God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1099 What a Talent

Chapter 1099 What a Talent

Chicken, chicken, chicken, the song sings to the sky;
It grows on the red juncture, and the black feet draw bamboo leaves.


This is the poem written by Zhou Zhiluo, the most talented woman in Youzhou.



Grounding gas.

Hearing Li Ke recite it in person, Zhou Zhiruo's heart ached, ah, the little deer bumped wildly, with a shy face.

Looking at Li Ke again, although he is not handsome, he is Kongwu powerful, and he is very powerful at first glance.

Zhou Zhiluo said in a weak mosquito voice: "Your Highness, tonight, I am your man!"

Li Ke stepped forward, grabbed Zhou Zhiruo's plump little hand, and said, "Why wait for tonight, let's do it now."

With that said, he dragged Zhou Zhiluo into the room.

Bang bang bang.

Not long after, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and Li Ke kept screaming.


It's dusk.


The banner of the rebellious army fluttered in the wind.

In a corner of the camp.

Several veterans wailed unceasingly.

"These bastards of the Mighty Legion, are they still human? I only took two full steps, and I was whipped twice, and my back was soaked in blood."

"Yeah, these bastards are really nothing!"

"Everyone listen to me, this morning, the son-in-law told us that he wanted to lead us to destroy King Ming. suddenly asked curiously.

Before the words fell, he was ridiculed.

"Tie Dan, don't daydream. Do you know how many troops King Ming has? A total of 20, and more than 30 counties in Youzhou, all of which are occupied by the Lu family. We only have more than 3000 people, and we also want to destroy King Ming. so funny."

"Yeah, this matter is not credible at all, maybe, our little lives can't be saved."

"Then... what should we do? King Ming has already sent people to surround the county seat. Once his people break in, we will only have a dead end."

Many people are worried.

dong dong dong.

dong dong dong.

On the school field not far away, there was suddenly a rapid drumbeat.

"Emergency assembly!"

"Emergency assembly!"

Someone kept shouting.

These bragging guys hurriedly got up and ran towards the school field.

You are late, but you will be whipped.


The night, like a black dog, swallowed the earth in one bite.

Outside Fanyang County, countless torches flickered.

Fan Yang's army, a total of 5000 people, was completed under the leadership of Zhou Da.

The equipment for siege is readily available.

Seeing that Xu time is coming.

Zhou Da turned his head, looked at Lu Mingzhou who was wearing armor, and asked, "Ming Wang, I plan to divide the 5000 people into three waves. I will lead the first wave and the second wave, a total of 3000 people, and attack the county from the east and west sides at the same time. 2000 people, led by you, can be reinforced at any time, what do you think?"

Lu Mingzhou nodded with satisfaction: "General Zhou, your division plan is good. Just do as you said."

There is a difference between people.

Wang Rong, that bastard, took away all the soldiers and horses every time he sent out troops, which resulted in this king falling into Du He's hands twice.

But General Zhou was different. He also left 2000 troops for the king.

Lu Mingzhou said gratifiedly: "General Zhou, when Fanyang County is conquered, this king will confer on you as the Great General of Zhenguo."

General of the township?
Everyone around was taken aback.

This is a bigger official position than General Bao today.

For a while, I don't know how many people envied Zhou Da.

Zhou Da bowed and said: "Thank you His Highness King Ming for your kindness, the general will definitely do his best to take down Fanyang County."

After finishing speaking, he got on his horse, carried a long gun, and led 3000 people in high spirits, divided into two groups, and launched an attack on Fanyang County under the night.

As soon as Fan Yangjun approached the city wall, he found that the city wall was already full of people, and there were almost a thousand soldiers defending.


Zhou Da raised his spear and roared.


"Revenge for King Ming!"

Fan Yang's army officially launched an attack.

On the city wall, the rebel army began to shoot arrows.

A lot of arrows flew out.

It's a pity that they all fell lightly, as if they were drunk, and fell at the foot of the city wall. That's right, the arrows shot by these guys fell before they flew fifty steps away.

Fan Yangjun saw it, and burst out laughing.


"The defenders on the city wall are all girls!"

"It's good girls, we can still have fun after we get in."


Fan Yangjun speeded up.

Soon, the ladder was already on the city wall.

Fan Yangjun climbed up the city wall one after another along the five ladders, and began to fight with the rebel army.

The rebellious army really deserved to be the brave men recruited by the Lu family for free, and they fell one by one.


The drawbridge was lowered.

Then, the city gate was also opened from the inside.

It took less than half an hour from the attack to the opening of the city gate.

Such a speed, even Zhou Da felt a little unbelievable.


Fan Yang army camp.

A general hurried in to report: "Report to King Ming, General Zhou has led his troops into the county seat, the suspension bridge over the moat has fallen, the city gate is wide open, and the inside and outside of the city gate have been firmly occupied by our Fan Yang army."

So fast?
Everyone was shocked.

Then came great joy.

"that is really good!"

"Congratulations, King Ming!"

"Congratulations to King Ming for capturing Fanyang County!"

After Lu Mingzhou was overjoyed, he calmed down: "Go and tell General Zhou that since you have entered the city, don't fall for Du He's trick... Forget it, the matter is important, I'd better lead the troops into the city personally, this time, definitely To capture Du He, this king will also take off his clothes and let him parade in the streets for three days."

"Everyone will obey!"


Lu Mingzhou drew out his sword and pointed in the direction of Fanyang County: "Follow me, enter the city, and capture Du He and King Shu alive."


Under King Ming's command, everyone was very excited.

It's finally time for the shame to come out.

Everyone can't wait to catch Du He now.

The remaining 2000 members of Fan Yang's army, led by Lu Mingzhou himself, quickly rushed into Fan Yang County.

As soon as he entered the city, Lu Mingzhou discovered that Zhou Da had already brought people waiting in front of him.

A full 3000 people.

He rode forward and joined Zhou Dabing.

Lu Mingzhou asked: "General Zhou, why don't you go forward again?"

Zhou Da said: "His Royal Highness King Ming, the general heard that you entered the city in person, so he mobilized the army to wait here, and how to fight next is up to you."

"Okay...hahaha... okay, General Zhou, you are such a good general!" Lu Mingzhou was very happy when he heard that, and thought to himself, he really found a treasure. And not greedy for merit.

He said happily: "General Zhou, now, all these 5000 people are under your command and attack immediately. As long as it is a rebellious army, kill without mercy. Don't be afraid of hurting innocent people. It is better to kill the wrong than to let them go. We must capture Du Fu alive." He and King Shu, do you understand?"

Zhou Da nodded.


At this moment, torches suddenly lit up around Fan Yangjun.

The rebellious army surrounded Fan Yang's army.


(End of this chapter)

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