Chapter 1053

Changsun Wuji pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "What you said is very tempting, but are you an idiot? It is the Lu family who is blocking Hu County now. As one of the five surnames and seven Wangs, Lu's strength is definitely stronger than you imagined Even if you don’t want a penny, this old man will not distribute the property of Sikong Mansion to your business center... However, this matter is not without room for negotiation.”

Du He's eyes lit up, and he asked, "My lord, please enlighten me."

"The solution is that Sikong Mansion cooperates with Dream Group. The content of the cooperation is also simple. That is to cooperate with the glass factory. In the future, all the glass produced by the glass factory will be handed over to my eldest grandson's family for sale. As for the price, we can discuss it." Wuji said lightly, "If you think it's okay, then Sikong Mansion can rent [-] shops in the business center, and is even willing to help you when you are desperate, what do you think?"

The condition of this cooperation is that in the future, all the glass in the world can only be sold by Sikong Mansion.

Sikong Mansion has the final say on the price of the takeaway.

The glass factory is nothing more than a migrant worker in the Sikong Mansion.

Du He shook his head, stood up, and said, "My lord, it seems that there is no need for us to continue talking."

With that said, he turned to leave.

Changsun Wuji sneered and said: "Du He, you can think clearly, once you reject the old man's proposal today, the old man will not give you any more chances, you have to be clear, the famous Lu family you offended is not an ordinary Only my eldest grandson's family can keep you in this small role, don't you understand this truth?"

Du He said coldly: "Thank you, Mr. Grandson, for your concern. It's not that easy for Mrs. Lu to defeat me."

After speaking, Du He turned and left.

Changsun Wuji said coldly: "What a stubborn boy."

He waved.

Duan Yien, the leader of the black iron warriors, stepped forward immediately.

Changsun Wuji commanded: "I'm most interested in the glass factory in Dream Group's industry. If you send people to watch Lu, Lu Mingyou will definitely not let it go. Once he makes a move, let's fight each other." The fisherman reaps the benefits and gets the glass factory."

"Yes, master, this subordinate understands."

Duan Yien walked backwards out of the room.


After leaving Sikong Mansion, Du He went to the next one.

At the end of the day, Du He visited more than [-] big households one after another.

These families are all well-known high-ranking families in Chang'an City. They are either rich or noble, and they are also families who have made a lot of money in Hu County before.

There is only one purpose for Du He's visit, and that is to invite these people to re-enter the business center with emotion and reason.

It's a pity that many valuable gifts were sent out, but no one agreed to settle in the business center.

it's dark.

Du He left Chang'an City in despair.

For several days, everyone talked about it.

There was that kind-hearted person who gave Du He a nickname, "The One Who Hit the Wall".

Indeed, Du He is the right chancellor of the dynasty, the son of Du Ruhui, the Duke of Lai, and the status of a son-in-law. It is said that if he goes out in person, someone should give him face. Never thought that no matter whether it is a powerful person or a wealthy businessman, there is no one People sell his face.

For a time, the streets and alleys were the jokes of those who hit the wall.


Lou House.


Lu Mingyou frowned: "Du He is not a fool. He probably knew that these big families would not give him face. Why did he come to the door for help with great fanfare? Is it really to create a laughingstock?"

Wu San shook his head: "My lord, to be honest, I don't understand Du He's move. However, I know that now is the best time to attack the Dream Group."

Lu Mingyou waved his hand: "No, this matter reveals something strange, don't act rashly for now."

Wu San was surprised and said: "Master, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once we miss it, we will have no chance."

"No, now is not the time to do anything. The most urgent thing is to find out what Du He wants to do. I am always worried that there will be someone secretly cooperating with Du He in Chang'an City. Wu San, you immediately send someone to keep an eye on Chang'an City, especially It’s those big households that Du He went through, we must keep an eye on their every move.”


Lu Shi is not the only one who has such thoughts.

Almost everyone in Chang'an City was staring at this matter.

The ridicule of those who hit the wall is just a mediocre idea.

The real big family didn't dare to underestimate Du He.


A few days later, there was no movement.

Just when everyone was about to forget about it.

On this day, a major event broke out in Chang'an City.

early morning.

The melodious bell of the clock tower rang.

The overnight curfew is officially over and a new day begins.

The gates of each square were opened, and the common people poured out.

When they walked to the streets and alleys, they realized that the surrounding area was covered with notices.

"The Taihu Granary has officially settled in the Huxian Commercial Center. All rice will be sold at half the market price for three days. After three days, the price will return to the market price."

"Suzhou Cloth Shop opens today, and everyone who enters the shop will be given gifts. All cloth will be sold at half price."

"Jiangnan silk and satin shop opened, with this announcement, you can get half a piece of coarse cloth for free."

"West Lake Tea House sells the best green tea."


The notices one after another are simply dazzling.

The first is the large number, and the second is the rich content. Moreover, the form of this notice is something that everyone has never seen before.

But everyone intuitively understands one thing, the Huxian Business Center has opened.

Moreover, there are so many shops.

The most important thing is that within three days, everything is very cheap.

In an instant, the people went crazy.

"Let's go to the Hu County Commercial Center!"

"Hurry up, go play and eat shit, you can't keep up with the hot ones!"

People called their friends and friends, and rushed out of the city one after another.

It's a pity that there is an older person who hates himself for not being able to walk fast and rushing in front of everyone.

At this time, people will feel that from Chang'an to Hu County, there are no longer large carriages.

It turned out that after the bus company of Dream Group was also sold, it was bought by a wealthy businessman in Chang'an. The wealthy businessman saw that there were no people from Chang'an to Hu County, so he stopped the Anhu Line, and the people wanted to go back and forth between Chang'an and Hu County. , very inconvenient.

When people walked out of Yongning Gate, they found that there were already a dozen large carriages waiting on Anhu Avenue.

A huge banner was hung on one or two large carriages: Anyone who goes to Huhu County Commercial Center to shop, rides for free.

Someone came up and asked, "I'm going to buy rice from the Taihu Granary in the Huxian Commercial Center. Will it cost me money?"

The coachman replied: "No money!"

"Oh, everyone, get in the car, no money required!"


Everyone got on the big carriage in one go.

In a short time, more than a dozen large carriages were full.

People call it a carriage, and they rush towards the Huxian Commercial Center in a hurry.

More and more people knew the news and joined the team.

On this day, the east and west cities of Chang'an were deserted and deserted.


(End of this chapter)

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