Chapter 1102
Fanyang County.

The backyard of the county government.

Du He is leading Li Ke, Yuchi Baolin, Xu Zhengdao, ghosts and gods to discuss the placement of the rebel army.

At this moment, Wang Xiaogou came in and reported: "I want to report to my son-in-law, Fan Yangjun has delivered Ming Wangfei Chen Xiyuan."


Du He was stunned.

Li Ke and the others were dumbfounded.

Xu Zhengdao couldn't help asking: "Is that Chen Xiyuan who has the title of the most beautiful woman in Youzhou, the jewel in the palm of the Chen family?"

Wang Xiaogou nodded: "It should be."

Swish swish.

Immediately, all eyes turned to Du He.

Then, everyone got up one after another.

The ghost said: "Congratulations, young master!"

Xu Zhengdao said with a chuckle: "Young master has been away from Chang'an for almost a month, he must be overwhelmed, and the spring night is short, so I won't bother you."

Li Ke limped out: "Teacher, don't worry, the biggest advantage of me is that I don't talk much. I will definitely keep it a secret. Neither Lizhi nor my sister know about it."

Du He couldn't argue with a hundred words.


He slammed the table violently to scare everyone.

"Bring them all back to me, young master, what the hell... You guys don't know anything. I asked Lu Mingzhou to send Princess Ming back for one purpose, and that was to humiliate Lu Mingzhou, completely anger him, and make him lose his mind. The idea of ​​playing Princess Ming... What does Lu Mingzhou mean, that he even has a hobby of giving away his wife?" Du He was also a little dumbfounded.

However, Li Ke and others didn't believe it at all.

"Teacher, don't talk about it. Everyone is a man. Princess Ming is known as the most beautiful woman in Youzhou. She must have something special. You can enjoy it."

"Master, farewell!"


A few guys ran away in a hurry.

Only the king puppy was left.

Du He looked at Wang Xiaogou: "General Wang, do you believe me?"

Wang Xiaogou thought for a while, then shook his head.

Du He: "Damn..."

Du He said: "Tell the chaos army, don't open the city gate, don't let Princess Ming enter the city, or I won't be able to explain anything clearly."

Wang Xiaogou said: "My son-in-law, it's late. Many people know about the fact that you asked for the princess in front of Lu Mingzhou, so they let him in?"

Du He was shocked: "You mean, the person has already arrived outside the county government office? Hurry up, send her away quickly, make sure that everyone sees her with great fanfare, and she must not be allowed to enter the gate of the county government office."

Wang Xiaogou hesitated for a moment, and said, "My son-in-law, it's still too late. Man, it's at the door."

He turned and pointed to the door.

Du He turned his head to look, and saw a graceful woman standing at the door.

Who else is it not Ming Princess Chen Xiyuan!
I am Cao!

This is really yellow mud falling into the crotch, it's either shit or shit.

Chen Xiyuan looked at Du He sadly.

"Du Consort, I heard that you are a first-class hero in the world, why don't you dare to meet a little girl." Chen Xiyuan said reproachfully, looking at Du He affectionately.

Du He said seriously: "Princess Ming, you can't say that, you are no longer a little girl, you are now the window paper that was pierced open."

Chen Xiyuan was taken aback for a moment, then understood and almost ran away.

But she thought of her mission.

Immediately changed his clothes again with a smiling face, and winked provocatively at Du He: "Mr. Du doesn't know something. Little girls are so boring. The window paper like mine has a taste. Doesn't Mr. Du want to try it? "

"Try your sister, Wang Xiaogou, why are you still standing still, take her down, find a room to settle down, remember, don't let her get close to the courtyard where this young master lives." Du He roared loudly.


Wang Xiaogou hurriedly turned around and came out, called two guards, and forcibly took Chen Xiyuan away.

No matter how Chen Xiyuan teases, Du He will not be moved.



Chen Xiyuan was thrown into a room.

The door is closed.

The charming look on her face suddenly disappeared, replaced by coldness.

"It's said that Du He is an apprentice, but I didn't expect that the rumors turned out to be false. Du He looks like he's joking and has no appearance, but he's really deep in his thoughts. When I was talking to him just now, his right hand was always on his sleeve. The sleeves are bulging, presumably they are weapons, and there are many people guarding the house, it seems that he has already guessed the purpose of my visit... It is not easy to kill him." Chen Xi Yuan sat at the table and calmly analyzed.

She came to the mirror and took off her clothes one by one.

Appreciate your perfect body.

"I don't believe that Du He can escape my beauty test, hum!"

In an instant, Chen Xiyuan turned into a charming woman again, seductive.

Four watch.

Chen Xiyuan suddenly pushed open the door and walked out quickly.

She quickly came to the small courtyard where Du He lived.

At the gate of the yard, there were two guards, but they both sat on the steps and took a nap.

Chen Xiyuan thought in her heart: God really helped me!

She slipped into the courtyard.

What surprised her even more was that in the yard, all the previous guards had withdrawn.

She stepped forward quickly, pushed open the door of Du He's room, and got in like a civet cat.


The door was locked.

She walked lightly to Du He's bed.

The person on the bed is fast asleep.

She rustled, quickly stripped off, and got into the bed like a loach.

On the bed, Du He was about to turn over, but his mouth was blocked by Chen Xiyuan's lips.

Chen Xiyuan's flamboyant hands stripped Du He naked in two or three strokes.

"My son-in-law, I will definitely make you happy tonight." Chen Xiyuan said with a sigh.

Then it gets better.

Chen Xiyuan planned to kill Du He when Du He relaxed his guard.

Unexpectedly, just a short while after the incident, she discovered that Du He's body was so strong.

It was she who relaxed her guard.

I don't know how long it took.

Chen Xiyuan forgot her identity.

Forget about your mission.

who am I?
Where am I?

Actually fell asleep.


the same moment.

In the army camp.


Mahjong is playing non-stop.

Li Ke, Wang Xiaogou, and Zhou Da, all three of them turned green.

The chips in front of them are gone.

Looking in front of Du He again, it was full of chips.

Li Ke didn't speak.

But Zhou Da couldn't help it anymore: "My son-in-law, you don't know, in the past, I was known as a mahjong master in the official circles around Youzhou, and I was never defeated. Today, I am convincingly defeated. Prince Consort, I am convinced."

"Small meaning, come here, today, the bloody battle will be fought to the end, and no one is allowed to leave until dawn!" Du He said with a chuckle.

What a joke, mahjong was invented by this young master.

Shooting is the pinnacle.

Li Ke couldn't help asking: "Teacher, Princess Ming is still in the county government office. You really have the heart to let her stay alone in the vacant room?"


"Three," Du He played a card and said with a faint smile, "You guys are not pure and good people, don't worry, I have already prepared a generous gift for Princess Ming."

"What kind of gift?" Everyone around came over curiously.

"Secret!" Du He smiled slightly.


(End of this chapter)

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