God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1052 Business Center

Chapter 1052 Business Center
Seeing Ma Zhou's actions, everyone was taken aback.

The tall scholar asked curiously: "Secretary Ma, why did you throw away the results of my deduction all night?"

With his hands behind his back, Ma Zhou said in a cold voice: "You have been a think tank for less than a few months, and you are arrogant and a little smug. It is really disappointing that so many people worked hard for one night to deduce this nonsense. .”

Everyone showed anger, but no one refuted.

Ma Zhou sneered and said, "It's really ridiculous. Lu's revenge on Dream Group? Does Lu dare? Although Lu is a famous family, he is like a towering tree, but this big tree has already lost to Dream Group several times. You calculate The Lu family will retaliate wildly, just because the two brothers Lu Mingan and Lu Mingyu died, and also because of the death of Lu Fu, but you don’t know that Lu Mingan and Lu Mingyu are just collaterals of the Lu family. There are five hundred in a thousand, which is not worth mentioning at all. There is also Lu Fu. Although he is the adopted son of the current patriarch of the Lu family, he is still only a adopted son, not a direct descendant of the Lu family. Being dead is insignificant at all, so instead of revenge, Mrs. Lu will act as if nothing happened, and the result of your deduction is wrong."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left. Before leaving, he added: "From today onwards, you all have a holiday."


Everyone was dumbfounded.

The tall scholar was silent for a while, then said: "Perhaps, we were really wrong this time, let's listen to Secretary Ma."

Someone is angry.

Some people are unwilling.

But in the end, everyone acquiesced to Ma Zhou's words.



Lou House.


Wu San asked: "Master, our people are ready, shall we do it now?"

Lu Mingyou shook his head: "With Du He's character, he must have guessed that I, Mrs. Lu, will retaliate wildly, so we have already prepared for it. If we attack at this time, instead of giving Du He a fatal blow, he will hit Du He instead. Trap, now, the best thing to do is to stand still and wait for the right time."

"But where is the time?"

Lu Mingyou's face was calm, and he said lightly: "Hu County Business Center."


Hu County Business Center.

Half a month ago, Du He took advantage of Lu Fu's opportunity to stir up troubles among the people to disclose the existence of the business center and recruited a large number of people to join the business center.

After half a month of renovation and improvement, the symptoms of the business center have been completed.

The entire business center is twice as large as the original Huxian county seat.

Moreover, the commercial center, the building material, has completely turned into bricks, and cement is used to participate in the construction.

The style is no different from that of traditional buildings, except that the main structure of traditional buildings is made of wood, while all the buildings in the business center have been turned into bricks, and the columns have also become cement-wrapped bricks. Of course, there are also some of them. Parts made of less wood, such as floors, doors and windows, beams, etc.

The entire business center, ranging from high-rise buildings to small plants and trees, all belong to the Dream Group.

If you want to sell a store, I'm sorry, you only rent it and don't sell it.

Now, many shops have been rented out.

These people who rented shops were all natives of the former Hu county.

The most notable feature of these people is that they used to be homeless. After Du He came to Hu County to serve as the county magistrate, this group of people made a lot of money by relying on their intelligence and ability.

Now, we know that the business center was built by Du He's Dream Group, and that the Dream Group is short of money, so after discussing with each other, everyone took out their savings and rented the shops in the business center, not to make money, but to support Du He.


In the center of the business center, there is a three-story building with a special shape, because the whole building, except for the doors and windows, is all made of cement and bricks, and it is known as the ugliest in the whole Hu county. of a building.

This is the office building of the business center.

In the office building.

inside a house.

Zhang Xuansu said: "Master, now, the Lu family is standing still. The most important thing is the business center. I asked someone to count it this morning. There are a total of 30 people who rented our shop, and all 300 people are voluntary. , Seeing that there was no business for more than half a month, but no one complained, and someone rented a shop for two years at a stretch. I have lived for most of my life, but this is the first time I have seen such a situation... But this business center , We have already invested more than [-] million guan, the money of the entire Dream Group, once it fails, the Dream Group will be over."

Du He stood up and said, "It's not that the Lu family is standing still. The Lu family's blockade of Hu County is still going on. Otherwise, our business center has been announced for more than half a month. Why doesn't anyone come to talk about cooperation?"

"Master, what do you mean?"

"The key step is to break Lu's blockade. Old Zhang, you can arrange it. Today we will go to Chang'an City."


"Be a lobbyist."


At noon that day.

Du He entered Chang'an City with a long motorcade, which attracted the attention of many people.

A total of twelve carriages.

Every carriage is loaded with priceless things produced by Dream Group.

For example, glass statues, glass towers, potatoes, Chaotian peppers, the best paper produced by Datang Study... No matter what, it was not easy to buy in Chang'an International Shopping Center in the past, let alone now.

Du He was like an upstart, the carriage was not covered at all, so that everyone in Chang'an City could see clearly.

The first stop Du He arrived at was Sikong Mansion.

He gave Sikong Mansion a lot of rare things.

Changsun Wuji personally received Du He.

As soon as we met, Changsun Wuji smiled and said: "Nephew, we haven't seen each other for a while. I've heard about your temper, and I know that you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. You came to the door in person today, and gave you such a valuable gift." I guess, you are here for the Hu County Commercial Center?"

Du He nodded: "My lord Zhangsun really hit the nail on the head, I can't hide anything from you, my lord Changsun, I want to ask you, how was the business in Hu County before the Lu family blocked Hu County?"

Changsun Wuji said truthfully: "At that time, Hu County was simply a paradise for merchants. There was no curfew, and there was no city wall. Merchants from all over the Tang Dynasty were willing to trade in Hu County. My eldest grandson's family had many merchants in Hu County. The industry has indeed made a lot of money."

Du He said straight to the point: "To tell you the truth, I only came here for one thing. I implore Mr. Changsun to take the lead in arranging the properties of Changsun's family in the Hu County Business Center. As the first batch of customers to stay in the business center, We have a half-price rental discount for shops, and the Huxian county government has promised that the first batch of residents will not have to pay taxes for half a year, I don’t know, what do you think?”

Changsun Wuji suddenly laughed when he heard the words.

Du He, Du He, you sometimes come to ask for help.


(End of this chapter)

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