God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1119 Guerrilla General

Chapter 1119 Guerrilla General
By evening.

The guests who came to congratulate have almost left.

A team of people came to the manor after the sunset.

It was Li Er, and a group of bigwigs in the court.

Ordinarily, it is impossible for these people to appear at the wedding of a guard of a county duke, but who asked His Majesty Li Er to come in person.

Of course, in fact, the purpose of everyone coming here is to give Du He a face, and to peacefully resolve Lu Mingzhou and others who were detained by Du He in Hu County.

After all, these gangsters feel ashamed.

Du He personally led Lu Bu and his wife and members of the Chen clan to welcome them.

Chen Tianwang was so excited that he spoke incoherently: "I... Mrs. Chen, Mrs. Chen has hope. I have a good son-in-law."

Li Er stepped forward and called Lu Bu over.

"Lu Bu, what I said at the beginning will not change. As long as you go to the court, I will give you a general and an army, so that you can make great achievements. In time, it is not impossible to be promoted to a noble or official position." Li Erxiao Hehe looked at Lu Bu.

Chen Tianwang and others all wished that Lu Bu would agree quickly.

Lu Bu was expressionless: "Thank you for your kindness, but, Lu Bu will not obey."


"Lu Bu's mission is to protect the young master, and he is not interested in being a general." Lu Bu explained his reasons.

The crowd was stunned.

This man is probably a fool.

Such a good condition, but still not agreed.

What's so good about being the number one guard in the world? That's what a man pursues.

"Cough cough cough..."

Being rejected again, Li Er still felt very embarrassed.

He coughed violently, and said: "Okay, I appreciate your demeanor, Lu Bu, I appreciate you, no matter whether you follow Du He or you are willing to follow me, this is the case, I decided to give you a fifth-rank obedience Guerrilla General, what do you think?"

Look, this is the wisdom of the emperor, and the embarrassment was successfully resolved.

Lu Bu thought about it and decided to refuse.

He bowed, just about to refuse.


Behind him, Du He kicked him suddenly.

Lu Bu said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En!"

The guerrilla general is a military official.

It is an honor that many people can only dream of for a lifetime.

For a time, many people were envious.

However, Lu Bu was still expressionless, as if this guerrilla general was dispensable to him.


The night gradually engulfed the earth.

A gust of wind blows.

At the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, in an inaccessible mountain stream, there are thousands of people hidden.

A black shadow stood by the cold pool, silent.

Not long after, a fast horse came galloping.

The knight on the horse got off his horse and knelt down in front of the shadow.

"Master, I have heard the conversation clearly. The Emperor Tang led the ministers of civil and military affairs and has entered the manor."

"How many guards are there around Emperor Tang?" the man in black asked.

The knight said: "There are only 30 people, and they are all dressed in casual clothes. Emperor Tang didn't want too many people to know that he was leaving the palace this time."

"How many soldiers and horses are there in Hu County now?"

The knight said: "There is only the beggar army, and a city management brigade. In total, there are only more than 600 people."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The man in black suddenly laughed: "God helped me, God helped me. Today, I will bloodbath Hu County, kill Emperor Tang and his civil and military ministers, rescue King Ming, and avenge the Lu family. After ten years of hard work Sword, test the edge today."

The man in black turned around, and the cloak on his body was rattled by the impact of the water falling from the high place.

He ordered: "Everyone, set off immediately, divide the troops into two groups, and send 500 people to besiege the Guancheng Brigade and rescue King Ming and others. The remaining 800 people, follow me to the manor, and strangle Emperor Tang and Du He."

"Revenge for King Ming!"

"Revenge for the Lu family!"

Someone suddenly shouted.


The army that was hidden in the vegetation and jungle appeared one after another.

This is an army dressed in the service of Tang Jun, with more than 300 people.

"set off!"

wow wow wow.

wow wow wow.

More than 300 people walked out of the mountain stream neatly, and then divided into two groups.

All the way east!
All the way west!


Guancheng brigade camp.

The little black fat man was lazily lying on the chair, and the table in front of him was full of delicacies from mountains and seas.

These were all sent from the manor.

Li Ke is not interested: "Today is Lu Bu's big day. I don't have a close relationship with Lu Bu, but I respect him as a man. I should have gone to his wedding banquet and had a few drinks with him. Sigh ...I never thought that the teacher would not let me take half a step out of the camp. What is the reason? Ergou, tell me why?"

Li Er, the deputy captain of the Guancheng Brigade, ran over in a stupid way: "Your Highness, maybe the Duke has some important tasks for you."

"Get out, the dog can't spit out pearls, it doesn't make any sense." Li Ke was angry for no reason.


Li Ergou smirked.

At this moment, a man rushed in: "Your Highness, something is wrong, we are surrounded."


Li Ke stood up at once, and said eagerly, "How many people are there?"

"500 people."

"Well, don't panic, by the way, don't startle the snake, be calm, 500 people, this is a big piece of fat, hahaha, come on, do what the king said..."

Li Ke was so excited that he immediately formulated a strategy.

Li Ergou went to execute it himself.

Only then did Li Ke happily say: "It seems that the teacher really has some deep meaning in doing things. At this time, there are really people who are not afraid of death, good, great."


The gate of the manor.

More than 30 guards seemed to be walking lazily, but they were very vigilantly watching the troubles around them.

They are the guards around the emperor, their vigilance and skill are far beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

Even if there are bursts of fragrance wafting from the manor.

Even if the smell of wine is tangy.

Even if the laughter inside seems to be right in front of your eyes.

They remained unmoved.

"We are His Majesty's guards!"

"It's the elite of the world's army!"

"Everyone has the combat power of one against ten."


A red-faced man asked loudly.


More than 30 people answered neatly.

The red-faced man nodded in satisfaction.

These people are all elites carefully selected from various armies, and under his leadership, they have become extremely powerful.

Although there are only more than 30 people, even if you face thousands of people, you are not afraid.


A rain of arrows flew.

Puff puff.

Immediately, four or five of these guards fell down.

The red-faced man's face turned green.

Is this here to make trouble?
He turned around and was about to yell furiously, but was stunned.

Not far away, on the horizon, a black shadow suddenly appeared.

bang bang bang.

bang bang bang.

A group of men and horses, stepping on neat steps and holding weapons, came to kill.

All the pride of the red-faced man disappeared in an instant.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Quick, retreat into the manor!"


The red-faced man shouted hoarsely.

Then run faster than anyone else.


(End of this chapter)

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