For these residents, Song Hu did not make things difficult.

The most important thing for Song Hu now is to get to Kaziwen first.

Halfway through the journey, Song Hu's tank unit encountered an army from Qazvin.

The army coming from Qazvin is about 2 people, including 3000 cavalry and more than [-] musketeers.

The remaining soldiers are basically archers or spearmen.

Song Hu met these people suddenly. Before meeting, Song Hu didn't get any news.

Similarly, these people didn't get any news when they saw Song Hu's tank troops.

Song Hu's tank was at the forefront of the troops.

Through the periscope of the tank, he saw the cavalry ahead.

The cavalry in front had stopped, and they stared blankly at the big iron bumps coming towards them.

After the cavalry stopped, the follow-up troops gradually stopped.

Seeing this, Song Hu also stopped the team.

These cavalrymen looked at the tank in front of them with dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

Tanks that appeared hundreds of years in advance were unimaginable in the eyes of these cavalrymen.

They couldn't imagine what the iron lumps in front of them were, and they didn't know what these iron lumps were for.

The iron lump had a great impact on them, making them forget to think for a moment.

Song Hu also saw the appearance of these recruits clearly through the periscope on the tank.

The heads of these cavalrymen were wrapped in turbans, covering their hair.

Their faces were still covered with several layers of black veils, only their eyes were exposed.

Song Hu's eyes were pressed against the periscope, "Looking at the outfits of these people, they should be cavalry from Qazvin!"

Before setting off, Zhao Wen explained the dressing customs in the Middle East to Zhao Daniu and Song Hu.

When Song Hu saw these cavalrymen, he instantly remembered what Zhao Wen had said to him.

"My lord, what should we do now?" The tank driver shouted loudly.

Song Hu said: "What else can I do? Let's do it directly.

Pass my order to let the central tank move forward and prepare to shoot the soldiers in front. "

Song Hu's order was transmitted through the tank's radio.

The tank in the middle started to move.

Amidst the bangs, the tanks in the middle came to the forefront.

However, the cavalry at this time did not respond.

They stood there blankly, as if they were stupid.

They had never seen such a thing and did not know that these tanks were their enemy.

Half an hour later, the tanks in the center moved to the front, and almost ten tanks lined up side by side.

When the tanks were deployed, Song Hu gave the order to fire.

"Da da da!"

In an instant, the bullets poured out.

The machine gun located in front of the tank continued to spit out flames, and metal bullets flew out of the gun with a whistling sound.

Before those soldiers had time to react, they were shrouded in dense barrage.

The screams sounded instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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