Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 922 You have to prepare for war

Chapter 922 You have to prepare for war
"The Ottoman Empire, the Safavid Empire, the decline of these countries is unstoppable. Since your decline is already unstoppable, don't blame me for pushing you!" Zhao Wen said with a sneer.

Zhao Wen began to write about various things about the Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire.

In addition to these two empires, there was also a Mughal Empire.

The Mughal Empire is located in northern India, on the east side of the Safavid Empire, and is connected with the Safavid Empire. It has been more than 120 years since the founding of the country.

The current Mughal emperor is Shah Jahan, and Shah Jahan is an ambitious emperor.The famous Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan for his second wife.

During his reign, he continued to expand, and even defeated the Frangji people who were in the limelight at that time in Bangladesh.

Shah Jahan is now in his prime, full of energy, and has set his sights on the Safavid Empire in the West.

All in all, the current Mughal Empire is in a period of prosperity.

"By the way, we still need the Mughal Empire, but it was established by the wandering Tartars.

The third brother's country is really strange. The history of the third brother is simply a history of humiliation and a history of being invaded.

Although Shah Jahan's ability is great, although the current Mughal Empire is very powerful, what does all this have to do with India? "

Zhao Wen had a look of disdain, no matter in later generations or now, Zhao Wen looked down on Third Brother.

"Although you are very strong now, you are nothing more than chickens and dogs. If you can behave better when the army goes west, then I won't bother to deal with you and let you live for a while.

But if you are not sensible, don't blame me for taking care of you! "Zhao Wen said to himself murderously.

It took Zhao Wen almost three days to formulate these things. After three days, Zhao Wen asked people to hand over the formulated things to the Military Academy.

At this time, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce also formulated all the things that Zhao Wen asked him to formulate.

In the imperial study room, Zhao Wen looked at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce standing in front of him, and said, "That's right, since the list has been drawn up, let's call these merchants together as soon as possible.

In a few days, I will gather them together. "

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce saluted Zhao Wen, and then withdrew from the imperial study.

After the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce left, Zhao Wen put down the list sent by the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce just now.

Just now, Zhao Wen had already read these things in their entirety, and there was basically nothing wrong with the things formulated by the Minister of Commerce.

Since there is no problem, Zhao Wen intends to gather these merchants together and tell these merchants about these things in person.

In fact, Zhao Wen can completely hand over these matters to his subordinates.

But this was the first time such a thing happened, and the place to go was too far away, so Zhao Wen planned to tell these businessmen in person.

Before, Zheng Yiguan used this method, but at that time, Zheng Yiguan's scale could not be compared with this time.

Moreover, Zhao Wen has another purpose in doing this, which is to tell these businessmen that encouraging business is a basic national policy and will not be changed easily.

After Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce returned to the Ministry of Commerce, he began to arrange these things.

The merchants in Xuanzhen are easy to deal with. After all, the distance is not far away. However, the list made by the Minister of Commerce includes not only merchants from Xuanzhen, but also merchants from other places. These merchants will not be able to come here for a while.

The Minister of Commerce sent a large number of people outside, and these people boarded the train and headed for other provinces.

In about seven or eight days, these businessmen basically came to Xuan Town.

At this time, the generals like Zhao Daniu who were fighting in the southwest also started to return.

In addition to them, they also brought back some soldiers.

In order to maintain the rule of the occupied area, Zhao Daniu had to leave some soldiers behind.

When Zhao Daniu and the others came back, Zhao Wen summoned the businessman.

In the Hall of Central Harmony, these merchants stood respectfully in the center of the hall.

Zhao Wen was dressed in ordinary clothes and sat on the throne.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

The businessmen in the center of the hall bowed respectfully towards Zhao Wen.

"Be flat!"

Zhao Wen waved his hands at these businessmen, motioning them to get up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The merchants rose to their feet.

These businessmen were basically summoned by Zhao Wen for the first time, and they were very excited when they saw Zhao Wen sitting on the throne.

Zhao Wen saw the reactions of these businessmen in his eyes.

"Maybe you are still wondering why I summoned you. I summoned you because I have something to give you." Zhao Wen looked at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce standing in front of the merchant.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce understood it, took out a huge rice paper from his arms, faced the businessman, and read aloud.

What the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce read aloud was exactly what Zhao Wen told the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce before.

The voice of the Shangshu from the Ministry of Commerce kept echoing in the hall. The expressions on the faces of the merchants in the hall were different, but they were basically excited.

The southern businessmen in the hall, after listening to the content read by the Minister of Commerce, were basically excited, and only one or two sporadic merchants were full of contemplation.

Among the merchants in the north, although most of them also had excited expressions, there were slightly more merchants with pensive faces.

The hall was silent, and within 10 minutes after the Minister of Commerce finished reading, no one spoke in the entire hall.

Although many businessmen were excited, they did not speak.

"Everyone, I don't know what you think?"

Zhao Wen looked at these people in the hall and spoke first.

"Okay, your majesty is holy, your majesty is holy!"

As soon as Zhao Wen's voice fell, a southern businessman shouted with excitement.

"Your Majesty Shengming, Your Majesty Shengming!"

As soon as the voice came out, most of the merchants in the hall cheered loudly.

Obviously, these Huhe businessmen are all in favor of this method.

"If you have any questions, you can tell them now, and I can explain them to you!" Zhao Wen said with a relaxed face.

"Yeah, if you have any doubts in your mind, you can say it now!"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce, who was standing in front of the businessman, also spoke.

Although Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce has nothing on the surface, he has scolded those hesitant businessmen in his heart.

"I've told you about this a long time ago, and you all agreed. Letting you come today is just a formality, but I didn't expect that you would embarrass me. It's really good.

If there are any mistakes in this matter, then I will be the one who will embarrass Your Majesty.You'd better not make any fools of me, otherwise, I'll make you look good! "

The merchants who can be selected by the Minister of Commerce are basically the kind of merchants who have a strong family background and are easy to control.

When these merchants gathered together, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce told them about it in advance in order not to cause any accidents.

The businessmen who can be summoned by Zhao Wen today have basically agreed.If they do not agree, it is impossible for the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce to let them come.

"Your Majesty, Cao Min has a question!" A thoughtful businessman stood up.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce looked at the businessman with anger flowing in his eyes.

"What's the problem?" Zhao Wen asked.

"Your Majesty, this question is not a big problem. I just want to know where the Ottoman Empire and this Safavid Empire are? How far is it from us? Also, when is Your Majesty planning to send troops? When will we Set off?"

After the businessman finished speaking, he backed away.

"These things are all military secrets. I can't say yet. As for when to send troops and when to let you go, I have my own plans and arrangements!"

Zhao Wen was not annoyed by the businessman's question.

"All in all, the current Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire are very rich. The cotton soap soaps and other products you produce will be very popular there. Although I have never been there, I can assure you!"

Zhao Wen's face was relaxed, Zhao Wen didn't even have to think about it, these things would definitely become the most sought-after goods in the Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire.

"By the way, if you have any questions, please tell them!" Zhao Wen asked again.

After Zhao Wen's voice fell, several businessmen stood up and talked about their problems.

Zhao Wen looked at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce and said to him, "Please record these questions."

The Minister of Commerce hurriedly took out a pen and a booklet from his pocket.

These things were carried by the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce, and the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce knew Zhao Wen's habits.

Sometimes, Zhao Wen will say a lot of constructive opinions or ask some questions.

These officials need to record these contents, and over time, these officials also develop the habit of carrying pens and pamphlets.

The Minister of Commerce quickly recorded these questions raised by the businessmen in a pamphlet.

In Zhao Wen's view, these questions raised are not big problems, but in the eyes of these businessmen, they are very important.

If it was Emperor Hongwu, would these businessmen still dare to ask questions?It's just a dream, but fortunately it's here with Zhao Wen.

After the businessmen finished speaking, Zhao Wen answered them one by one.

Before answering, Zhao Wen asked the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce to record the content of his answer.

After solving the problems of these businessmen, Zhao Wen said to the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce: "The things I said must be implemented seriously, and no discounts can be made."

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce put the pamphlet into his arms, and solemnly said to Zhao Wen: "I must follow His Majesty's will carefully and carry it out without any discount."

"Okay, you guys go down first!"

Under Zhao Wen's order, the merchants in the hall and the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce all withdrew.

After these people left, Zhao Wen asked Qi Qingtian to come over again.

Zhao Wen also came to the imperial book, and not long after sitting down, Qi Qingtian came in front of Zhao Wen.

"Meet Your Majesty!" Qi Qingtian saluted Zhao Wen, and then stood in front of Zhao Wen respectfully.

"You don't need to be too polite, give me a seat!" Zhao Wen looked at Chen Donglai who was standing next to him.

Chen Donglai hurriedly moved a stool and put it behind Qi Qingtian. Qi Qingtian thanked him and sat down.

"Give an order to the sailors on the southeast coast and Taiyuan Island, let them start to gather in Dengzhou now.

It is estimated that Zhao Daniu and the others will come back in a short time. At that time, they will go to the Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire.

The main goal of this battle is to occupy these two empires, so the number of troops transported will be a very large number, and the number of ships must be large! "

Zhao Wen looked at Qi Qingtian who was sitting in front of him, and said in detail.

"Your Majesty, I have read the things you wrote before. According to what Your Majesty said, the Ottoman Empire and this Safavid Empire are not strong. It is easy to defeat these two empires. There is no need to transport so many Troop strength?" Qi Qingtian looked at Zhao Wen with a puzzled expression.

He really couldn't figure it out, now that their strength is already very strong, they can completely push these two countries to the ground, why should they send a large number of troops?

"Didn't I already say that just now? The main goal this time is to occupy these two empires.

If you just defeat them, 5000 people are enough, but if you occupy them, you will need a lot of soldiers and supplies.

There are countless oils buried underground in these two empires. Although oil is not widely used now, I want to tell you that in the future, oil will be liquid gold.

If I do not occupy these two places now, I am afraid that future generations will point at my backbone and scold me. "

Zhao Wen took the trouble to explain the reason to Qi Qingtian again.

After all, Qi Qingtian is not a college student, nor has he studied systematically. Although he knows that oil is a good thing, he can't imagine the future of oil.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Hearing what Zhao Wen said, Qi Qingtian had no choice but to obey.


After Qi Qingtian returned to the military academy, he asked the military academy's transmitter to send Zhao Wen's order to the navy in the south.

With the transmitter, the order was transmitted very quickly. Almost at the same time, the navy divisions in the south received the order from the Military Academy.

After receiving the order, these navy divisions in the south immediately acted.

After another half a month, the sea in Dengzhou was covered with warships.

Zhao Daniu had already returned to Xuanzhen.

Zhao Wen called Zhao Daniu and other generals to the Hall of Zhonghe to practice for them.

Zhao Wen sat on the throne, Zhao Daniu and others sat on both sides of the main hall, and a table was placed in front of them, and there were sumptuous wine and vegetables on the table.

Zhao Wen held a glass of wine in his hand and raised it high, "Everyone, let's drink this glass together!"

"Your Majesty!"

These people on both sides of the main hall shouted and drank the wine in their hands.

After drinking the wine in the glass, Zhao Wen put down the wine glass, cleared his throat, and glanced around the hall.

"Before, the documents formulated by the Military Academy have all been in your hands.

I won't go into details about these things with you, they have already been explained in detail in the documents formulated by the Military Academy.

It has been at least ten years since I started the army, maybe you think my contribution is already great, maybe you think the territory under our feet is big enough.

But I want to tell you that our territory is far more than this, you are soldiers, and the duty of a soldier is to fight, and you must always be ready for war! "

(End of this chapter)

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