Chapter 1129 Seeing Hope
"Hu County Grain Distribution Center officially opened today!"

"Everyone can buy the cheapest food in Datang."

"However, according to the rules of our grain distribution center, only one hundred catties can be sold."


In front of the gate of Huxian Grain Distribution Center, Wang Laowu stood on a high platform and announced loudly.

People didn't care to listen to what he had to say.

Everyone stared at a huge plaque behind Wang Laowu.

It has the prices of all kinds of food written on it.

Almost all grains are less than half of the city price in Chang'an, and the cheapest ones are only one-third of the market price.

Many people have hot eyes.

"Go away, we need to buy food!"

"Yes, let's go in and buy food."

Wang Laowu originally wanted to be impassioned, but he was quickly kicked off the stage.

Afterwards, people who came to buy grain rushed in one after another.

If it wasn't for someone to maintain order, it would have been a mess long ago.

Mr. Liu and others have been sitting in a room upstairs.

Someone said: "Brother Liu, can such a low-priced sales method really allow me to make money?"

Mr. Liu shook his head: "I... I actually don't understand the meaning of Hu Guogong, but now we are all tied up with the Dream Group. Even if we eat shit, we can only recognize it. I just hope Hu Guogong won't be too cruel. .”


Someone sighed.

It's not time for a stick of incense.

Someone came up to report: "Three thousand catties of grain have been sold."

Three thousand catties?
Mr. Liu stood up and asked: "I just saw clearly that the people who came to buy grain were only ordinary people, and no big family came to buy. Why did you sell so much in a short period of time?"

The boy said, "Shopkeeper Liu, you don't know something. These people are like crazy. Any ordinary people who are dressed in rags will buy three hundred catties, five hundred catties..."

Mr. Liu and the others' eyes lit up.

After half an hour.

Someone came to report again: "[-] catties of grain have been sold."

Now, everyone couldn't sit still.

Thirty thousand catties of grain!

This is an amount that could not be sold in a whole day in Chang'an City in the past.

"This...what the hell is going on here? Why are so many people coming to buy? Why are so many grains sold in such a short period of time?" Mr. Liu and the others were puzzled and looked at each other.


At this time, a laugh came from outside.

Everyone turned their heads, only to see Wang Lao Wu walking in happily.

This guy was bombarded by the people just now, and he didn't get any performance. He was depressed at first, but in the blink of an eye, the food was sold like crazy, and his mood suddenly brightened.

There is nothing happier than making money.

"Congratulations, Brother Wang!"

"Brother Congratulations!"

Mr. Liu and others stood up and congratulated.

Wang Laowu waved his hand and looked at the crowd, "You guys, do you know what I saw today?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"It's hope..." Wang Laowu burst out laughing, "To tell you the truth, although I am the godson of Duke Hu, in his heart, I am not really important. Been a son for half a year, he still can't remember my name when he saw me..."

"However, I don't hold any grudges, because under my godfather, capable people come forth in large numbers, such as Fang Yi'ai, the world's number one salesman, Dai Jinyun, the number one gourmet master in the Tang Dynasty, Wei Shuwan, a leader in pig farming, Lu Shengxiao, a master builder, and others. Compared with them, I, Wang Laowu, is a pile of shit... Until I took the 30 yuan given by my godfather to Jiangnan to buy grain, and together with Mr. Fang, I spent a huge price to establish the business road from Chang'an to Jiangnan, godfather You really value me..."

"Now, the godfather wrote the "Datang Industry Support Plan". It is said that many people did not understand this plan. Do it, he is entrusting him with a heavy responsibility. In fact, during this period of time, I couldn’t eat well and couldn’t sleep, so I was worried that I would mess up this matter. Here comes hope."

"So what if the price of food is low, this distribution center sells a lot."

"Small profits but quick turnover, this is what Mr. Ma told me. Mr. Ma said that his godfather told him, that's why, hahaha..."

Wang Laowu wept with joy.

He never dreamed that he still has today.

Mr. Liu and others were also a little moved when they saw it.

Wang Laowu wiped away his tears and said: "Everyone, now that we have come to this point, we have no way out. We can only follow the godfather's request, one way, until the dark, if we don't succeed, we will be benevolent."

"If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

After following Fang Yiai for a long time, Wang Laowu actually knows a lot of Fang Yiai's provocative things.



Several horse-drawn carriages came to the Hu County Commercial Center along Anhu Avenue.

The carriage stopped before it approached the center of the grain base three, because the front was already surrounded by many people who came to buy grain with sacks on their backs.

The curtain of a carriage ahead was thrown back.

Changsun Chong jumped down and was startled when he saw the black head.

"Why so many people?" He asked in surprise.

The shopkeeper next to him said: "Young master, you don't know that the grain in this grain distribution center is more than half cheaper than in Chang'an. All these common people came here to buy grain. No one patronizes the grain shop of our grandson's family today. .”

This shopkeeper is the shopkeeper of a grain store owned by Changsun's family in Chang'an.

"However, the distance from Chang'an to here is not very close. How can these poor people, without chariots and horses, rely on their feet to transport hundreds of catties of grain back?" Chang Sun Chong was still puzzled.

The shopkeeper said: "My lord, hard work is nothing to these common people as long as they can survive. Besides, they are all short-sighted."

"Hmph, it's just a bunch of untouchables. Shopkeepers, my father said that today, everyone is open to buying. Let's buy as much as there are, understand?" Changsun turned his head and said to the dozen people behind him.

These people are all dressed in silk and satin, and they are all the shopkeepers of Changsun's family grain business.

There is only one purpose for the crowd to come, and that is to buy a lot of grain, and it is best to completely buy up all the grain in the Hu County Grain Distribution Center.

"Yes, listen to the young master's orders."


Changsun Chong opened the fan and led the crowd inside.

However, just a few steps away, he was stopped by someone.

The one who stopped him was an old man, dressed in shabby clothes, with two torn sacks hanging on his shoulders.

"Hey, what are you doing, want to jump in line? Do you understand that first come, first served, go to the back." The old man rudely pushed the elder Sun Chong away.

The eldest grandson got angry at once, "Well, you pariah, dare to fight with this young master, come on, beat him to death, and see who dares to talk nonsense in front of this young master..."

The dogs behind Changsun Chong rushed up and pinned the old man to the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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