Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 921 Let the Merchant Deliver Supplies

Chapter 921 Let the Merchant Deliver Supplies

Zhao Wen might not spend a single penny on the issue of war bonds, but the risk is too great, and it will be very difficult to calm down those people who have fallen into madness.

Not long after, Zhao Wen came to the Yamen of the Ministry of Commerce.

When Zhao Wen just appeared outside the Yamen of the Ministry of Commerce, the guards standing on both sides of the gate saw Zhao Wen.

The moment the two guards saw Zhao Wen, they hurried inside.

Not long after, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce appeared outside the Yamen of the Ministry of Commerce with officials of all sizes from the Ministry of Commerce.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce bowed to Zhao Wen with a flattered look on his face.

"Get up, I'm here today, I have something to ask you, go in and talk about it!"

Zhao Wen walked into the Yamen of the Ministry of Commerce as he spoke.

Zhao Wen sat in the classroom of Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce.

"Your Majesty, I don't know why Your Majesty is here today?" The Minister of Commerce stood in front of Zhao Wen respectfully and asked cautiously.

Zhao Wen looked at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce and said, "It's nothing, it's just a trivial matter!
You bring me the list of those merchants in Xuan Town, I will be of great use! "

When Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce heard Zhao Wen's words, his heart skipped a beat.

What Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce was most afraid of was that Zhao Wen would take action against these businessmen. He was afraid that Zhao Wen would suppress the businessmen just like Emperor Hongwu.

Although Zhao Wen has always attached great importance to business, but the king's heart is unpredictable, who knows what the emperor is thinking.

Besides, it's not like this kind of thing never happened.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce is in charge of commercial matters, and he is more sensitive than anyone else on such matters!

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce really doesn't understand what Zhao Wen's purpose is for coming this time!
Zhao Wen looked at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce with a disturbed expression on his face, and said in a flat tone: "Go quickly, I want to see how many merchants there are in Xuan Town now!"

What Zhao Wen said was plain, but to the ears of the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce, it was like a bolt from the blue.

"Could it be that His Majesty is going to attack the merchants in Xuanzhen? I guess that's probably the case. If not, why did His Majesty come here at this time? Besides, the moment we meet, you want to go to Xuanzhen." Merchant roster.

Since ancient times, few emperors would encourage businessmen, and it is estimated that His Majesty is also like this.

His Majesty encouraged businessmen before, maybe he treated them like pigs, such things are not unheard of.
If Your Majesty simply wants to see how many merchants there are in Xuan Town, you can ask me to send these lists over, there is no need to come in person! "

The more Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce thought about it, the more frightened he became, the more frightened he became.In the end, the body couldn't help shaking.

Of course, all of this is just the Minister of Commerce scaring himself.

"Chenchenchen, I'm going to get the roster of merchants in Xuanzhen!" the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce said and walked outside.

Zhao Wen didn't know what Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce was thinking about.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce brought the roster of merchants in Xuanzhen to Zhao Wen.

The number of merchants in Xuan Town is very large, probably tens of thousands.

There are tens of thousands of merchants, all merchants, large and small, with household registrations in Xuan Town are counted.

If the merchants living in Xuan Town are counted, it is estimated that there are more than tens of thousands of people.

On the table in front of Zhao Wen, there was a thick booklet.

This booklet records the names of merchants in Xuanzhen and their industrial structure.

Zhao Wen took the booklet and flipped through it carefully.

"Businessmen with poor strength are not good. They don't have the financial resources, so they can only choose those businessmen with some background!"

Zhao Wen muttered while watching.

Listening to Zhao Wen's voice, Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce had cold sweat streaming from his forehead.

From the perspective of Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce, I am afraid that the things he thought before are all true.

"Your Majesty, although these merchants are terrible, they are good people who abide by the law. These merchants contribute a lot of taxes to the court every year. Your Majesty, these merchants."

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce worked hard to speak well for those businessmen!

Zhao Wen listened to the voice of the Minister of Commerce, the first half of the sentence was nothing, but the more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

"What's wrong with you?"

Zhao Wen put down the booklet in his hand, and looked at the Minister of Commerce with a puzzled expression.


The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce knelt down on the ground, and shouted at Zhao Wen in an excited tone: "Your Majesty, these businessmen in Xuan Town are all law-abiding ordinary people. If Your Majesty takes action against these businessmen, I'm afraid it will be unreasonable." ah!"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce knelt in front of Zhao Wen tremblingly, pleading for these businessmen.

Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce is not very courageous, he likes to think wildly, but he has a very rare advantage, that is righteousness!

Although Shang Shu of the Ministry of Commerce is not related to these businessmen in Xuanzhen, these businessmen in Xuanzhen are all under the control of the Ministry of Commerce, and they have more or less friendship with the Ministry of Commerce.

Moreover, if the merchants were really punished, then the Ministry of Commerce would be useless. At that time, the Ministry of Commerce would not be able to maintain its official function as a minister. After all, the Ministry of Commerce had been dealing with merchants all the time.

In other words, the insurance merchant is also the insurance business department.

Zhao Wen: "."

"What do you mean? Why can't I understand what you said?" Zhao Wen was at a loss.

"Your Majesty, didn't you come here in person to punish the businessman?"

"Punishment? Who said I'm going to punish businessmen? The common development of industry, agriculture and commerce is a basic national policy that cannot be shaken. These businessmen didn't break the law and did it for no reason. Why should I punish them?" Zhao Wen asked suspiciously.

Having said that, Zhao Wen has already figured it out.

"Get up first, I already know what you are thinking. I came here today, and I didn't even think about punishing the businessmen in Xuanzhen. I have something to hand over to them. This matter is very important and very important. important."

Zhao Wen said in a calm tone.

"Is what His Majesty said true?"

Shangshu's eyes lit up in an instant, and the worry and fear on his face disappeared.

"Of course it's true, wouldn't I lie to you?
That's right, I plan to attack the Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire.
It will cost a lot if supplies are transported by the imperial court, so I thought of these merchants.

Judging from the current military strength of the imperial court, it is very simple to take these two places.

So I thought, after taking these two places, I will use the business of these two places as a bargaining chip to do business with merchants.

Whoever participates in the transportation of materials will be able to do business in these two places first.”

Zhao Wen expressed his thoughts in detail.

The worry in Shangshu's heart gradually disappeared. It is impossible for Zhao Wen to deceive him with this matter, and it is useless to deceive him.

"Your Majesty, what does your Majesty mean to use the first business in these two places as a bargaining chip to get the merchants to voluntarily deliver supplies?" The Commerce Minister asked tentatively.

"Yes, that's it.

There are already a lot of factories in Xuanzhen Town. Among these factories, there are many cotton cloth factories and soap factories.

In the past, the number of these factories was small, and the merchants would sell more, and the income would be good.

But with more and more factories, the income of businessmen is getting less and less.

In the Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire, our businessmen have hardly set foot, which is equivalent to an undeveloped place.

If these materials are sold there, can these merchants be unhappy? " Zhao Wen explained in detail.

"What Your Majesty said is very reasonable, but where are these two empires? What if the people there don't like to use our things? This is a problem!"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce is not a military academy. He doesn't care about the military strength of the two empires. What he cares about is whether these products in Xuanzhen can be sold.

"It doesn't matter where these two empires are, what matters is that our industrial products will definitely sell well!" Zhao Wen looked confident.

Indeed, industrialized products are very competitive in this era.

Cheap and high-quality cotton cloth is a good product sold all over the world.

When the shit stirrer is harming the whole world, it basically relies on this thing to open the doors of those countries.

"So it is, so it is!"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce suddenly realized that the worries in his heart completely disappeared.

"I roughly took a look, and among the merchants registered today, many merchants have family backgrounds to participate in the plan I mentioned.

But the plan I mentioned is not for everyone to join. It must be clean, loyal to the court and pay taxes on time, and there are no businessmen who break the law.

This matter will be left to you. After you go down, you will filter from this booklet and list the selected people again.

In addition to the merchants in Xuanzhen, some were also selected from other places. It cannot be said that the court favors one over another! "Zhao Wen said to the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce in a stern voice.

"Your Majesty, is this matter a secret?" the Minister of Commerce asked.

"It's the same thing if it is kept secret or not. Anyway, I will leave this matter to you. It must be completed in the shortest time, and there must be no delay!" After Zhao Wen said these words, he walked out of the Ministry of Commerce. Shangshu's classroom, finally walked towards the palace under the guard of Chen Donglai.

After arriving at the palace, Zhao Wen was not idle. He sat in the imperial study and began to write about various situations of the Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire.

Zhao Wen is quite familiar with the history of these two empires, and his high school history will talk about these two places.

Later generations of Zhao Wen were very interested in history, so when he was in high school, Zhao Wen also consulted a lot of information in addition to the contents explained in books.

The Ottomans were originally a small Turkic tribe. At the beginning, they settled in Central Asia, and later migrated to Asia Minor, where they prospered day by day.

In 1453, the Ottoman Empire wiped out the Byzantine Empire, then settled in Constantinople, renamed it Istanbul, and claimed to be the heir of the Eastern Roman Empire.

In the sixteenth century, during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Empire flourished.Its territory reached its peak in the seventeenth century.

Under the leadership of Barbarossa Hayreddin, its navy even took control of the Mediterranean Sea, treating the Mediterranean Sea as its own bathtub.

In 1699, the signing of the Treaty of Karlovitz marked the stagnation of the expansion of the empire. By the beginning of the nineteenth century, the empire gradually declined.

The current Ottoman Empire is still in a period of complete victory.Located on the east-west traffic artery, few countries in this world can match the wealth accumulated over a century.

A large part of the reason why the West has great voyages is because the Ottoman Empire cut off the communication channels between the East and the West.

However, the glory of the empire will eventually disappear, and no matter how vast the territory is, it will be captured by the enemy.

The current emperor of the Ottoman Empire is Ibrahim I, which is an extremely bad emperor.

It was from him that Osman fell into the ten-year civil strife for Sudanese feminism.

"National huskies, you in future generations, want to restore the glory of your ancestors, it's ridiculous.

In future generations, you will not be able to rise, but in this era, I still will not let you rise! "

Zhao Wen sat on a chair, put down the pen in his hand, and looked to the west.

Speaking of which, the husky country in later generations is still China's old enemy.

They are a branch of Turkic. Before Tang Dynasty, Turkic had been chaotic frontier.

During the Tang Dynasty, the Turks were wiped out, and the remnants fled all the way west.

It cannot be said that the founders of the Ottoman Empire were all those who were defeated by the Tang Dynasty, but these people must have something to do with the one that was defeated by the Tang Dynasty.

"Ibrahim I, it is estimated that you will not have a few days to enjoy the good life. In a year or two, you will be deposed and your son will ascend the throne.

However, the power of the emperor has fallen, and the Ottoman Empire will soon step into darkness.This is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters! "

Zhao Wen's eyes were full of heat. If he didn't intervene in it at this time, Zhao Wen would never feel at ease in his life.

Zhao Wen thought about it, and hurriedly asked Chen Donglai to take out his drawing tools.

After Chen Donglai brought Zhao Wen's drawing tools over, Zhao Wen immediately began to draw on rice paper.

What Zhao Wen drew was the map of the Ottoman Empire. Zhao Wen didn't know the map of the Ottoman Empire very well, but he knew a lot.

Even if there are errors in the drawn map, there is no fundamental problem.

In the future, after the Ottoman Empire is taken down, it is not too late for professionals to re-enact it.

It took Zhao Wen a long time to draw the map, and Zhao Wen didn't finish drawing until midnight.

In addition to the Ottoman Empire, there was also the Safavid Empire.

The Safavid Empire and the Ottoman Empire bordered each other, and there were constant wars between the two sides.

Until 1639, the Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire signed a peace treaty, and there has been no war between the two sides since then.

Similarly, the Safavid Empire began to decline.

The Mughal Empire, which borders the Safavid Empire to the east, also extended its hand to the territory of the Safavid Empire.

Even Kandahar in the Safavid Empire was taken.

The current emperor of the Safavid Empire is Abbas II, but he is not yet ten years old.

Now the power of the Safavid Empire is controlled by his prime minister Thaqi.

The prime minister named Tachi is a very courageous and ambitious person. After he took power, he has always taken the revival of the Safavid Empire as his mission.

However, good people don't live long.

When the prime minister was fighting corruption, he offended a large number of officials and was eventually assassinated to death.

Now Taqi has not been assassinated, and is working hard to revive the Safavid Empire.

"The Safavid Empire is also getting old. Although Tachi is a very capable person, the Safavid Empire has accumulated a lot and it is difficult to revive it again!"

(End of this chapter)

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