God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1103 Losing the Princess and Losing the Army

Chapter 1103 Losing the Princess and Losing the Army

The backyard of the county government office in the early morning.

The birds are singing, but the flowers are not fragrant.

The leaves rustled.


A piercing scream broke the beautiful morning.

Inside the house in the north of the courtyard.

Princess Ming Chen Xiyuan grabbed the quilt to cover the key parts of her body, and looked at the naked man in front of her in horror.

It was a big man, bigger than any man she had ever seen.

Those bronze-colored muscles, bulging high up, looked just... heart-pounding.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Where's Du He?" Chen Xiyuan asked three questions in one breath.

The man thought about it seriously, and said seriously:
"I'm Lu Bu!"

"I... the young master asked me to come, he told me to lie on the bed, no matter what happened, don't do anything, but later, I was at your mercy, I don't know why, I couldn't help it, it didn't hurt you?"

"As for the young master, I don't know where he went."

Lu Bu is a man who is not good at talking.

He rarely talks so much.

The man in front of him was not Du He.

Instigated by Du He.

After finishing it by myself, I handed it over to this big fool.

Chen Xiyuan collapsed in an instant.


She slashed at Lu Bu with her palm.

"I kill you!"

It's a pity that Lu Bu grabbed the slender wrist.

"You can't beat me!"

This is no joke.

Because Lu Bu moved Chen Xiyuan into his arms.

Chen Xiyuan felt Lv Bu's strength at a close distance, and immediately fell, and involuntarily pushed her head into Lv Bu's chest.

The whole day, the dog and man did not leave the house.

at dusk.

Du He returned to the county office.

Dressed up neatly, Lu Bu came to Du He and said, "Young Master, you have fulfilled your mission."

Du He asked the guard at the door, "How much time in total?"

"Master, five hours in total."

five hours?

Li Ke's eyes widened in surprise, and then he felt extremely inferior.

They are also strong men, why is there such a big difference?

He bowed his head in shame.

Once, he thought he was the strongest man in Tang Dynasty, but compared with Lu Bu, Mao was not even considered.

He couldn't help asking: "Lu Bu, tell me the truth, are you tired?"

Lu Bu shook his head: "Not tired!"

Looking at him again, his expression was normal, as if he had walked a few steps.

The corner of Du He's mouth twitched.


As expected of a robot!
Of course, Lu Bu's body is no different from that of ordinary people, but his thinking is machine-like.

Du He learned that Princess Ming Chen Xiyuan was still asleep, so he ordered: "When she wakes up, take her to the lobby to meet me. By the way, hurry up and take care of a house for this young master in the front yard. This yard is full of dogs and men. This young master doesn't want to stop the breath."



Seeing Doo again.

Chen Xiyuan was in a complicated mood.

Don't even know what to say.

She no longer dared to reveal the slightest desire to kill Du He.

After going through this incident, she realized that Du He is really vicious, and he is the most shameless person in the world. It would be as difficult as heaven to kill such a person.

"Please sit down. Now, should I call you Princess Ming, Miss Chen, or Madam Lu?" Du He asked with a faint smile.

Chen Xiyuan's expression was gloomy and cold, and she said: "Du He, I'm not afraid to tell you that I am the one sent by King Ming to assassinate you, if you want to kill or cut, it's up to you."

"You are not afraid of death?"

"From the moment I left Fan Yangjun's camp, I never planned to go back."

clap clap.

Du He applauded: "What a fiery woman, if that's the case, then I'll satisfy you and kill you right away...Of course, you won't be lonely on the road to Huangquan, soon, King Ming will go to accompany you, and The members of the Chen clan, you will meet them all."


Chen Xiyuan raised her head in surprise, "You...you want to kill everyone in the Chen family?"

Du He nodded: "Of course, the Lu family rebelled, Lu Huaguang died, and Lu Mingzhou was the first offender. You are the only concubine of Lu Mingzhou. You can be regarded as an accomplice, a rebel, and you will be punished by the nine clans, including the Chen family. None of them can escape."

Hearing this, Chen Xiyuan stood up abruptly: "Du He...you can't do this, although I am the Princess of Ming, but I, Chen, did not participate too much in Lu's rebellion, and even, Ming Wang invited me many times My father came out to help, but my father rejected them all. Although the Chen family has demoted the Lu family, the crime does not deserve death."

Du He smiled: "You don't have to be so excited, in fact, Chen's fate is in your hands."

"What do you mean?"

"Lu Mingzhou is willing to use you as a bait for a beauty trick. Could it be that this man is really worthy of your entrustment?"

"Fan Yangjun knows that you came to Fanyang County alone. From their point of view, you have already been taken down by this young master. If you go back, can you really keep the position of Princess Ming?"

"No one else knows how strong the Lu family is, but you must be very clear about Lu's weaknesses. Within half a month, King Ming will definitely be destroyed. The so-called Lu family's 20 army is just a fleeting moment."

"You have an incense stick of time to make a choice."

After speaking, Du He leisurely began to drink tea.

Chen Xiyuan felt that the time was very difficult.

Seeing that the time for a stick of incense was about to pass, she finally gritted her teeth and made a decision: "Okay, I promise you, but, what do I need to do?"

Du He smiled: "It's very simple, write a letter to the Chen family, and ask them to fully cooperate with my actions. If you dare not do your best, dare to obey the law, wait for this young master to clean up King Ming, turn around and slap your Chen family. .”

After finishing speaking, Du He walked away.


Only then did Chen Xiyuan realize that she was only sitting on an ordinary chair.

Her palms and vest were covered in cold sweat.


Don't look at Du He's smiling face, but that oppressive aura is everywhere, making her almost out of breath.


Fan Yang army camp.

It's been three days.

Still no news of Chen Xiyuan.

King Ming Lu Mingzhou couldn't sit still.

Just as he was anxiously walking back and forth in the big tent, a subordinate came in a hurry.

"Prince Ming, the princess has news, and a letter has been sent." The subordinate said happily.

Lu Mingzhou said happily: "This king already knows that the princess will succeed, read."

The subordinate opened the letter, and suddenly his face changed drastically.

Lu Mingzhou said in displeasure, "Aren't you illiterate?"

The subordinate stammered and said: "Prince Ming, Wangfei... Wangfei said that between the time when half a stick of incense is not available, and two hours, she chooses two hours."


Lu Mingzhou was furious and knocked everything in front of him to the ground.

Things, scattered all over the place.


"Shameless woman!"

"Does she want to die?"

"Du He... What kind of ecstasy soup did Du He give her? Also, how could it be possible with Du He's thin body for two hours?"

The subordinate whispered: "It's not Du He...it's Du He's guard."


Lu Mingzhou couldn't bear it any longer, spewed out a mouthful of blood, fell straight to the ground, and passed out.

"King Ming!"

"King Ming!"

Fan Yangjun was in charge of the battalion, and it was in chaos.


(End of this chapter)

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