Chapter 1098
Southwest of Fanyang County.

On the martial arts arena of a large camp, more than 3000 rebels gathered together.

Wang Xiaogou stood on the high platform and told everyone the truth with fear.

He thought that once these guys knew the truth, would they suddenly riot?
The riot of more than 3000 people was very terrifying.

However, when he finished speaking, he saw that everyone below had their eyes widened, their mouths opened wide, and their faces were full of surprise, but no one moved.

Wang Xiaogou continued: "Brothers, we were indeed Lu's rebels before, but now we can't go back. We captured Lu Huayuan, the king of Shu, and we burned down Lu's lair. Lu Mingzhou, the new generation king of Ming, has also been beaten by us several times... Now, Lu Mingzhou has led an army and stationed outside the city, threatening to kill us, we have no way out."

The crowd was in an uproar.

"We want to see Junshi Hu!"

"Yes, we want Junshi Hu!"

"Where is Master Hu?"

These guys were surprisingly unanimous in wanting to see Junshi Hu.

Wang Xiaogou was hesitating whether to report this matter to Du He, but he heard a voice not far away: "My son-in-law is here!"

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw Junshi Hu, surrounded by the mighty army, walking quickly.

Of course, everyone now knows that Master Hu does not exist at all, and the person in front of him is Du He, the commoner consort who married two princesses.

When many people saw Du He, their eyes lit up.

Du He stepped onto the high platform and said loudly: "You already know the truth. Now, I will give you a chance to make a choice. If you want to leave, stand up. I will give each of you ten pennies and send him out of the city."

There was a commotion in the crowd.

But no one stood up.

Many people around Du He were very surprised.

But Du He seemed to have expected it a long time ago, he said lightly: "Very good, as expected of the rebellious army formed by this young master himself."

"That's right, from today onwards, you are our Tang Dynasty's rebellious army."

Du He waved his hand.

The soldiers of the two mighty legions suddenly raised two large black banners.

In the center of the banner, there are two gilded characters: Chaotic Army.

Du He said loudly: "Before, you were just Lu Shi's cannon fodder, what is cannon fodder? You are sent to death, and you are the head of the head. Lu Shi never paid attention to you cannon fodder. You followed Lu Shi's rebellion, not even half Wen Qian can only make ends meet... For what happened in the past, don’t blame the past, this matter has already been approved by His Majesty."

After Du He finished speaking, Li Ke stepped forward, took out an imperial edict, and announced it in the name of the court, ordering his son-in-law Du He and Shu King Li Ke to form a rebel army in Youzhou to destroy the Lu family. Whatever their status in the past, after making meritorious service, they can become officials of the Tang Dynasty and receive great rewards.

As soon as this decree came out.

Many people's eyes are different.

For so many days, everyone has followed "Mr. Hu" wholeheartedly, with only one purpose, and that is to get promoted and get rich.

Now, the real opportunity has come.

Du He glanced around and asked, "Wait, would you like to join the rebel army, follow this young master to destroy the Lu family, get promoted and get rich, marry the most beautiful woman in the world, drink the strongest wine in the world, and become the most remarkable big brother in the world?" hero?"




More than 3000 people shouted in unison, which could be heard clearly a mile away from the city.

The rebellious army completely surrendered.

Li Ke smacked his lips and muttered, "That's okay too? These guys are too easy to deceive, right?"

He spread out the edict in his hand, but there was nothing on the rough edict.

Even the lines were designed by Du He in advance and asked Li Ke to read them.

Du He immediately announced: "My young master announces that the rebellious army is now established. There are ten battalions in total. The commander of the rebellious army, Yuchi Baolin, the deputy commander of the rebellious army, Wang Xiaogou, and ten battalions under the rebellious army. Each battalion has 400 to 100 soldiers. People, [-] people from the original Mighty Legion, a group of ten joined the rebellious army and took up corresponding positions. Those who are capable in the rebellious army can take up positions after being inspected by the two commanders...Brothers, the time to make contributions has come , do you have confidence?"




Morale is high.

Du He asked again: "Follow this young master and completely wipe out King Ming, do you have confidence?"



Many people shouted.

But the sound is obviously not as loud as before.

The momentum is not so strong anymore.

Wang Xiaogou came over and explained: "My son-in-law, although brothers really want to get promoted and get rich, they all know that King Ming still has an army of 20. If you want to destroy King Ming, there are more than 3000 people in this area, I'm afraid it's not enough! "

Du He said with a faint smile: "Tonight, my young master will let you see what is possible."

After speaking, Du He turned and left.

The 100 members of the Mighty Legion were divided into groups of ten and joined each battalion of the rebel army.

The training of the chaos army has officially begun.

At the beginning, these 100 people were trained so badly by Xu Zhengdao and the ghosts and gods. Today, the soldiers of the rebellious army are trained so badly by these [-] guys.


Outside the county seat.

Fan Yang army camp.

Lu Mingzhou now has 5000 people.

And all of them are elite soldiers.

Part of it is his previous soldiers and horses, led by Wang Rong.

Part of it was the army brought out by Zhou Da, the guard of Fanyang County.

Lu Mingzhou summoned his subordinates and generals to gather in the big tent, and said, "Du He must not be allowed to run away from such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The scouts have already found out that Du He has not only more than 300 people, but more than 3000 people. However, These more than 3000 people are all the township troops who rebelled against my Lu's army."

The so-called township army is actually the township brave recruited to give them a meal.

Don't expect much fighting power from these people either.

As for Lu Mingzhou, they are all elite soldiers.

It is easy to seize Fanyang County.

Zhou Da said: "King Ming, Fanyang County is the most familiar to the general. Tonight is the best time to attack the county. Taking advantage of the darkness, you can catch Du He and the King of Shu alive. "

"General Zhou is right. This king has already decided. Tonight at Xushi, this king will go into battle in person, attack the county, and capture Du He and King Shu alive!" Lu Mingzhou said in a deep voice.

"Catch Duhe alive!"

"Capture the King of Shu alive!"

Everyone, including Zhou Da, was ashamed.

Being teased by Du He several times, everyone was simmering with anger.

Even the well-mannered counselors took out their swords angrily and wanted to go into battle to kill the enemy.


at the same time.

In Fanyang County, in the county government office.

In a small yard.

Zhou Zhiluo, who was more than 200 catties fat, looked at the little black fat man in front of him affectionately, and asked shyly, "His Royal Highness, is what you said true?"

Li Ke's expression was serious and serious, "Well, to be honest, I have been in love with you for a long time. When I was still in Chang'an, I had heard of you for a long time. You are the most talented woman in Youzhou, especially the one you wrote. The song "Chicken", I have read it countless times, I am really thinking about you, tossing and turning!"


(End of this chapter)

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