God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1048 The War in Another Place

Chapter 1048 A War in Another Place
Du He got off the big carriage.

Li Ergou got off his horse and said respectfully, "I pay my respects to the son-in-law."

Du He waved his hand: "Ergou, take your people down to repair."


Li Ergou turned around and shouted: "Withdraw!"

The Guancheng Brigade of 500 people turned their horses around as if alone, and left silently.

Du He looked at the sky, and there seemed to be signs of clearing up.

He smiled and said, "The war in Hu County is over. But the war in another place is about to begin."

His smile is very special.

Seeing this, the people around were a little terrified.


The county seat of Hu County is two miles away.

Someone has already camped here.

In the big camp, beside Lu Fu, there were two naked women from the Western Regions who were serving him to drink milk.

This milk is unusual, it's all high-quality goat's milk, cooked by a skilled chef from the Western Regions himself.

Doing business in the northwest area all the year round, Lu Fu has gotten used to the life of people in the Western Regions.

The masked man in black said with some anxiety: "Master, two hours have passed, and there is still no news from the city. Is there something wrong?"

Lu Fu was very calm, and asked: "Wu San, if you are given more than 1 people, what can you do in Hu County?"

The masked man in black said: "Master, if I have 1 people, even if they are old, weak and disabled, I can turn the entire Hu County upside down."

In today's Hu County, people are in panic, and the main force of the Guancheng Brigade is not there.

It's as if a mass of dry firewood has been exposed to the sun for half a month, and it only needs a fire to burn blazingly.

Only then did Lu Fu say: "My subordinates, apart from being highly skilled in martial arts, are all geniuses in business. With them, today's Hu County will not have any accidents. In an hour at most, you will be able to see Hu The county town was in flames, thick smoke was billowing, and countless people were killed and injured, but so what, these untouchables are worthless, as long as Du He can be completely ruined, no matter how many people die, it doesn't matter."

Wu San bowed and said: "Master is far-sighted, it's my subordinates who worry too much."



In the distance, two knights suddenly appeared, and the horses under their crotches galloped towards them.

Lu Fu glanced at it and said triumphantly: "It's true that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here. Look, the news is here."

In the blink of an eye, two knights came to the front, got off their horses, and said anxiously: "Master, the big thing is not good, we have fallen into the trap."


The cup full of goat milk in Lu Fu's hand fell to the ground, and he said incredulously, "What the hell...what's going on?"

One of the knights said: "Master, it turns out that Du He has secretly led people to build a business center in Zhangjiafen in the past few months. It is said to be dozens of times larger than the combined east and west cities of Chang'an. He is currently recruiting workers." And business people, those untouchables, are all boneless caterpillars. When they heard the news, they all left. The remaining thousands of people were originally with us. They saw that they could take advantage of the chaos and kill Du He. The city team suddenly appeared, and 500 people dispersed everyone in one round. Our people suffered heavy casualties, but I was the only one who escaped."

The two people who were pulled out were covered in injuries.

Lu Fu was dumbfounded and said: "This...how is this possible? Didn't the main force of the Guancheng Brigade go into the mountains to hunt? Du He, didn't he escape a few days ago? I have verified this news more than a dozen times. The possibility has been deduced dozens of times, how can there be variables?"

Wu San said suddenly: "Master, we've been tricked. Du He's mind is vicious, he must have started planning a few months ago, otherwise, why would he build a business center."

Lu Fu sneered and said: "What a cunning boy, at such a young age, he can actually take one step and see three steps, amazing, hahaha... But, Du He, Du He, you have counted thousands of times, but you missed it One place."

Wu San and the others all looked curious.

I only heard Lu Fu say loudly: "Everyone listens to the order. Now that the Guancheng brigade is fully deployed, the defense of the Guancheng brigade's camp must be empty, and there are just a few million coins of Kaiyuan Tongbao that Du He sold off the property of the Dream Group. As long as we take all the money away, this time, we won't be considered a loser."




All the warriors under Lu Fu had hatred in their eyes.

"set off!"

Lu Fu asked people to bring his own armor, put on the armor, carried a spear, and led more than 100 people towards the camp of the Guancheng Brigade.

This guy is as fat as a ball, and wearing armor, he is like a moving fortress.


Guancheng brigade camp.

Sure enough, as Lu Fu expected.

All the main forces of the Guancheng brigade were dispatched, leaving only a bunch of old, weak, sick and disabled.

When the cavalry of more than 100 people led by Lu Fu appeared [-] paces away, someone sounded a gong to warn.

"Enemy attack!"


"Enemy attack!"

It's a pity that the old, weak and remnant soldiers hadn't organized an effective resistance yet, and Lu Fu's cavalry rushed into the camp in one round.

Lu Fu took the lead and rushed to the front, shouting: "Don't kill people, go to the west."

In a mountain depression to the west is the money warehouse where Du He stored Kaiyuan Tongbao.

Soon, the brigade came to a mountain depression, directly opposite was a cave.

Outside the cave, there is a team of 30 people.

These 30 men were extremely brave, and Lu Fu's cavalry suffered a fierce counterattack, and even lost more than 20 people.

But this Guancheng also lost a lot.

Finally, the city management team turned around and got into the cave.

Lu Fu shouted loudly: "All rush in for me, there are millions of Kaiyuan Tongbao inside, whoever rushes in first will be rewarded with a hundred thousand."


The cavalrymen were already jealous, and when they heard the reward, they got off their horses one after another, and rushed into the cave one after another with their weapons on their shoulders.


In the cave, it was pitch black.

Lu Fu's men held torches and walked in circles along the dug tunnel.

I don't know how long it took before someone suddenly realized and asked, "This cave is a bit evil. What if there is no money in it?"

Many people came to their senses and felt a little bad.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Look, there is a light ahead."

Everyone quickened their pace and continued to move forward, and they saw a torch stuck on the wall at the end of the tunnel.

There is a basket under the torch.

Two knights stepped forward, took off the basket, found a letter inside, and sent it to Lu Fu.

Lu Fu opened the letter and saw that it said: Lu Fu, when you read this letter, you are already a dead person.

The signature is Du He.

Lu Fu was shocked, and hurried back: "Go, this is a trap!"

Unfortunately, he just walked out a few steps.

Suddenly, I saw the direction of the tunnel exit, and there was a blinding light.

Then, the whole mountain began to tremble.


A gust of wind rushed in and blew out all the torches in everyone's hands.

A boulder suddenly fell from above, smashing Lu Fu into a pulp.


(End of this chapter)

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