God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1064 If you want to fight, I will fight

Chapter 1064 If you want to fight, I will fight

Du He was stunned by Lu Mingyou's words.

Du He asked in surprise: "Lu Mingyou, you old dog is really bold, even dare to touch the princess."

Lu Mingyou shook his head: "Even if I, Mrs. Lu, have ten guts, I wouldn't dare touch the princess. However, Mo Yifei is just a commoner. If she disappears from the world, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Mo Yifei?
Du He's eyes widened suddenly: "Lu Mingyou, you really are shameless."

Lu Mingyou suddenly smiled: "I said, you have time for a cup of tea. As long as you obediently return to Huxian County and hand over the real secret glass making recipe, I will let Mo Yifei go. There will be no more in the world." I know more about making glass than Mo Yifei, I, Mrs. Lu, have a lot of ways to get her to hand over the secret recipe of glass making, but she may have to suffer a little bit, hahaha..."

Du He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were bloodshot.


Hu County.

Near the glass factory.

A carriage headed towards the county seat of Hu County.

Around the carriage, there were only four guards.

When the carriage passed a mountain depression, suddenly, a dozen arrows shot out from the woods, killing the four guards in an instant.

Immediately, more than a dozen men in black rushed out of the woods, each holding a long knife.

The leading man in black came to the carriage and said coldly, "Miss Mo, come out, as long as you follow us obediently, we will not make things difficult for you."

However, there was no movement.

The man in black swung open the curtain of the carriage, only to see Mo Yifei in the carriage, holding a dagger and cutting towards his throat.

The man in black had quick eyesight and quick hands, he flew forward and snatched the dagger, knocking Mo Yifei unconscious.

"take away!"

Soon, more than a dozen men in black disappeared on the wasteland.



Lu Mingyou's laughter resounded in the huge Chang'an International Shopping Center Plaza.

He said proudly: "Du He, make money, you are a master, but you are too young to fight with me, Lu Shi. You are short-sighted, you only see what is in front of you, but you don't think about it. I take one step and see three steps, and continue to fight." If you go down, you have no chance of winning."

Du He still hasn't spoken.

But I saw a group of fast horses galloping, and the knight on the horse was Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian came to Du He's side in a few steps, whispered into Du He's ear, and whispered, "Master, something is wrong. Miss Mo was kidnapped near the glass factory."


Du He angrily smashed the teacup in his hand to the ground.

After a while, Du He raised his head, stared into Lu Mingyou's eyes, and asked, "Lu Mingyou, are you here to declare war today?"

Lu Mingyou admitted: "That's right."

Du He responded loudly: "Okay, if you want to fight, I will fight. I, Du He, and you, Lu Shi, will never die. Lu Mingyou, remember what I said today. I will kill all of you, including you."

"Hahaha," Lu Mingyou not only didn't get angry, but laughed, "Du He, are you crazy? It's up to you, you want to kill Lu Shi? Just dream, you can't even protect yourself. Then I also advise you In a word, within half a year, you will pay the price for offending me, Mrs. Lu."

After all, Lu Mingyou was about to leave.

But Du He suddenly said: "Lord Lu, why worry, I have prepared a gift for you."

Lu Mingyou's heart skipped a beat.


Chang'an City is about fifty li to the southeast.

It has entered the boundary of Lantian County.

A carriage is moving forward quickly.

The person on the carriage was none other than Ming Junsheng who had been relegated to Lingnan.

On the carriage, Ming Junsheng and his two subordinates were drinking, very happy.

Ordinarily, a relegated official should be extremely frustrated, but Ming Junsheng is not like this, because, before leaving, he went to meet Lu Mingyou in person.

Lu Mingyou had promised him that Du He would be killed within half a year, and at that time, the Lu family had plenty of ways to get him back, even if he couldn't return to Chang'an, he could get him to take up an official position in other places.


"Du He thought he would win by relegating me to Lingnan. In fact, he didn't know that the third young master still has a plan waiting for him."

"That little bastard is doomed!"

"Fighting against Lu's family is really overwhelming."

Ming Junsheng said while drinking.

The carriage quickly drove to a mountain, an official road was built along the cliff, and on the left was a bottomless cliff.

Suddenly, the wheel on the right side of the fast-moving carriage ran over a fist-sized stone, and the body tilted to the left.

Ming Junsheng and three people in the carriage involuntarily bumped towards the left.


The sturdy carriage suddenly fell apart.

The three of them rolled to the ground, rolling down the cliff with a gululu.

The coachman sat down on the spot, looking at the carriage turned into a pile of ruins, he was dumbfounded.

The guards who followed the carriage to protect Ming Junsheng froze for a moment, then turned the horse's head, and quickly headed towards Chang'an City.



Du He is not a good stubble.

Lu Mingyou was extremely alert, and he quickly thought of the crux of the matter.

He said coldly: "Du He, you are so courageous. Although Ming Junsheng was relegated, he is also an official of the court. How dare you do anything to him?"

Du He shrugged his shoulders: "Lord Lu, don't wrong me casually."

Before the words fell, a knight came in a hurry, a masked man in black, and it was Wu San, Lu Mingyou's right-hand man.

Wu San rushed to Lu Mingyou's side and said in a low voice, "Master, the guards who escorted Lord Ming to Lingnan came back and said that the carriage turned over the cliff in Lantian, and there was no body left of Lord Ming."


Lu Mingyou seemed to be struck by lightning.

Ming Junsheng is the object of his Lu family's key training.

To some extent, Ming Junsheng is more important than Wang Cheng.

Because Mingjun was still young and had a bright future.

Moreover, Ming Junsheng has nothing to do with Lu Shi on the surface, so it is more convenient to act.

Who knows, he died.

After a long time, he came back to his senses: "Is there anything unusual?"

Wu San said: "According to reports from the returning guards, the carriage ran over a rock and there was nothing unusual."

But Lu Mingyou didn't believe it at all.

It must have been done by Du Ho.

But there is no evidence.

He turned his head to look at Du He: "Okay, Du He, you are cruel enough. After three days, you just wait to collect Mo Yifei's body. It's a pity to hear that Mo Yifei is very beautiful..."

"let's go!"

Lu Mingyou left with his subordinates.

Du He said loudly: "Master Lu, go slowly, go back and wash your neck, wait for me to take your head, I said before, I will kill you Lu Shi, I will never break my promise."


"Oh my god, Du He really started a war with Mrs. Lu."

"Yes, many people have heard that Du He said in front of Lu Mingyou that he wanted to kill Lu Shi."

"Tsk tsk, Du He is really impatient. He dared to provoke Lu Shi at this time. The last time Lu Shi retaliated, he suffered heavy losses and his vitality was greatly damaged. He still dares to annoy Lu Mingyou now, that is not suicide. ?"

"I heard that Ming Junsheng died in a car accident in Lantian."

"This time there is a good show to watch."

In Chang'an City, similar discussions continued.


(End of this chapter)

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