God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1120 Tyrant Legion

Chapter 1120 Tyrant Legion
Everyone was pushing and changing glasses in the hall.

It’s not lively.

"Oh, I heard that tonight's meals are all made by Dai Jinyun's Food Research Institute. It really lives up to its reputation."

"That's right, it's said that Du He invented this Ding Ding fried rice, it's really unique in the world."

"Look, this sheep penis is very delicious."

The entire hall was reserved by Li Er and his friends, there were no outsiders, so everyone was very relaxed.

Suddenly, a figure galloped from outside, rushing to Li Er, who was raising his cup to drink it all up, and then had three more cups, and he would drink a pot if he felt that he was not satisfied, and whispered: "Your Majesty, it's not good, The enemy attacked, and the manor was surrounded by people. It was the defenders of the Imperial Mausoleum, and the defender Wanyan Dadu led more than 800 people to rebel."

This figure was Wen Buren.

Wen Buren had already spoken very quietly.

However, when he rushed in, it was too sudden, and the lively crowd suddenly became quiet.

Every word he said was heard clearly in the ears of those present.


At first there was silence.





Cups fall, plates fall, someone sits on the floor.

"Oh, enemy attack, what should I do?"

"Protect Your Majesty!"

"Quickly escort His Majesty to leave through the back door."

Hou Junji grabbed Du He and said, "Du He, quickly, you escort His Majesty to leave through the back door. After I'm done, I'll fight the enemy."

Du He shook his head: "Lord Hou, it's too late. The enemy's attack at this time must have been planned for a long time, and all escape routes must have been blocked."

Wen Buren nodded: "My lords, just now I have sent people to investigate around, and all the exits have been blocked."

Hou Junji was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, pretending, "What can I do!"

Du He said: "Now, there is only one way. That is, kill it. If you can't kill it, you can only be a trapped beast, and sooner or later everyone will die together."

"Du He, you said it lightly."

"There are more than 800 people outside, and they are the defenders of the imperial tomb. They are well-equipped and have amazing fighting power. How can they fight them out!"

Many people thought Duho was joking.

Doo shrugged.

In this world, the most indispensable thing is a fool.

It's better to keep silent than to talk to idiots.

Li Er suddenly said: "Go, go and have a look outside!"

Everyone followed Li Er to the courtyard of the manor.

The gates of the manor are closed.

Not far from the door, it was the imperial mausoleum defenders who had rebelled.

The tall and tall Wanyan Daduo rode on a group of green-maned horses, looking at this side with contempt.

Hou Junji came to the door and shouted loudly: "Wanyan A Duo, you are a barbarian, and you were defeated by my Tang Dynasty. Your Majesty appreciates you, gives you a high salary, and lets you guard the imperial tomb. Why do you want to be wolf-hearted and make trouble?"

Wanyan Daduo spoke the authentic official dialect of the Central Plains, "Master Hou, you and I are officials in the same dynasty, but each is the master. No matter how much you say today, it will not help. Today, I will kill you all for the sake of death." The members of the Lu clan will take revenge."

Hou Junji was taken aback for a moment: "You...what is your relationship with Mrs. Lu?"


Wanyan A'Duo laughed loudly and said: "Master Hou, you don't know yet, I still have another identity, the first Ming King, is my adoptive father."

The truth is revealed!

Wanyan's playing more is definitely Lu's most hidden pawn.

This guy turned out to be Lu Huaguang's adopted son.

When Lu Huaguang rebelled, Wanyan knew about it when he received a letter from Fan Yang.

In the letter, Lu Huaguang asked him not to reveal his identity, but to continue to lurk, and when the Lu family's army hit Chang'an, Wanyan Daduo would play a huge role as an internal response.

Wanyan Daduo was always looking forward to the arrival of Lu's army.

It's a pity that what we waited for was bad news one after another.

In the end, the Youzhou rebellion was completely put down.

He couldn't sit still.

He finally seized the opportunity to wipe out Li Er and the others.

Rescue King Ming Lu Mingzhou and others, the world will still belong to the Lu family.


The ministers were all silent.

Li Er clenched his fists, his expression gloomy.

"Lu Huaguang, damn it!"

"Dear dears, at present, only Du He's method is feasible. Which one of you is willing to lead everyone to rush out and save a way out?" Li Erhuan looked around and asked.

Everyone bowed their heads.

Not without courage.

I have no strength.

Look at Wanyan Daduo and his army on the opposite side, all of them are well-equipped and full of killing intent.

Looking at myself again, everyone was wearing a toga with long sleeves, drunk and unarmed.

Li Er couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

These people were all fighting the world with him back then.

Live in sorrow and die in peace!

Get used to the good life, and the blood will disappear.

Could it be that the sky is going to destroy my Tang Dynasty?

at this time.

"Mighty legion, the assembly is complete, please review the leader!"

Not far away, a loud roar suddenly sounded.

Everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look.

I saw that in a courtyard on the left, at some point, all 100 members of the beggar army gathered together.

But Du He was actually wearing armor, a sword on his waist, and a helmet, standing in front of everyone.

Breeze blows.

The cloak fluttered behind him.

Everyone's eyes widened.

The cloak of Gouri is actually made of the finest silk, and a cloak costs at least several thousand guan.

It's simply extravagant and non-toxic.

Looking at the armor on Du He's body, it is definitely the most complicated that everyone has ever seen. However, there are several curved scales on the outside of any joints, covering the body skillfully, and the workmanship is exquisite and the design is exquisite. It's not war equipment, it's simply a work of art. No way, it costs thousands of pieces.

Looking at the helmet again, it has a very unique shape. At first glance, it looks like a pot lid, but it can wrap the head tightly.

I saw Du He pulling.


A fine iron net covered his face.

Good guy, Du He is wearing this suit, it is 360 degrees without any dead angle, and the whole body is airtight.

Many people feel sour.

Grandma's, this is truly well-equipped.

Looking at the configuration of the beggar army, although it is not as good as Du He, it is definitely several ranks higher than the guards of the palace.

Especially the long knives in the hands of the beggar army, shining brightly in the night, and looking at the boots, they are all made of high-quality bison leather.

The entire beggar army revealed two words: pride.

This is the beggar army?

This is a local tyrant army is not bad.

Du He walked lightly in front of the crowd, and said in a deep voice: "The rebels are outside, if we let them rush in, everyone will die."

"Listen to my orders!"


"Check equipment!"


Everyone checks from head to toe, and the movements are uniform.

Du He shouted: "For Datang!"

The mighty legion shouted, "For Datang!"

The shouts were earth-shattering.



The gate of the manor is wide open.

The mighty legion charged forward without hesitation.


(End of this chapter)

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