Chapter 1046 Big Liar

Hearing this, Lu Fu said in a deep voice: "At this critical juncture, Du He disappeared, and the King of Shu went hunting in the mountains. There are only two possibilities."

"First, Du He and the King of Shu are plotting a big event, and it is likely that they are targeting me, Mrs. Lu."

"Secondly, the general situation is over, Du He and the King of Shu are powerless, so they left early."

"Since yesterday, I have been deducing. If I were Du He, no matter how I fight back, no matter how I deduce, this is a dead end, there is no way to solve it..."

Lu Fu touched his round belly and muttered.

The masked man in black said from the side: "Master, this subordinate also feels that Du He is certain to die this time, there is no chance of a chance."


Lu Fu patted his stomach and made a dull sound.

"Take a gamble."

"Order, act according to the original plan."

Lu Fu gave the order.



Early in the morning.

The streets of Hu County were extremely deserted.

Usually, there are a few hawkers hawking.

But today, not even a dog can be seen.

every moment.

In the streets and alleys of the entire Hu County, there was not a single person in sight.

Xu time has just passed.

A few yamen servants appeared on the street, swaying and grinning slowly.

Originally, the shrewd and capable government servants in Hu County had already run away, and those who remained were old, weak, sick, or lazy.

Suddenly, a yamen servant stammered and stared into the distance, dumbfounded, "Ah, look quickly... that..."

The yamen servant next to him laughed and said, "Nana, how can there be Nana..."

But before he finished speaking, he was suddenly stunned.

I saw people suddenly appearing on the street in the distance.

They are all the people of Hu County.

I saw these people, holding poles, kitchen knives, mallets, bamboo poles, crutches... Silently, they rushed to the Pork Monument Square.

Seeing this, several yamen servants ran away as if oiling the soles of their feet.

More and more common people appeared in the streets and alleys, and then rushed to the Pork Monument Square.


Pork Monument Square.

In the past, this was the busiest place in Hu County, but since the Lu family began to blockade Hu County, it has become deserted here.

But today, in less than an hour, tens of thousands of people gathered here.

No laughter.

No noise.

The atmosphere was silent.

These people are like walking dead.

Not far away, in a carriage, Lu Fu frowned and asked, "Didn't you say there were 2 people, why are there only more than 1?"

The man next to him said: "Master, you don't know, these untouchables are as cowardly as a mouse, and many of them dare not come after taking our money."

Lu Fu looked at the sky.

It was raining lightly.

He waved his hand: "Action!"

A tall man next to him immediately took out a black robe and put on his hat.

Judge in black.

He jumped out of the carriage, and immediately behind him appeared a dozen black-clothed warriors holding long knives.

Lu Fu smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth: "Du He, Du He, you never thought that you would die at the hands of your black-robed judge in the end. Let's go outside the city and wait for news."

The carriage drove out of the city.

The black-robed judge was a force that suddenly appeared in Hu County not long ago. When Ximen boasted and others were about to make trouble, it was the black-robed judge who appeared and killed dozens of people, stabilizing the hearts of the people.

The common people don't know the origin of the black-robed judge, but anyone with a little bit of status knows that this black-robed judge was definitely created by Du He, but there is no direct evidence.

Lu Fu took advantage of this and directly asked his black-robed judge to start today's chaos.

This is a poisonous plan.

Sure enough, as soon as the "black-robed judge" appeared, the people spontaneously moved out of the way.

The "black-robed judge" slowly walked to a high platform in the center of the square, and suddenly spoke loudly.

"Fathers and folks, in the past, we had to eat and wear, why did we become what we are today?"

"Didn't it be Du He who caused it? Du He planned to kill members of the Lu clan, and the Lu clan was furious and blocked Hu County, which has become the situation today!"

"Du He is the sinner of Hu County!"

"Nowadays, you are poor and helpless, but the people of Dream Group are spending money like water. When everyone can't eat, the shops of Dream Group in the county have started to raise prices. This is not letting everyone survive!"

At first, everyone was silent.

But gradually, many people became excited.

The many words of the "black-robed judge" almost reached everyone's heart.

Suddenly, the "black-robed judge" raised his arms and called out: "At this time, what should we do? God will not save everyone, everyone, if you have the guts, follow me. Today, I will smash the Dream Group to pieces." .”

"it is good……"

"it is good……"

"Smash it to pieces!"

Everyone responded.

People's hearts are available.

The "black-robed judge" and the others were overjoyed, and prepared to lead these people and start creating chaos.

However, an extended carriage suddenly broke into the crowd in a daze.

There is a big wooden horn on the car.

"Liar, this black-robed judge is a big liar!"

"Everyone, don't be fooled by him!"

"big liar!"

Standing behind the horn was a stocky man.

This man was full of energy, as if he had practiced the lion's roar. Coupled with the spread of the loudspeaker, his voice actually overwhelmed the inconsistent shouts of tens of thousands of people.

When the "black-robed judge" was proud of himself, he suddenly heard the shout of a big liar, a big liar, and was taken aback. He saw a big carriage rushing towards the high platform quickly.

And those common people were suddenly fooled.

Someone above even shouted: "Big liar, big liar!"

The "black-robed judge" almost died of anger.

Who are these people?

This is a fool.

You all took money from me, Mrs. Lu.

He shouted: "Everyone, don't panic, these people are here to make trouble, to make trouble..."

However, no one could hear him at all, and everyone shouted: "Big liar, big liar!"

"Black Robe Judge": "..."

The "black-robed judge" was furious, pointed in the direction of the big carriage, and shouted: "Go and kill him!"

Immediately behind him, four men in black drew out their long knives, ready to charge forward.

Unexpectedly, a dozen archers suddenly appeared on the big carriage, and the leader was Xu Zhengdao.

Xu Zhengdao drew his bow and set his arrows. As soon as he started working, three arrows were shot out.

Puff puff.

On the high platform, three men in black immediately fell down.

Then, a rain of arrows flew all over the sky.

All the men in black around the "black-robed judge" were shot to death.

The sudden killing left the surrounding people dumbfounded.

At the scene, calm down for a while.

Seeing this, the "black-robed judge" suddenly shouted: "These are people from the Dream Group, they are scared, let's go together and kill them."

The people are ready to move.

Some daring ones even rushed to the big carriage, ready to do it.

However, at this moment, a person suddenly appeared in the carriage.

Everyone was so frightened that they backed away in unison.

This is a youth.

Dressed in a purple robe, standing on the edge of the carriage, like a mountain, making people breathless.

It was Duhe.


(End of this chapter)

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