Chapter 1106

Heavy rain, non-stop.

On the city wall of Fanyang County, all the rebels held weapons, standing on the top of the wall like stone statues.

The wind and rain do not move.

Thunder can't move.

This army has only one belief in its heart: the son-in-law will definitely solve Lu's army.

Yuchi Baolin was holding a booklet, and Wang Xiaogou held an umbrella for him.

All the names have been counted.

He turned his head to look at the crowd, and said loudly: "Brothers, your names are all on this. Afterwards, this general will use a special method to keep this list. If Fanyang County falls tonight, I will die here. Today, after our Heavenly Army of the Tang Dynasty destroys the Lu family, this roster will definitely be discovered. At that time, all of you will be heroes of the Tang Dynasty. Your parents, your wives and children will be well taken care of. His name will also honor his guys, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

More than 4000 people shouted repeatedly.

dong dong dong.

dong dong dong.

Drums sounded.

Yuchi Baolin stood on the podium and shouted: "Grape wine luminous cup!"

The rebels shouted, "Grape wine luminous glass!"

"If you want to drink the pipa, hurry up!"

"Drunk lying on the battlefield Lord Mo Xiao!"

"How many people have fought in ancient times!"

dong dong dong.


Drums, thunder, and human voices merged into one.


Fan Yang army camp.

"Zuiwo... the battlefield... Jun Mo... laughing..."

"Fighting in ancient many...people...back!"

The roar of the chaos came intermittently.

in the big account.

"Hahaha..." Lu Mingzhou laughed proudly, "Several people who have fought in ancient times have heard of Du He's poetic talent. After hearing it today, they really deserve their reputation. It's a pity that such a good poet will become my king's prisoner tonight. .”

After finishing speaking, he looked up at a tall man next to him, and said, "General Wang, this battle depends entirely on you."

General Wang Tian of Tianbao didn't take it seriously and said: "Master Ming please don't worry, there are more than 4000 people in Du He, and my Fan Yang army has 12 people, each of them can drown him with a mouthful of saliva."

"Remember, don't kill him, bring him in front of this king. This king wants him to live or die. If he humiliated this king, this king will pay him back double. Castrate him and let him parade in the streets all day long."

"There is also that little black fat Shu King who asked Zhou Da to betray this king. This king will make him into a stick and give it to Emperor Tang."

Lu Mingzhou said with a gloomy expression.

Wang Tian said: "Master Ming, after half an hour, Fan Yang's army will attack from all directions. After two hours at most, the last general will be able to bring Du He and King Shu to you."

Lu Mingzhou laughed triumphantly: "This king has been waiting for a long time for this day, Du He, this time you are dead."


The backyard of the county government in Fanyang County.

inside the house.

Du He and Li Ke are playing chess.

In a corner not far away, Chen Xiyuan looked towards Du He from time to time.

Beside her, Lu Bu looked at everything around him vigilantly.

What Chen Xiyuan didn't understand was why the Lu family's 12 troops had already surrounded Fanyang County, everyone was so nervous that the people in the city fled before dark, and the entire county became an empty city.

But Du He talked and laughed happily, as if nothing happened.

Du He said: "Your Highness, look at the rain. It probably won't stop tomorrow. God is sad."

Li Ke looked outside and scratched his head: "Teacher, will God also be sad? Are we going to die? Oh, if that's the case, there will be no regrets in death."

After speaking, Li Ke threw down the chess pieces, stood up and walked out.

Du He asked: "Your Highness, where are you going?"

Li Ke didn't turn his head back: "I'm going to die anyway, I'll go and have fun with Zhou Zhirao again."

Du He: "..."

Lu Bu and Chen Xiyuan: "..."

Du He stood up slowly, looking at Chen Xiyuan.

Chen Xiyuan suddenly felt uncomfortable and stood up involuntarily.

Du He said lightly: "I know, you are only obedient to this young master on the surface, but in your heart, you are thinking that Lu Mingzhou will definitely kill me, right? So, the letter you sent to Mrs. Chen, on the surface, is to Chen Shi cooperates with me and cooperates with my actions, but the combination of every word in the middle line of the letter makes Chen Shi wait for the time, Chen Xiyuan, after all, you still don't believe in my profession!"

Chen Xiyuan looked flustered, but said: "Isn't it? The Lu family has an army of 20, and you only have more than 4000 people. You don't think that these 4000 people can defend against the attack of an army of 20?"

Du He smiled, turned around and said, "Chen Xiyuan, how about I make a bet with you?"

"What bet?"

"If the Lu family loses tonight and I win, from now on, you will take good care of Lu Bu." Du He said.

"What if you lose?"

Du He said: "I will let Lu Bu take advantage of the chaos to send you away, and send you to Chang'an, to the south, to any place. From then on, you will be free."

Chen Xiyuan said firmly: "You won't win."

"Lu Bu! Go to the city wall." Du He sneered and said suddenly.

Lu Bu nodded, and immediately found a black umbrella.

When he reached the door, Lu Bu opened his umbrella and said, "Master, please!"

Doo walks out.

Chen Xiyuan also followed Du He out.

As soon as Du He walked into the rain, Lu Bu's big umbrella opened for Du He.

The master and servant walked into the heavy rain.

Chen Xiyuan stood in a mess in the rain.


"After all, we are also a dewy couple!"

Chen Xiyuan looked at Lu Bu's tall back and couldn't help stamping her feet.


In the northwest of Fanyang County, between two mountains, a dam has been built.

The embankment is so high that it blocks a large river. The downstream of the embankment is where Fanyang County is located.

On the side of the embankment, dozens of torches were burning in the heavy rain.

Ghosts and Xu Zhengdao were wearing night clothes, as if they didn't feel the presence of the rainstorm.

Xu Zhengdao stared at the turbulent water and asked, "Any news?"

Ghost shook his head.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed over, and when it came to the two of them, it suddenly knelt down in the muddy water.

Heiying said: "Fanyang County, there is news that the rebel army suddenly sang grape wine luminous cups loudly..."

Xu Zhengdao was the first to say: "If you want to drink the pipa, hurry up, Lord Mo Xiao is lying drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times, right?"


"Hahaha..." Xu Zhengdao laughed loudly, "This is the secret signal given by the young master. Brothers, half a month of hard work will be over soon. Grandma, it's enough for Lu Mingzhou to drink a pot this time."



Immediately, more than 20 men in black each held a box and rushed down the embankment.

Below the dam, holes have already been dug.

The people in black opened the box, took out packs of explosives the size of their arms, stuffed them in, took out the fire pocket, lit the fuse in the heavy rain, then turned and ran away.

When everyone evacuated to a safe place.




The earth is shaking!

The dam collapsed in an instant, and countless floods poured down, rushing towards Fanyang County with the power to destroy everything.

(End of this chapter)

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