God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1067 Beggar Legion

Chapter 1067 Beggar Legion
Du He suddenly said proudly: "Since the second elder brother has joined the Prince Consort's Mansion, then these 100 people will be handed over to you to lead, what do you think?"

"it is good!"

Yuchi Baolin didn't like nonsense since she was a child, and when she was in charge of the Lantian Coal Mine and the Beast King Mountain Iron Mine, she formed a good style of being able to do it without opening her mouth.

Du He said again: "I also assigned you two assistants."


Du He clapped his hands.

In the darkness, two figures came out.

It was Xu Zhengdao and ghosts and gods.

Du He was about to introduce, but Yuchi Baolin said: "Your brother, you don't need to introduce, I already know these two."

"This is Xu Zhengdao, the white-clothed god of arrows. His archery skills are unrivaled in the world."

"This person should be a ghost with unparalleled sword skills, one-handed sword skills, unique in the world."

It was rare for Yuchi Baolin to speak so many words.

Both Xu Zhengdao and Guishen felt a little embarrassed.

The two looked at each other, and were about to praise Yuchi Baolin.

Xu Zhengdao hurriedly said: "This must be Mr. Yuchi. I heard that you killed more than 30 fairies in Pingkangfang by yourself back then, and they returned home with screams and screams. I admire you."

The ghosts and gods also said: "Admiration, admiration!"


Yuchi Baolin's face flushed instantly.

He is indeed talented in some aspects, otherwise he would not have married seven or eight concubines after marrying Xiu'er.

But it was a bit embarrassing to say this.

"Okay, now is not the time to exchange ideas, everyone, obey orders." Du He suddenly roared.

Yuchi Baolin, Xu Zhengdao, and Guishen stood still immediately.

But those beggars were lying lazily on the ground, laughing and laughing.

Du He's face darkened.

Then he took the whip from Yuchi Baolin's hand, lifted the whip up and crackled, and started whipping people.

With a whip going up, blood and flesh splattered.

"Ah ah ah..."

"Do not fight!"

The beggars screamed incessantly, and then quickly got up.

In the blink of an eye, all the beggars stood up.

However, standing crookedly and crying in a low voice, I couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Du He came back, handed the whip to Yuchi Baolin, and said loudly: "From today onwards, you are the mighty, brave and invincible army of the Dream Group. In the next three months, you only have one thing to do, train me well, and after three months, I will lead you to kill Lu Mingyou."

"Kill Lu Mingyou!"

"Killed who?"

"I'm hungry!"

A bunch of guys were supposed to repeat after Duho.

Ordinarily this exciting moment was messed up by this group of beggars.

Even Du He couldn't stand it anymore, turned around and said to Yuchi Baolin, "Second brother, leave this group of people to you, and train them to death."

With that, he left.

Yuchi Baolin agreed, turned around and said, "Everyone, line up and leave the city."



"I'm hungry."

"I'm going to Pingkangfang."

A group of beggars were laughing and joking, and were lazily walking out of the city.


Not far away, a middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh my mother, I'm finally gone. My Chang'an International Shopping Center has been out of business for several days!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Next to it, several figures quickly disappeared in place, heading in all directions.


Lou House.


The night is deep.

"What? Repeat again? What kind of majestic and brave army?" Lu Mingyou was very surprised and asked.

Wu San, the masked man in black, repeated: "My lord, it's the mighty, brave and invincible army of the Dream Group. There are 100 people in total, all of them are beggars. The leader of the army is Yuchi Baolin, and there are two deputy leaders, one of Du He's subordinates. Ghosts and Xu Zhengdao."


Lu Mingyou burst out laughing suddenly: "What kind of bullshit is the Prestige Eight-Faced Legion? I think it's almost called the Beggars Legion. A hundred beggars are still a bunch of waste. They just want to fight me, Mrs. Lu. Du He is afraid that he will lose his mind." .”

Wu San also laughed: "Maybe it was what happened in Hu County that night. It hit Du He too hard, and he has already gone crazy."

Lu Mingyou waved his hand: "Du He has always pretended to be crazy and foolish, don't worry about him, there is still a day left, and I must get the secret recipe of glass making from Mo Yifei. As long as I, Lu Shi, have the secret recipe of glass making, add Chaotian pepper and potatoes seeds, you can trample Du He under your feet."


Wu San left in a hurry.


Sikong House.

Duan Yien, the black iron soldier, reported: "Master, the majestic and invincible army of the Dream Group has been carefully observed by the subordinates, and there is nothing unusual. They are just a bunch of beggars. These scumbags are useless even if they are used for farming. It's surprising that Du He actually formed an army."

Changsun Wuji frowned and asked, "Legion? Why has this old man never heard of such an army name in his entire life?"

Duan Yien shook his head: "My subordinates are familiar with military books, and I have never heard of any army known as a legion in history."

Historically, there were armies, guards, tuns, etc., but there was no such thing as a legion.

Changsun Wuji smiled and said: "Maybe, it's just another name Du He tossed up. Since they are a group of beggars, they might as well be called the Beggar Legion. A beggar legion also wants to kill Lu Mingyou. Du He is probably crazy. Du He He grew up too fast and founded the Dream Group at a young age. The journey went smoothly, but now he was suddenly hit by the Lu family and lost several million coins.

"What the master said is very true!"

"Send someone to keep an eye on Hu County and Lu family."



late at night.

Royal Palace.

Wende Hall.

Internal servant Zhao Yang reported: "Reporting to Your Majesty, Concubine Du has already recruited a hundred beggars by the time it got dark today, and established a dream group of prestige... Bravery on all sides... Invincible Legion, the news spread quickly, and now Chang'an City Everyone joked that it was an army of beggars, and they all rumored that Concubine Du was crazy, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do such ridiculous things."

After speaking, Zhao Yang turned around and left.

Li Er sat on the chair and said after a while, "Du He is a good boy."

Empress Changsun couldn't help but asked: "Your Majesty, Du He is indeed a good boy, but if Mrs. Lu bullies people like this, do you just let him go? Mrs. Lu is very powerful, but Du He is only one person. Could it be that you really let that What legion of a hundred beggars protects him?"

Li Er sighed: "Guanyin maidservant, only Du He can save himself in this matter. If I take action, it will be counterproductive. Lu's tree has deep roots, and his disciples and old officials are all over the world. In Youzhou, there are even rumors that people only know about it." There is the Lu family, but I don’t know that there is an emperor, and if there is a careless move, the people in the world will suffer.”


Empress Changsun lamented unceasingly.

Duho is a good boy.

But in case something happened to Du He, what would happen to his two daughters.


(End of this chapter)

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