God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1049 Want to cover up

Chapter 1049 Want to cover up
Wu San is a quick-witted person.

He has a special ability.

When he was eight years old, he peeked at the widow taking a bath with his friends from the same village. At a critical moment, he suddenly felt his eyelids twitch wildly, so he left quickly.Sure enough, just after he left, those friends from the same village were taken into the house by the widow. I don't know what happened. Anyway, those friends couldn't walk steadily for several days.

In that year, he lived a life of being a bandit. When he went down the mountain to rob, he suddenly felt his eyelids twitching alternately, so he ran away halfway.On the same day, his gangster brothers were caught by the officers and officers, and their heads were hung outside the county seat for public display.

For so many years, relying on this special ability, he has saved one life after another.

Today, when Lu Fu and others rushed into the cave, Wu San also rushed in.

However, just after walking a certain distance, he felt something was wrong, and his eyelids began to twitch wildly.

Without hesitation, he turned around and rushed out.

When he just rushed to the entrance of the cave, he saw a dozen rockets flying in from outside.

He hastily dodged to dodge.

Those rockets fell to the ground and stabbed the wall.


Suddenly something was burning around, and bursts of blue smoke came out, which was pungent and choking.

Wu San's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly rushed out with the densely packed rockets, and was shot by more than a dozen arrows.

When he just rushed out of the cave.

There was a violent explosion behind him.

Then, there was a whirlwind.

After an unknown amount of time, he woke up, and the moon and stars were sparse in the sky.

Looking behind him, the original cave has become a ruin, and nothing can be seen.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard not far away.

Wu San glanced over and saw Du He and Li Ke walking towards this side.

He quickly held his breath and closed his eyes.

Li Ke came over and said in surprise: "Teacher, look here, there are still people who were blown out."

Du He was also a little surprised: "This guy is really miserable. People like Lu Fu were buried alive, but this guy died outside. It seems that even the loess can't tolerate him, and he can't even be buried in the ground." I see, it seems that he must have committed a heinous crime, maybe he will have a son without an asshole!"

Wu San: "..."

Then I heard Du He say: "Your Highness, immediately send out the city management brigade to investigate all the surrounding areas, and anyone who knows about this will be silenced."


"This matter must not be known. We still have more than 200 million coins buried here."

Li Ke slapped his head, "Yes, but, teacher, such a big thing happened, it must be impossible to hide it, besides, we are building a lot of construction here, and it will definitely attract attention."

Du He said lightly: "Our first priority is to guard against Mrs. Lu. If Lu Mingyou knows that there are 200 million coins buried here, he will definitely send troops. Even if he can't take the money away, it will cause us a lot of trouble." .However, if we tell outsiders plainly that this place is not worth mentioning, after a few days, no one will pay attention."

Li Ke hurriedly asked: "Teacher, what should we do?"

Du He clung to Li Ke's ear and whispered, "Your Highness, the Guancheng Brigade will move out early tomorrow morning. Don't leave anyone here to guard it. I want to tell the world that there is nothing here."

"Wonderful, teacher, I didn't expect you to have such a clever trick, hahaha!"

"Your Highness, you are also very smart!"

The two exchanged business ideas and left.



The fine jadeware was smashed to pieces on the ground.

Lu Mingyou was furious, "Du He, such a vicious little bastard, more than 100 members of the Lu family were actually buried in the cave by him. I, Lu Mingyou, will never forget this account. I will make him pay in blood." blood."

After finishing speaking, he turned to the two middle-aged men and said, "My lords, tomorrow's court will be up to you. Although the more than 100 people are warriors trained by my elder brother, their identities on the surface , are all businessmen who roamed about in the Tang Dynasty, so many people were buried alive in the cave in the Guancheng Brigade by Du He with gunpowder, I hope His Majesty will thoroughly investigate this matter and give me an explanation to Mrs. Lu."

These two middle-aged men are both court officials and members of the Lu family.

One of them asked: "Third young master, is the evidence conclusive?"

Lu Mingyou said: "Someone has already come back and reported it. As long as His Majesty orders a thorough investigation of the matter and digs up the cave at that time, won't everything come to light?"

As soon as the words fell, a person suddenly barged in at the door.

It was Wu San who was covered in wounds and dying.

Wu San fell to his knees and said, "Master, this subordinate is incompetent and failed to protect the uncle. However, this subordinate pretended to be dead to deceive Du He, and accidentally learned a big secret."

He told Lu Mingyou verbatim what he had heard.

After hearing this, Lu Mingyou asked in surprise: "Are you sure, the more than 200 million guan are still in the cave."

Wu San said: "My lord, it should be true. In order to deceive others, Du He planned to move the Guancheng brigade away. Although he spoke in a low voice, his subordinates overheard him. Besides, there were only two of them present at the time. It should be kept secret."

Hearing this, Lu Mingyou fell into deep thought.

After a while, he waved his hand and asked someone to help Wu San down.

He raised his head again, and said to the two middle-aged men: "You two, I never expected that Du He sold the property of Dream Group and hid it in that cave. It seems that Du He's blowing up the cave was also a temporary idea He never thought that my righteous brother would lead people to attack the Guancheng brigade camp. The lives of my Lu family members are important, but compared with Lu's great cause, they are more important. I think they can also do it under Jiuquan The balance is clear, two adults, I have a plan, and I need your cooperation."

The two middle-aged men respectfully said: "Third Young Master, just give orders, without Mrs. Lu, we would not be where we are today. The two of us are willing to go through fire and water for Mrs. Lu, and we will do whatever we want."

Lu Mingyou leaned in front of the two of them and whispered something.

The two kept nodding.

In the end, Lu Mingyou personally sent the two of them to quietly leave the Lu Mansion through the back door.

At the door, Lu Mingyou said, "Master Ming, the key to this time lies with you."

Lord Ming bowed and said: "I will definitely live up to the trust of the third young master."

After the two left, Lu Mingyou clenched his fists and said in a cold voice, "Du He, after I get the money, I will settle accounts with you slowly, little bastard, you are dead."


Silent all night.

The next morning.

Someone personally reported to Lu Mingyou: "My lord, I have found out clearly. Before dawn today, the Guancheng brigade started to move, and the momentum was very loud. After the people of the Guancheng brigade left, they set fire to the camp. It is said that the Feng Shui of that place is not good.”

Lu Mingyou laughed loudly and said, "Du He is trying to cover it up. If there is no news from Wu San, I'm afraid I will be deceived by him too. But now...huh..."


(End of this chapter)

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