God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1128 Du He's Arrangement

Chapter 1128 Du He's Arrangement

The next day.

early morning.

From a distance, Huxian Commercial Center looks more like a small market town, consisting of six criss-crossing avenues, with various shops on both sides of the road.

And on the nearest street near Anhu Avenue, the No. 18 store is the newly opened Hu County Grain Distribution Center.

The shopkeeper of the Hu County Grain Distribution Center is Du He's godson Wang Laowu.

At this moment, Wang Laowu called many partners to sit together.

Everyone looked at young Du He curiously.

But no one dared to underestimate Du He.

To become the Duke of Hu at such a young age is not in vain. Any contribution made by Du He is beyond the reach of these merchants in a lifetime.

After a long while, a short, fat middle-aged man said, "Cao Min met Hu Guogong. Cao Min came from Hangzhou. His family has been in the grain business for generations. His ancestors also transported grain from Hangzhou to Chang'an for sale. There are countless losses on the road, and there are still many bandits and thieves who can't even keep their money... Now, Dream Group has spent a huge price to open up a convenient passage from Jiangnan to Chang'an, allowing me to wait for money to be earned. Waiting for the times to remember Duke Hu's kindness... However, when the grain distribution center opened this time, the grassroots really didn't understand why the price was lowered, isn't this self-destructive way of making money?"

Du He looked at each other, put down his teacup, and said: "Mr. Liu, now, we are completely equal. You are all partners of Dream Group. It is fate that we can sit together. I have something to ask you , give me the answer after you think it over."

"Please enlighten me, Duke Hu."

Du He asked: "Do you want to make short-term money, or do you want to make money in the long run? Do you want to make money only in the capital, or do you want to make money in the entire Tang Dynasty, or even outside of the Tang Dynasty?"

Everyone thought for a while.

The answer speaks for itself.

Fools will choose to make money for a long time, and even expand their business beyond the lobby.

Mr. Liu thought for a while: "Mr. Hu Guo, I know what you mean, but, this...has nothing to do with the Hu County Grain Distribution Center, don't you know? The grain bank has prepared enough money to buy all our grain at a low price, and then hoard it. At that time, the low-priced grain will be bought by them, and there will be no grain on the market. Our grain will not be available in a short time. It can’t be transported from Jiangnan, so why not just let them sit on the ground and raise the price?”

Hearing this, Du He frowned.

He turned his head and asked, "Is there such a thing?"

He asked Wang Lao Wu.

Wang Laowu has become a popular merchant in Chang'an area from a down-and-out businessman in Jiangnan.

He hurriedly said: "Godfather, there is indeed such a thing. It is said that the eldest grandson's family is also planning to participate in it."


Du He patted the table lightly, and cursed softly: "A bunch of short-sighted guys!"

In this society, merchants, big households, only have interests in their eyes.

Mr. Liu and the others were taken aback, thinking that Du He was scolding themselves and the others. Although everyone was dissatisfied, they didn't dare to refute, and just buried their heads down.

Du He looked back, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Everyone, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about those profiteers who are planning to take advantage of the fire, these short-sighted guys... If you are worried about this matter, in fact, you don't have to worry about it." Du He said with a smile.

Mr. Liu asked curiously: "Could it be that Mr. Hu has already made a fuss? Or, has a way to deal with it? What do you need me to do? Please tell Mr. Hu. Now, we have already tied up with the Dream Group." On the ship, if Dream Group loses money, we will have a hard time waiting, everyone should work together to solve the problem in front of us."

The others also nodded.

These merchants from the south of the Yangtze River were actually tricked into coming to Chang'an by Fang Yiai and Wang Laowu.

However, when they arrived in Chang'an, they realized that Dream Group was the most peculiar existence in the world.

Everyone in the Dream Group believes in the contract, and everything is done according to the contract.

Everyone believes in the spirit of the contract.

As long as the food is good enough, as long as the price is right, Dream Group wants as much as it has. Moreover, Dream Group is also eager to help these merchants who came from afar to settle their businesses in Chang'an City, so as to solve everyone's worries.

After coming and going, these people completely followed the dream group.

Of course, they also know that the convenient business road from Jiangnan to Chang'an was opened up by Dream Group at a huge cost, and there are transfer stations and supply stations for goods within a hundred miles. This is something that no one except the imperial court can do. of.

Once they leave the fantasy group, they will be like duckweed, with nothing to rely on.

Du He looked at Mr. Liu and the others, and said with a smile that was not a smile: "Everyone, worry too much. You are merchants, and merchants aim at profit. As for heresy, in my young master's eyes, they are nothing. We don't need to do anything. , just wait quietly, there will be friends to help us?"

"Friend? Could it be that there are people who are more powerful than Changsun's family grain business to help? Is there such a person in Chang'an City?" Mr. Liu asked curiously.

Du He said confidently: "Of course there are, and there are many. Fifth, are you ready for the details you made before?"

Wang Laowu said: "Godfather, don't worry, I will do everything according to your orders!"

Du He said: "One more thing. The Hu County Grain Distribution Center has just opened, and it is bound to be overcrowded. There are no rules, and rules are indispensable for buying grain. Open all the twenty openings downstairs, and at the same time, send more people to sell grain. The speed must be fast... Of course, the most important thing is that you have to line up to buy food, even if the king of heaven is here, you have to line up obediently. As for how to maintain order, go ask His Highness the King of Shu for help."


It's that simple?
Everyone looked at Du He in surprise.

But saw that Du He had got up and walked out.

Before leaving the door, he said: "Everyone, just sell your food well, and within a month, you will know whether my young master's words are effective."

Everyone present carefully considered Du He's words, but they didn't figure out anything.

At this moment, a young man ran in and said to Wang Laowu: "Shopkeeper, hundreds of people have already come outside... There is still half an hour before the opening."

Wang Laowu got up suddenly, "Quickly, send someone... No, I will personally invite His Royal Highness the King of Shu to come out. Everyone, this is the end of my godfather's words, and everyone should help each other. If anyone dares not to do their best, or Don’t blame me, Wang Laowu, for being rude to you if you make a mistake and do something that is sorry to your friend.”

Don't look at Wang Lao Wu's obedience and obedience in front of Du He, but in front of others, his ferocious appearance is fully exposed.

Everyone was so frightened that they nodded in agreement.


(End of this chapter)

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