God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1047 Disintegration

Chapter 1047 Disintegration
Du He, who was dressed in purple, appeared just now, and made those people who were about to move back several steps in unison.

Behind Du He, more than 20 archers suddenly appeared.

Why are there so many people hiding in a big carriage?

None of this matters.

The important thing is that the "black-robed judge" was dumbfounded.

Didn't Du He escape?

Why did it suddenly appear?
Which bastard inquired about the news?
So unprofessional.

He yelled: "Let's go together, whoever kills Du He will be rewarded with a million pennies."

When they heard about Wanguan, many people's eyes turned red.

Immediately, many people began to run forward.

Du He said casually: "If you don't want to die, just stand where you are."

Suddenly, many people stopped involuntarily.

This is the Great Demon King!
The big devil who kills without batting an eyelid.

However, there are still unbelievers.


A series of sharp arrows flew out, shooting all those lucky people to death.

Immediately, there were more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground.

For a while, no one dared to step forward.

The "black-robed judge" shouted unwillingly: "Come on, why are you still standing there, a reward of one million pennies is enough for eighteen generations of you to live on."

Du He waved his hand impatiently: "Whispering!"

Xu Zhengdao drew his bow and set an arrow.

An arrow shot at the "black-robed judge".

The "Judger in Black Robe" jumped to avoid it, but before he could be happy, the second arrow followed, piercing his body, and he fell straight to the ground.


on the carriage.

Du He looked at these common people coldly.

The black people also looked at him coldly.

The eyes are very scary.

These people were not the original natives of Hu County, but moved in from other places one after another.

These people would not regard Du He as a benefactor.

The reason why no one did anything was because they were afraid of Du He's reputation as the Great Demon King.

However, if it is not timely communicated, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no trouble.

Du He glanced around, and suddenly said loudly: "You are all citizens of Huxian County, don't think about making progress, don't think about working hard, daring to collude with the bad guys, it is already a capital crime, and you should be punished according to the law, but I am in a good mood today , can give you a chance to survive, you have half an hour to make a choice."

With that said, Du He turned around, walked to the center of the platform of the big carriage, sat down and sipped tea.

The people looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this moment, another large carriage appeared.

The loudspeaker on the big carriage shouted: "Hu County Commercial Center is officially established today. Those who need to do business and work can sign up immediately!"

"Huxian Business Center is officially established today. Those who need to do business and work can sign up immediately!"

"Huxian Business Center..."

Big horn, shouting tirelessly.

In later generations, this thing is called repeating chicken.


In the beginning, everyone was still numb.

But gradually, some people were moved.

After all, the reason why everyone gathers here is that the "Dark Judge" can find a way out for everyone.

Now, if there is really a Huxian business center, wouldn't it mean that there is a way out.

Someone started asking.

But no one knows what this Hu County Business Center is for.

Suddenly, someone pointed at the big carriage with sharp eyes and shouted: "Isn't that the second dog of the old Zhang family? Wasn't he captured and killed by the Guancheng brigade? How could he be on it, and he was dressed luxuriously, looking like a Looks like he got rich."

Someone shouted: "Er Gouzi, I am your second uncle. Is it true that you are Huxian Business Center? What's going on?"

The young man named Ergouzi said with a high air: "Don't call me Ergouzi, I'm a contractor now. In the past one month or so, the two shops I contracted have been completed, and I have earned more than 300 yuan. Qian, are you asking if it’s true? Tens of thousands of people have been building Zhangjiafen for nearly three months. It’s a huge business center that’s bigger than the county seat of Hu County. Get rich like me, if you go late, you won’t be able to get warm by eating shit.”

An old man said: "I watched Er Gouzi grow up. What he said is absolutely true. I will also go to Zhangjiafen to have a look."

As soon as the old man left, the people around him followed suit.

More and more people heard the news and gradually left.

In the crowd, someone slapped his thigh and suddenly said: "Early this morning, I saw that the old Sun's family at the entrance of the alley was going out of the city mysteriously. I asked him why he was going, and the old Sun hesitated and said to go to Zhangjiafen. I was joking." He said a few words, now it seems that Gou Ri's old grandson is definitely going to get rich first."

"Oh, I'm going too!"

"I I I..."

"And I!"

"I also need to go!"

Many people left.

Gradually, the people in the square gradually dispersed.

However, there are two or 3000 people gathered together, unwilling to leave.

These people used to be small merchants who came to Hu County to do business. They had a happy life, but suddenly, everything was lost.

There is still a resentment in these people's hearts.

Even full of hatred for Duhe and Dream Group.

Half an hour will be here soon.

Fewer and fewer people left.


in the crowd.

But there are still many people from the Lu family.

A man said: "Nowadays, there are more than 1 people, and there are only a few left. Many of our brothers have died. If we leave like this, won't we become Lu's sinners, and the uncle will not spare us. .”

Another man said: "Simply, don't do anything, take the rest of the people, and kill Du He."

The man said: "Yes, these people hate Dream Group and Du He very much, and they are not afraid of death, so we just use them."

A man suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Everyone, I have just seen that Du He's people are recording everyone's portraits. We didn't leave just now. Now, even if we leave, it must be a dead end. Either way, we will die." Why not, let's kill Du He and go to the Lu family to collect the reward."

"Kill Du He, rich and noble!"


Someone took the lead, and thousands of people actually united as one.

Seeing, these people are going to do it.



Suddenly, in the distance, the sound of neat horse hooves sounded.

A group of people suddenly appeared.

These people carried maces on their backs, wore black armor, and held shields in their hands.

On the chest of the clothes, there are two large characters: Guancheng.

Hu County Guancheng Brigade.

A total of 500 people, led by Li Ergou, the deputy captain of the Guancheng Brigade, came to the Pork Monument Square.



Shield down.

The mace was removed and placed obliquely by his side.


Li Ergou waved his hand.

The Guancheng brigade was dispatched and rushed towards the thousands of people in the square.


These guys, just now were united as one, fearless of death, and prepared to take Du He's life.

Now, they were scared out of their wits and fled in all directions, howling.

The people in the Guancheng brigade seemed to have the eyes of the sky, and they were able to recognize Lu Shi's person hiding in the crowd, rushed up, raised their mace's fangs and smashed their heads and faces.

In a short time, many corpses lay down in the square.

The tens of thousands of people gathered were all disintegrated.



(End of this chapter)

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