Chapter 1050 Buying Land
In the court that day.

Sure enough, an official mentioned what happened in the camp of the Guancheng Brigade in Hu County in front of Li Er, and there was a gossip outside that Du Hekeng killed people from the Lu family.

Li Er asked curiously: "In broad daylight, there is such a thing, Lu Aiqing, do you know?"

Lu Mingyou stood up and said without changing his expression: "Your Majesty, this is nonsense. The minister's brother-in-law Lu Fu is a businessman who abides by the law. I haven't seen him, and I just received a letter from him yesterday, saying that he is all well, how could he be separated into Hu County, and how could he be killed, this matter is purely nonsense."

When Lu Mingyou spoke, he immediately dispelled everyone's doubts.

Li Er said angrily: "Hmph, the majestic ministers of the court are actually chasing after the wind and shadows. How can this be done by an official? Come on, drag this nonsense guy down and beat him fifty times with a stick."

Since then, no one dared to mention what happened in the camp of the Guancheng Brigade in Hu County.


Hu County.

Consort House.

Sitting opposite Du He, Li Ke gulped down a cup of high-quality tea like a cow drinking water, burped, spit out two tea leaves, and said, "Teacher, according to your instructions, I have moved all the Guancheng Brigade to the vicinity of the Huxian Business Center, and divided it into three detachments. The first team is stationed in the business center and is responsible for the security of the business center. The second team is stationed in the Huxian County. , responsible for maintaining the safety of the county, and the third detachment, stationed next to the new headquarters of the Dream Group, is responsible for protecting the Dream Group."

Du He's order was only for Li Ke to move the Guancheng brigade camp to the vicinity of the business center.

But Li Ke is a smart person. He can tell at a glance that the three most important places in Huxian County are the headquarters of Dream Group, the county seat, and the business center. Unfortunately, the three places are not close to each other. It was inconvenient, so after a little thought, he split the Guancheng brigade into three detachments.

After hearing this, Du He praised: "Your Highness is worthy of being one of the most powerful men in the Tang Dynasty..."

At this moment, Zhang Jian hurried in, handed over an invitation, and said, "Master, the invitation sent by someone from Chang'an is at the request of Lord Ming."

Du He opened the invitation card and looked at it carefully.

The guest is Ming Junsheng.

The venue for the treat is Miaoxian Tower.

The time to treat guests is today's Youshi.

The reason for the treat is to want to spend a long time with Du He.

Du He smiled: "Who is Ming Jun who gave birth to this date? How dare you reminisce about the old days with me."

Li Ke also shook his head.

Du He had to ask someone to call Zhang Xuansu.

After reading the invitation, Zhang Xuansu said, "Young master, Ming Junsheng is a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken. He has no good intentions. Ming Junsheng is an official of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the North Korean Central Committee. He usually doesn't show his talents, but he treats people politely and has a good reputation. I don't have any contact with the young master, and now I am suddenly entertaining guests, there must be some conspiracy."

Du He nodded: "Are you trying to say that he is aiming at the old camp of the Guancheng Brigade?"

"There should be seven or eight points!"

"It's not seven or eight, it's very sure. Just in time, my young master is going to meet this fellow."


Miaoxian Tower.

In the past, this restaurant belonged to Dream Group.

Later, it was bought by Chen Shuda.

Although the staff has changed a lot, Taste is still one of the best restaurants in Chang'an City, and the business is still booming.

You hour has just passed.

Du He went into a wing room on the third floor.

Ming Junsheng hurried forward and warmly invited Du He to sit down.

For the first time, Du He looked at Ming Junsheng carefully.

This guy is of medium build, a little thin, with a smile on his face, and he is polite to everyone.

Du He was also polite, picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Ming Junsheng put down his chopsticks and asked: "Consort Du, I have admired you for a long time, but it is a pity that I have no chance to make friends with you. Today, I hit it off with my concubine and we talked very happily. I wish I could get to know you sooner."

Du He said with a smile: "Master Ming is very polite, you spent so much money today, it's not just for this matter, is it?"

Ming Junsheng hurriedly said: "My son-in-law is really smart, I can't hide anything from you, that's right, I would like to ask my son-in-law to tell you something today, and there is one more thing I want to ask my son-in-law."

"you say!"

"My son-in-law, I heard that you moved the Guancheng brigade today, and left the place where it was originally stationed? Is there such a thing?" Ming Junsheng asked with a smile.

Du He glanced at Ming Junsheng vigilantly, and nodded: "This matter is not a secret. The place where the Guancheng Brigade was originally stationed has bad feng shui, so it's better to move it away."

Seeing this, Ming Junsheng smiled: "Since that's the case, son-in-law, I have something to ask. I recently hired a Feng Shui master. After running around Chang'an for several months, I finally settled on a piece of land where the Guancheng Brigade used to be stationed. The place you just said is right, that place has bad feng shui, but it is a good place for the living and for the dead, it depends on whether you can bear the pain to part with it, I am willing to pay a high price .”

"You want to buy the land?"

"That's right!"

Du He shook his head like a rattle, "Master Ming, I'm sorry, I won't sell it."

"One hundred thousand!"

"It's not about the money!"

"20 sticks!"


"30 sticks!"

"I said, don't sell!"

Ming Junsheng asked: "Where is the one million crown?"

Du He put down his chopsticks: "I won't sell it for any amount, Master Ming, don't waste your tongue, I'm full too, I should go."

Du He was about to get up.

Ming Junsheng became anxious, grabbed his sleeve, and whispered: "My son-in-law, why worry, listen to me, others don't know the secret of that land, but I know it very well, you don't want to sell that land because, The bodies of more than 100 members of the Lu family are hidden in the mountain behind that field, right? And, your property is also buried, right?"

A cold light flashed in Du He's eyes.

Ming Junsheng laughed and said: "To tell you the truth, Concubine Du, as long as you sell that piece of land to me, nothing will happen, otherwise, no one can guarantee what will happen."

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, no, how dare I threaten you, son-in-law? Look, can you give me some favors?"

Du He sat down again, was silent for a while, and suddenly asked: "What you just said, is it true?"

"Please don't worry, son-in-law, a gentleman's words are hard to follow."

"One million pennies?"

"No, now, I can only come up with this number."

Ming Junsheng raised three fingers, indicating that he could only bid 30 guan.

What he meant was simple.

Either sell the land to me, or the news that you killed the members of the Lu clan, just wait for it to be exposed.

He must have had a lot of evidence to say that.

Du He gritted his teeth: "35."

"make a deal!"

Ming Jun smiled smugly.

According to reliable sources, there are at least 250 million guns in the cave.

35 guan, for 250 million guan, it is really a bargain.

He quickly came up with a deal agreement and couldn't wait for Duhe to sign it.


(End of this chapter)

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