Chapter 1105
Fanyang County.

The backyard of the county government.

"Teacher, isn't this too crazy?"

Li Ke suddenly shouted in surprise.

I saw his eyes widen in disbelief.

That's right, just now, Du He revealed all his plans.

Those present included Li Ke, Yuchi Baolin, Wang Xiaogou, and Zhou Da.

Everyone's reaction was consistent with Li Ke's.

The plan is simple.

Three captures and three attacks, asking for Ming Princess Chen Xiyuan, making Chen Xiyuan Lu Bu's woman, completely angered Lu Mingzhou.

Next, Lu Mingzhou will definitely attack Fanyang County crazily.

Only Fanyang County is impenetrable.

Lu Mingzhou will definitely increase his troops crazily, mobilize the entire Lu family's army, and besiege Fanyang County.

Du He's previous preparations were all for this day.

For several days in a row, Lu Mingzhou crazily attacked Fanyang County, which is the best example.

And since yesterday, Fan Yang's army suddenly stopped attacking, and troops appeared outside the city continuously.

As of today, Fan Yang's army has more than 3 people.

Du He said: "I have already sent people to find out clearly that the Lu family claims to have an army of 20, but in fact, there are only 12 horses. Among them, Tianbao General Wang Tian led 12 troops, and the rest were scattered in various places. Everywhere, now, Lu Mingzhou has ordered all the troops to move closer to Fan Yang, and within five days, the [-] Lu family's army will completely encircle Fan Yang County."

Zhou Da analyzed calmly: "My son-in-law, shall we just wait for the reinforcements from the court? If the reinforcements from the court fail to arrive within five days, wouldn't it be our end?"


Du He suddenly laughed: "Who said we have to wait for the imperial reinforcements? There are only 12 troops, why should the imperial army be dispatched? Wouldn't it be better for us to solve it ourselves?"

"We?" Zhou Da's eyes widened, "But we only have less than 5000 people! How is it possible!"

"It may not be possible. We will know in five days. Now, there are two important matters to be done. Commander Yuchi obeys orders." Du He suddenly said seriously.

Yuchi Baolin stood up straight: "The end is here!"

"Commander Yuchi, in the next few days, Lu Mingzhou will definitely send people to attack the county seat. If you lead the rebel army, you must defend the county seat, and there must be no mistakes."


Du He said again: "General Zhou obeys orders!"

"The end is here!"

Du He ordered: "General Zhou, the amount of food and weapons consumed by the rebel army is astonishing every day, but the treasury of the county government is now empty. Next, I will leave it to you."


Zhou Da was stunned.

Food and weapons, I can't change them either.

Du He said with a smile: "General Zhou, you are familiar with Fan Yang, and you must be familiar with those big households. The big households have food, weapons, and equipment in their hands. Ask them to borrow."

Is it really a loan?

Zhou Da gritted his teeth: "Yes!"

Everyone split up to prepare.


As Duhe expected.

For several days in a row, the angry Lu Mingzhou sent people to attack the county again.

However, the rebellious army with less than 5000 people, like crazy, used all the tools for defending the city, repelling the attacks of Fan Yang's army time and time again, bows and arrows, stones, sticks, tiles, bricks, dog shit , Human urine... These are all defensive weapons used by the rebels.

Fan Yang army camp.

"Ming Wang, why do you want to stop attacking at this time? The rebellious army is dead, give me another chance, tonight, I will definitely take down Fanyang County." A general looked at Lu Mingzhou puzzled.

Lu Mingzhou said coldly: "From now on, don't attack. After my Lu family's 12 army is assembled, I will take down Fanyang County in one fell swoop."

"But...Ming Wang, does the small Fanyang County really need so many people? We already have nearly 4 people, and it will be a matter of time before Fanyang County is taken down."

"Okay, at this time, this king has decided that anyone who dares to disobey the order will be executed." Lu Mingzhou said firmly.

No one dared to speak anymore.

Ever since he was captured three times by Du He and then sent out Princess Ming, King Ming has already fallen into a certain state of madness.


the other side.

In the county seat.

Zhou Da started to kill.

On the first day, he smiled and came to the door to discuss with the big households about borrowing food and weapons.

But these big households who were on good terms with Zhou Da suddenly turned their faces and refused to recognize Zhou Da at this time, and they didn't give Zhou Da any face at all.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhou Da took [-] soldiers and knocked on doors from door to door, directly reporting the number of food and supplies.

Some big households wanted to resist, so they were directly beaten by Zhou Da.

For a time, the entire Fanyang County was filled with the name of Zhou Yanwang.

Zhou Da knew that his reputation was completely ruined this time.

However, he has no choice.


It's five days.

Under King Ming's command, General Tianbao Wang Tian led an army of [-] to arrive.

Lu's army of 12 was dense, like a dark cloud covering the sky and the sun, covering the surroundings of Fanyang County.

Fanyang County is flat on all sides, with no support around it, and it is still located on a high ground, slowly descending to the surroundings.

On the city wall, the rebels looked at Fan Yangjun coldly.

"Bah, it's amazing how many people there are! Our rebellious army has killed thousands of people from Fan Yang's army during this period of time, and we lost less than 100 people. Fan Yang's army is just a bunch of useless people."

"My son-in-law said that we are invincible!"

"The chaos army is mighty!"

Someone yelled.

This group of dirty guys in tattered armor are all full of energy, as if they have been drugged.



In the sky, lightning suddenly appeared.

The thunder rumbled, and the city walls trembled.

Not long after, it rained heavily.

Night devours the earth.


Zhuozhou city.

The army led by Qin Qiong has arrived in Zhuozhou.

But in the face of this downpour, it was impossible to move forward.

Qin Qiong was very anxious.

He turned to look at Zhuozhou Inspector Liu Wentong: "Master Liu, is there any news from Fanyang County today?"

Liu Wentong said: "General Qin, the last wave of scouts in the afternoon brought back news that General Tianbao Wang Tian has led an army of 12 to fight Lu Mingzhou. The Lu family has a total of [-] troops and surrounded Fanyang County. It will attack Fanyang County at night."

Qin Qiong commanded worriedly: "Master Liu, hurry up and gather the troops of Zhuozhou, and follow this general, and rush to Fanyang County. If you go late, Du He and the King of Shu will be finished. Your Majesty's will, I have a few days ago I just received it, soldiers and horses from all over the place are rushing towards Fan Yang, but it's too late...we must arrive first to attract the attention of Fan Yang's army."

A few days ago, he also received a secret decree from His Majesty Li Er.

In the secret decree, Li Er warned him that he must save Du He and the King of Shu at all costs.

However, looking back, Qin Qiong saw Liu Wentong shaking his head.

Liu Wentong said: "General Qin, I cannot go with you."

"Huh?" Qin Qiong frowned and asked, "Why?"

Is this guy going to rebel?

(End of this chapter)

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