Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 923 Arriving at the Safavid Empire

Chapter 923 Arriving at the Safavid Empire

"But I want to tell you that our territory is far beyond this. You are soldiers, and the duty of a soldier is to fight. You must always be ready to fight!"

Having said that, Zhao Wen stood up.

He stepped down from the throne and walked outside the hall.

"Everyone, the sky above our heads has not changed for thousands of years. But the land under our feet has expanded by an unknown amount in the thousands of years.

For us, our ancestors kept expanding our territory.We also want to keep expanding our territory for future generations! "

Zhao Wen came to the door of the main hall, pointed to the sky outside, and said loudly.

The atmosphere in the hall was driven by Zhao Wen's words and became more and more enthusiastic.

"Your Majesty, we will be where you are, and we will do whatever you want.

As long as it is His Majesty's order, even if His Majesty asks us to go to the sky to pick up the stars, we will go! "

Zhao Daniu also stood up, and he clasped his fists at Zhao Wen, impassioned.

"We will always follow His Majesty, and we will continue to fight for future generations and bring back all the useful things in this world!"

Song Hu also stood up, his face full of passion.

Zhao Wen returned to the throne, he picked up the wine glass on the table, and drank the wine inside.

"All gentlemen encourage each other!"

Zhao Wen drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and then burst out laughing heartily.

The courtiers in the hall also echoed Zhao Wen and laughed loudly.


Two days later, Zhao Daniu and Song Hu led the team towards Dengzhou.

Only Zhao Daniu and Song Hu sent troops this time. As for Liu Wu, Zhao Wen stayed behind.

Zhao Daniu and Song Hu led a total of 2 people. In addition to these 2 people, they also led some tank troops.

The tank troops he leads are not too many, each has only one tank regiment, and each tank regiment has 25 tanks.

Although the volume and weight of the tanks manufactured now are relatively small, in the final analysis, these are some iron lumps.

There are few wooden ships capable of transporting tanks on the sea except treasure ships.

The ironclad ship is still far from being launched, and the transportation of tanks can only be left to the treasure ship.

But the number of treasure ships in Zhao Wen's hands is not too many. The current treasure ships are already behind the times. In the not-too-distant future, the iron-clad ships will be launched. At that time, the treasure ships will completely lose their usefulness, and there is no need to mass-produce them. Judging from what we have so far, it is completely sufficient.

The team led by Zhao Daniu was transported to Dengzhou by rail, and the tanks were also transported to Dengzhou by rail.

After Zhao Daniu and Song Hu arrived in Dengzhou, they were not in a hurry to leave, because the current fleet was not completely concentrated in Dengzhou.

Now Dengzhou has become a very huge port city. The soldiers led by Zhao Daniu and Song Hu have almost no influence on this port city.

That is to say, when the tanks came to the port, they attracted the attention of the people. Other than that, there were almost no waves.

Zhao Daniu and Song Hu waited here for another seven or eight days, and the fleet finally gathered in Dengzhou.

For this mission, Zhao Wen handed over the command to Zhao Daniu and Song Hu.

The two of them attacked the Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire respectively.

After the fleet set off, the supply fleet composed of merchants also set off.

In the sea area from Java to the east, almost all the pirates have been wiped out, and Zhao Wen's forces have completely controlled this sea area.

In this sea area, there will be almost no hijacking of merchant ships.

Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's fleet stopped when they came to Java to replenish fresh water and various supplies.

After resting here for three days, Zhao Daniu and Song Hu set sail again.

The reason why it takes such a long time to rest here is because Zhao Daniu and Song Hu have to wait for the merchant ship behind them.

After leaving Java, the sea will become uneven.

Without the protection of warships, merchant ships are likely to encounter pirates.


The vast sea is boundless, and the sun hangs high above the sky.

It has already entered the early winter, if it is in Xuan Town, the weather is already cold, but in the current sea, the weather is still so hot.

Zhao Daniu's fleet was at the forefront. He stood on the deck of a treasure ship and looked at the sea ahead.

The sweat on his forehead kept flowing down. Although Zhao Daniu was wearing very thin clothes, the sweltering weather still made Zhao Daniu sweat a lot.

Zhao Daniu squinted his eyes and looked at the sea ahead with his binoculars.

Zhao Daniu led the army to experience this kind of climate in the mountains in the southwest, so the current Zhao Daniu can bear it.

Song Hu's fleet was at the back, and Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's fleet surrounded the merchant's fleet in the middle.

In this way, the speed becomes very slow, but the journey is long, and this time is nothing.

Zhao Daniu and his fleet headed west all the way, getting farther and farther away from Java.

Bumpy all the way, they came to southern India.

On Ceylon Island, the southernmost tip of the Indian Peninsula, there is an army sent by Mao Chengzuo.

The original Ceylon Island was controlled by the Dutch and the French, but when Mao Chengzuo defeated both of them, he occupied it.

Because this place has not yet been developed, and the place is really remote, Mao Chengzuo only left an army here.

Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's fleet stopped on Ceylon Island for the last supply.

When Zhao Daniu and Song Hu left Ceylon Island, they completely left Zhao Wen's sphere of influence.

The fleet of Zhao Daniu and Song Hu has been moving forward around the southernmost coastline of the Indian peninsula. Zhao Daniu and Song Hu are not worried about meeting the enemy at all.

Every warship in their fleet is equipped with powerful weapons, even if the enemy is several times their own, they can completely handle it.

The southernmost tip of the Indian peninsula in this era is filled with many small countries.

Chulong Kingdom, Cochin Kingdom and a series of small countries.

Rather than saying that they are small countries, it is better to say that they are one small tribe after another.

The sea power of these small countries is almost negligible, and when they see the fleet passing by their coastline, they have no idea of ​​​​resistance.

Following the coastline on the west side of the Indian Peninsula all the way north, Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's fleet came to a place occupied by Frangji.

It is located in the middle of the west of the Indian Peninsula, at the junction of the Vijayanagar Empire and the Bijapur Sultanate.

The Vijayanagar Empire has existed in name only, and various places in the territory have become independent, and it is completely a chaotic place.

The Bijapur Sultanate borders the Mughal Empire to the north, and the situation is not optimistic.

It is precisely because of this intricate reason that the Francoids have occupied a territory here.

In today's Southeast Asia, the power of Franji was almost uprooted by Zhao Wen, and Southeast Asia has completely abandoned them.

However, how could they easily let such a large piece of cake in Southeast Asia slip away from their mouths?
With this mentality, they retreated to this place.

They knew that they were not Zhao Wen's opponents at all, but they were unwilling to give up the benefits they had already gained.

They built a lot of fortifications in this place, just in case.

However, these things can't make them as stable as Mount Tai. When Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's fleet passed by the territory of the Frangji people, these Frangji people could only stand on the coast blankly, watching Zhao Daniu and the others leave.

They didn't even dare to make any big moves, for fear of attracting revenge from Zhao Daniu and Song Hu.

If Zhao Daniu and Song Hu hadn't been in a hurry, they would have wiped out these Fulang robots easily.

The fleet headed north all the way, advancing along the coastline non-stop.

They eventually entered the sphere of influence of the Mughal Empire, although the Mughal Empire is now in its heyday.But that is only on land, if placed on the sea, the strength is still very poor.

According to historical records, the current Mughal Empire has the strongest sea fleet in Asia.

But in this historical record, there is more bragging.

The Mughal Empire, which was constantly attacking cities and territories on land, also established a sea fleet, and this was the period in which Zhao Wen lived.

According to the historical records of the third brother, the Mughal Empire controlled the Mecca pilgrimage trade through the central court and maintained the strongest fleet power in Asia.

They cross the seas of Asia, as if entering and exiting no man's land.

The ridiculous thing is that such a seemingly powerful navy suffered catastrophe in 1695.

Six British pirate ships intercepted the fleet in the Mandeb Strait at the entrance of the Red Sea, and easily destroyed the fleet.

Six searches of British pirate ships can defeat this fleet, let alone the Zhao Daniu fleet that is now armed to the teeth.

Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's fleet is mighty, covering the sky and sun in the sea to the west of the Mughal Empire.

The news was quickly sent to the palace of the Mughal Empire.

The capital of the Mughal Empire was Agra, a huge city on the west bank of the Yamuna River.

The palace of the Mughal Empire is located right in the middle of this huge city.

When the news was sent to the palace of the Mughal Empire, Zhao Daniu had already arrived in the central region of the Mughal Empire.

Shah Jahan, the current emperor of the Mughal Empire, was shocked beyond words when he heard the news.

The reported news said that a huge fleet was sailing all the way from the south of the sea. This fleet was very large, and the number of ships was very large, so mighty that it covered the entire sea.

According to the third brother's temperament, this kind of thing must be constantly exaggerating.

Therefore, when the news reached Shah Jahan, the number of ships in this fleet was already hundreds of millions.

After Shah Jahan heard the news, he didn't believe it immediately, but he just didn't believe the reported number.

Shah Jahan is majestic on land, but if placed on the sea, he is like a tiger without teeth, and he doesn't know what to do.

Shah Jahan didn't know what the fleet was doing. According to the reported news, the fleet didn't seem to be malicious to them.

After knowing the news, Shah Jahan asked the troops along the coast not to provoke this huge fleet and let them pass.

This is not the first time Shah Jahan has seen such a fleet.

At that time, the fleet of Thomas and He Donglang also sailed through the waters of the Mughal Empire, but the number of fleets of He Donglang was simply not comparable to that of Zhao Daniu and the others.

No matter in terms of quantity or scale, there is no way to compare. In addition, there were people like Thomas in that fleet, so Shah Jahan was not worried.

Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's fleet sailed in the waters to the west of the Mughal Empire in a calm situation. Sometimes there would be soldiers monitoring them on the coastline, but these soldiers had no intention of attacking them.

Zhao Daniu and Song Hu didn't bother to take care of these soldiers, as long as they didn't disturb their marching.

In the middle of the coastline on the west side of the Mughal Empire, there is a place occupied by the current shit stick.

But because of the current national strength of the shit-stirring stick and the fact that the Mughal Empire has not yet declined, the shit-stirring stick's control of this place is more inclined to lease.

The number of shit-stirring stick soldiers in this area is very small. The shit-stirring stick soldiers in this area have not been back for a long time, and they don't know what the current situation in the shit-stirring stick is.

If they knew, I'm afraid they would run away the moment they saw this fleet.

Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's fleet sailed past the territory of the shit-stirring stick. Zhao Daniu and Song Hu didn't know that this was the sea area of ​​the shit-stirring stick.

Because Zhao Daniu and Song Hu never cared about the situation of the Mughal Empire.

For them, no matter how powerful the empire is, they are nothing more than chickens and dogs. As long as they want to, they can destroy them at any time.

The fleet of Zhao Daniu and Song Hu couldn't hide it at all, and the news spread continuously, towards the Safavid Empire.

Officials of the Safavid Empire didn't believe it when they heard the news for the first time, thinking it was just fake news made by Shah Jahan.

Shah Jahan was eyeing the territory of the Safavid Empire. Not long ago, he had captured the Safavid Kandahar. At this time, such news suddenly appeared, and it was difficult for these officials of the Safavid Empire to believe that the news was true.

However, when the fleet of Zhao Daniu and Song Hu came to the waters of the Safavid Empire, these officials of the Safavid Empire had to believe the news.

At this time, the time has come to the end of the year, and there is not much time left before the New Year.

After all, it was the first time for Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's fleet to come to this place, so it is understandable that it took a little longer.

Zhao Daniu and Song Hu's fleet continued to penetrate, and they did not want to invade at the edge of the Safavid Empire.

Because of this, it will take a lot of time for them to fully occupy the Safavid Empire.

As the new year came, Song Hu's fleet stopped in the hinterland of the Safavid Empire, while Zhao Daniu's fleet continued to move towards the Ottoman Empire.

There will be another storm on this land that has been quiet for a long time. In the near future, the storm will sweep all corners of this place, and no place can escape.

On the sea surface in the hinterland of the Safavid Empire, mighty warships floated on the sea, dark gray sails shrouded the sea surface, and the sea could not even be seen from the sky.

When the troops of Zhao Daniu and Song Hu entered the sea of ​​the Safavid Empire, the soldiers of the Safavid Empire closely monitored the fleet. Started to gather here.

(End of this chapter)

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