God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1063 Official declaration of war

Chapter 1063 Official declaration of war
Hou Junji found out that Du He couldn't argue with the matter of recruiting warriors, so he quickly changed the subject and asked, "Then you want to kill Lu Shi, what's going on? Nephew, listen to my advice." , I also suspect that Mrs. Lu did the incident in Huxian County, but there is no evidence. Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice personally went out and found no clues. Now you are declaring that you want to kill Mrs. Lu, maybe you will annoy Mrs. Lu , bringing new disasters to Dream Group."

Du He smiled and said, "Master Hou, what are you talking about?"

Hou Junji was taken aback, and asked: "Didn't you say that you wanted to recruit three hundred warriors to kill Lu family? The old man just heard you say it from a distance."

Du He's eyes widened: "Lord Hou, you can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. I do have grudges with Mrs. Lu, but it's not to the point of killing his whole family. At most, I will kill someone like Lu Mingyou Just kill the scumbags, how can you kill all of Lu Shi?"

"But now there are rumors all over Chang'an City, saying that you recruited [-] warriors to kill Lu Shi."

"Nothing, it must be a rumor. Someone deliberately slandered me, Mr. Hou, we are old friends, you have to make the decision for me."

Hou Junji was a little dumbfounded, "I heard that you even made a banner, which said that you want to kill Lu Shi."

Du He shook his head hastily: "It's absolutely impossible, if you don't believe me, take a look."

Henry Zhang hurriedly took out the flag.

When the banner was opened, a lot of words were written on it, but there was no claim to kill Lu Shi.

Hou Junji scratched his head, turned and left.


Early in the morning.

Imperial Palace, Tai Chi Hall.

It's the morning of a new day.

Although many officials didn't say anything, they were all looking forward to the investigation results of Hou Junji's visit to Chang'an International Shopping Center yesterday.

Of course, Lu Mingyou is the one I look forward to the most.

Du He yelled all over Chang'an City that he wanted to kill Lu Shi, which made him very embarrassing.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Li Er to ask, "Hou Aiqing, how did you do what I asked you to do yesterday?"

Hou Junji hurriedly stood up, saluted, and said, "Your Majesty, yesterday I personally went to Chang'an International Shopping Center to thoroughly investigate Du He's recruitment of warriors, and there is no problem."

Everyone was stunned.

Some officials couldn't help asking: "Master Hou, you are also a member of the imperial court and a founding father of the country, so you can't open your eyes and talk nonsense."

"Yes, Lord Hou, you must not disappoint His Majesty's trust."

Everyone said.

Hou Junji's eyes widened, and his beard blew, "It's unreasonable. The old man guarantees with his personality that this matter is absolutely true. I would like to inform His Majesty that Du He's recruitment of warriors is to commit crimes and perform meritorious deeds. I have already confronted Du He face to face, there is no such matter, I am afraid that someone is spreading rumors, even the rumor that Du He, who has nose and eyes, is carrying the banner of killing Lu family, and I have personally seen it, there is absolutely no such thing."

Just as the other officials were about to speak, they heard Li Er say: "Okay, this is the end of the matter. Du He is still a child. If he wants to mess around, let him do it. However, Du Qing's family must warn Du He, If there is talk of killing Lu Shi in the future, I will never forgive him."

Du Ruhui nodded and agreed: "Yes, Your Majesty."

This matter will be left alone.


Chang'an International Shopping Center.

Still very deserted.

"Old Zhang, how long have we been setting up the stall?" Du He couldn't help asking.

The corners of Zhang Xuansu's mouth twitched: "Master, this is the third day. Now, there are no people in Chang'an International Shopping Center. In my opinion, these people are useless. There are no real warriors anymore. Surely no one dares to join us. "

Du He waved his hand: "Old people are impulsive and have no patience at all. Warriors don't, but Lu Mingyou will definitely come."

Zhang Xuansu looked curious: "Lu Mingyou is a scheming man, and the city is extremely deep. He has fought against the young master many times, but he has never shown up. It seems inappropriate for him to show up at this time."

Du He smiled: "He doesn't want to show up, but I can't help him."

As soon as the words were finished, a sedan chair suddenly appeared on the side of the street, and there were more than ten guards alone, which showed that the status of the people in the sedan chair was noble.

The sedan chair came to the front.

Zhang Xuansu ran up in a hurry, and hurriedly greeted: "Where is the warrior, welcome to join the son-in-law's mansion, and kill Lu family together."

Lao Zhang also worked hard to set up a stall in the past few days, his eyes were a little dazed, and he didn't see the sign of Lu's house on the curtain of the sedan chair.

Afterwards, the sedan chair stopped, the curtain was lifted, and Lu Mingyou walked down.

For a moment, Zhang Xuansu was embarrassed: "Lu...Lu...Lu Mingyou?"

Lu Mingyou remained expressionless, and said indifferently: "Master Zhang, long time no see, I never thought that your dignified Prince Zhan Shi would become Du He's pawn, following Du He to help the evildoers, what a disappointment!"

A flash of anger flashed in Zhang Xuansu's eyes, but he quickly returned to his smile: "Master Lu is serious. As the son-in-law's chief history, I will naturally do my best for the son-in-law, please!"

Lu Mingyou gave Zhang Xuansu a disdainful look, and came to Du He.

As Du He said, Lu Mingyou didn't want to meet Du He very much.

However, he had to come forward.

Because, he wanted to tell the world that Mrs. Lu was not afraid of Du He.

If he doesn't show up, after a long time, some people will think that Mrs. Lu is afraid.

Now, he's here to show his attitude.

Du He sat on the chair and didn't intend to get up.

Lu Mingyou stepped forward and said coldly: "Du He, enough is enough. You should go back to Hu County now. The account between us will be canceled. If you insist on doing this, you will die without a place to bury you. The people in Hu County a few days ago Tragedy, no one can guarantee whether it will happen again."

Du He sat and asked with a smile: "Master Lu, are you here to threaten me? Did you send someone to do what happened that night?"

Lu Mingyou looked at no one around, and said with a cold face: "You are a smart person, and there are some things that I don't need to say too directly. The Dream Group is very powerful, but it can't stand the toss, right? Let's make a break today, and from now on, the well water will not interfere with the river water, what do you think?"


Hearing this, Du He suddenly slammed the table, stood up, pointed at Lu Mingyou, and said loudly: "Old dog Lu Mingyou, it's easy for you to say, do you think this young master is feeling sorry for the loss of 300 million pennies? You are wrong , this young master wants to seek justice for those who died. That night, more than 50 people were lost in the Guancheng Brigade, more than 60 people died in the glass factory, more than 20 people died in the headquarters of the Dream Group, and there were many In the commercial center of the county, many innocent people died because of this, and many families were destroyed, they are all innocent."

Lu Mingyou sneered and said: "It's just a bunch of untouchables, death is not a pity. I said, as long as you let go, our grievances can be written off. If you are stubborn, I, Lu, will want your entire Dream Group to be buried with you, including you, Du He, You only have time to think about it for a cup of tea. After a cup of tea, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer, your beloved woman may be about to perish."


(End of this chapter)

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