Chapter 1068
The north gate of Chang'an City, about ten miles to the north.

There is a village.

There is a forest behind the village.

Deep in the forest, there are a few dilapidated houses.

A dozen men in black scattered around the broken house, looking around nervously.

All of these people have piercing eyes, and they are rare masters.

At this moment, a fast horse came galloping.

Immediately a black masked knight.

It was Wu San, Lu Mingyou's right-hand man.

People in black gathered around.

"Third Brother!"

Wu San jumped off the horse, threw the reins to a man in black, and asked, "What, did Mo Yifei speak?"

A man in black replied: "This chick has a very hard mouth. She has been hungry for two days, but she just doesn't speak. The brothers have already executed punishment, but she still doesn't do anything."

Wu San was surprised and said: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, hum, let's go, I'll go and have a look!"

Wu San came to a woodshed.

Mo Yifei was imprisoned here.

In the dark room, the humidity is extremely high.

In the corner, Mo Yifei sat with his knees hugged.

Seeing someone coming in, Mo Yifei raised his head and said indifferently: "If you have the ability, kill me. It is impossible to get the secret recipe for glass making."

Wu San stepped forward and said with a sneer: "Miss Mo, why bother? As long as you tell the secret recipe of glass making, with your talent and beauty, you can definitely become an important figure in the Lu family, so why bother about Du He?" , you don’t know, Du He was unmoved when he heard the news of your arrest, maybe in his opinion, you are not worth mentioning at all.”

Hearing this, Mo Yifei's eyes were flustered, but he finally calmed down.

Her face was haggard, and there were many injuries on her face and neck.

Wu San asked: "Miss Mo, are you really not going to hand over the secret glass making recipe?"

"You give up!" Mo Yifei responded coldly, "Kill me if you have the ability."


Wu San burst into laughter suddenly: "Killing you, wouldn't it be too cheap? You, Miss Mo, since you are so persistent, then don't blame me for being rude, come..."

As soon as the words were finished, ten people from the Western Regions suddenly poured in at the door.

All of these people were extremely tall and burly.

All of them were topless.

Wu San said: "Miss Mo, let these ten people torture you next time. These people are not enlightened, and they don't know how to pity women. The last woman who fell into their hands was tortured for three days, and then Die, enjoy yourself."

With that said, he was about to leave with the man in black.

Mo Yifei raised his head, and when he saw those strong men with eyes like livestock, he suddenly became frightened.

She couldn't help standing up and leaning against the corner.

Seeing that Wu San was about to leave, Mo Yifei suddenly shouted: "Don't leave, I said... I am willing to hand over the secret glass making recipe."

Wu San looked overjoyed.

Sure enough, a beautiful woman is not afraid of death, but afraid of being tortured.

He said with a smile: "Miss Mo, if I knew this, why waste my energy?"

Mo Yifei stood up straight: "However, I have one condition. I will only say it when I see Lu Mingyou."

Wu San thought for a while, then nodded, "I can't make the decision on this matter. I can only make a decision after I send someone back to report to my master."

Then Wu San sent one of his men back to Chang'an on fast horses.

Not long after, this subordinate rushed back and said to Wu San: "Third brother, the master told you to bring Mo Yifei to the Lu residence when it gets dark."

Wu San was surprised and said, "Won't Master come here in person?"

The subordinate said: "The master said that now, the whole city of Chang'an, especially Du He, is watching every move of Lu's house. If he leaves the city, I'm afraid Du He will notice and something will go wrong."

"Master is just cautious, that's fine!"

When it was dark, Wu San found a vegetable cart, knocked Mo Yifei unconscious and put him in it to deceive the public, and transported him to the backyard of the Lu Mansion in Chang'an City.

Since the carriage entered the Lu Mansion, all the guards in the Lu Mansion were in motion, three steps, one post, five steps, one post.


"Master, the person has been brought here." Wu San walked into the backyard and said respectfully to Lu Mingyou.

Two men in black immediately brought the fainted Mo Yifei up.

When Lu Mingyou saw Mo Yifei, his heart couldn't help beating wildly.

Originally, he thought that Mo Yifei was just an ordinary woman, at most she was pretty. As the third son of the Lu family, he had never seen any beauty before.

So he planned to kill Mo Yifei after he revealed the secret recipe of glass making to take revenge on Du He.

But now he suddenly changed his mind.

"Such a beauty, it would be a pity to kill her, hahaha..."

Lu Mingyou was tempted.

Several subordinates were about to wake Mo Yifei up with cold water, but Lu Mingyou raised his hand to stop him.

Lu Mingyou stepped forward, ready to wake up Mo Yifei himself.

He slowly came to Mo Yifei, stretched out his hand, ready to caress Mo Yifei's tender face.

Just when his hand was stretched out in front of Mo Yifei.


Mo Yifei, who was in a coma, suddenly opened his eyes, knocked the two men in black to the ground with two palms, and then kicked Lu Mingyou in the chest.


Lu Mingyou was caught off guard and took several steps back.

Mo Yifei's body spun and landed from the sky, her hair was loose and her heroic spirit was overwhelming.

The people around were all stunned by this sudden scene.

Before Wu San and the others could react, the sword in someone's hand had already been snatched by Mo Yifei.

Swish swish.

The two men in black who were close to Mo Yifei were directly killed by her.

Lu Mingyou stared at Mo Yifei, and suddenly shouted loudly: "You are not Mo Yifei, who are you?"

Mo Yifei was born in the Mohist school, he is familiar with history books, and his mechanical skills are unrivaled in the world. He is also Du He's right-hand man, but he is the only one who does not know martial arts.

Lu Mingyou had already sent someone to inquire about these news.

But the person in front of him had outstanding swordsmanship and killed without batting an eyelid, so he couldn't be Mo Yifei at first glance.

Mo Yifei suddenly sneered: "Lu Mingyou, today is your death day. Before you die, I might as well let you know the truth. I am not Mo Yifei, I am Cheng Yiyue. Unexpectedly, the Mo Yifei you sent a master to kidnap, at this moment Luckily, it’s in the glass factory.”

Lu Mingyou was taken aback.

Who is Cheng Yiyue?
Wu San hurriedly clung to Lu Mingyou's ear, and whispered: "It is rumored that there is a female devil who kills without batting an eye beside Du He, and her martial arts are very high, but no one has ever seen her true face, because people who have seen her They're all dead."

Lu Mingyou suddenly realized: "All of this was arranged by Du He?"

"You don't need to know, because you are already dying."


Before she finished speaking, Cheng Yiyue suddenly turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Lu Mingyou.

Wu San and the others turned pale with shock.

"Protect Master!"

"Protect the master..."

Many guards rushed towards Lu Mingyou one after another.

Unfortunately, it was half a beat too late, and Lu Mingyou was stabbed in the shoulder with a sword, bleeding profusely.

Cheng Yiyue still wanted to rush up, but Wu San had already charged over with a long knife, and other guards also arrived. In an instant, there were more than 30 men in black standing in front of Lu Mingyou.

The best assassination opportunity has been missed.

Ordinarily Cheng Yiyue should retreat.

However, instead of retreating, she stared at Lu Mingyou firmly and said word by word: "Tonight! Tonight! Must! Kill! You!"

Hearing this, Lu Mingyou was furious: "Kill me, kill her, don't let her leave."


(End of this chapter)

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