God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1167 Angry Last Name

Chapter 1167 Angry People
The old man looked around and said cautiously: "Magistrate Gao asked me to bring a few words to the young master."


The old man said in a low voice: "Young Master, I don't know. The county magistrate did not arrest you and sentence you. It was all done by Du Xianwei. Du Xianwei relied on his personal relationship with Liu Wentong, the governor of Jingzhao Mansion, so He acted recklessly and arrested many people. The magistrate Gao has already been very angry about this matter...Magistrate Gao, your father and you are friends for many years, so of course we will not just sit idly by..."

Mr. Lan was overjoyed: "So, I thought it was Gao Yuanzhi who harmed me before, but it seems that I misunderstood him?"

The old man slapped his thigh: "Yes, there is a big misunderstanding. All of this has nothing to do with Gao County Magistrate."

"Then how is he going to save me?"

The old man whispered in Mr. Lan's ear, and said mysteriously: "Magistrate Gao said, when you get to the lobby later, no matter what Lieutenant Du said, you just agree. No matter what the crime is, you will admit it. Don't be afraid of the signature painting... County Magistrate Gao has already gone to the Ministry of Officials, and someone will come to clean up Du He soon, and then you will be saved."

"It's that simple?"

"Magistrate Gao has said that everything will be correct if you listen to him."

Mr. Lan nodded: "I have been friends with Magistrate Gao for many years. Of course I trust him. Don't worry, I will agree to whatever happens later. I believe Magistrate Gao will save me. "

Mr. Lan was a little nervous just now, but now he is very calm.

He was brought to the lobby by two yamen servants.


Du He patted the gavel, and asked, "Is the blue lotus under the hall?"

Lan Lian is Mr. Lan's name, but people call him Mr. Lan, but forget his real name.

Master Lan nodded: "It's me!"

Du He said loudly: "Mr. Lan, I led my subordinates to patrol the streets yesterday. I happened to see you committing murder in the street and arrested you. Afterwards, I asked people to track down and found that you not only committed murder yesterday, but you have been in the past few years. East Chang’an City committed crimes, oppressed the people, disregarded human life, and committed a heinous crime. Now, I want to pronounce your punishment in public... Listen carefully.”

Du He paused, picked up the case file, and began to ask: "On May [-]th, that was yesterday, you beat up a foreign businessman in the street and demanded compensation, which is extortion. Can you admit it?"

"That's right, I did it." Mr. Lan admitted generously.

Du He asked again: "On the third day of May, you robbed a farmer's daughter outside the city. The farmer refused to agree. You ordered him to beat him to death and buried him in the woods two miles outside the city. The girl was killed by you. Brought to Chang'an, committed suicide in your home, you dragged him out of the city and buried him without reporting to the police, can you admit it?"

Master Lan nodded: "Yes, I did it."


"Bah, it's not as good as a beast!"

"Should kill!"

"Too cruel!"

The common people couldn't bear it, and started to scold one after another.

Mr. Lan turned his head to look, and didn't care.

You can scold me, anyway, my son has the help of the county magistrate Gao, and in the end nothing happened, wait for me to go out, and then deal with you untouchables.

He looked smug.

Du He began to ask again: "Mr. Lan, on April [-]th, you set up a gamble and invited a businessman from the south of the Yangtze River to gamble. You cheated the businessman of [-] yuan, causing him to lose all his business capital in Chang'an City." , go back in despair, do you admit it?"

"Cut, it's because that guy is not good at learning, so he can't even see such an obvious deception. If you don't deceive him, who can you deceive..." Mr. Lan said proudly.

"The ninth day of April..."

"The eighth day of March..."


Du He read out a pile of crimes.

Mr. Lan kept in mind the old man's teachings, and firmly believed that everything would be arranged by Gao Yuanzhi, and Gao Yuanzhi would be able to save himself, so he answered the questions fluently, and even rushed to answer them.

A total of 28 charges.

Mr. Lan pleaded guilty to all.

Du He said: "Since that's the case, Mr. Lan, you can sign the crime."

Mr. Lan hesitated for a moment.

But I believe Gao Yuanzhi has the upper hand.

He readily signed the pledge.

Du He took the charge and announced in public: "Lan Lian, the family of Wannian, has committed crimes in Wannian County in recent years, oppressed the people, disregarded human life, and has no pardon... According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, he should be beheaded! People, beat the blue lotus rod fifty times, and immediately take it outside the east gate and behead it for public display."

In later generations, criminals will be executed in autumn.

But in Datang, there is no such rule.

However, beheading a prisoner requires a report from the superior.

Mr. Lan suddenly peed in fright, and he shouted with a pale face, "Where is Gao County Magistrate, and where is Gao Yuanzhi?"

Unfortunately, apart from the excited onlookers, there was no trace of Gao Yuanzhi.

Zhang San and Li Si came over, tied up Mr. Lan tightly, and pressed him to the ground.

A few yamen servants came up, held the board and smashed it down.

Mr. Lan is usually pampered, how can he bear this, after going down fifty boards, he was knocked out three times, and the last time, he didn't wake up immediately.

Du He said coldly: "It's better to be dizzy, lest this disgusting guy who is whining, come on, immediately take Lan Lian outside the east gate and behead her for public display."


Ma San'er led the yamen servants, threw the fainted Lanlian onto the bullock cart, and left the county yamen.

Gao Yuanzhi, the magistrate of Wannian County, is not here, so Du He is naturally the supervisor.

He followed in a carriage.

And the common people followed Du He's carriage with excited faces.

In Chang'an City, a group of people suddenly appeared.

People inquired one after another, and they knew that it was Wannian county Wei Duhe who had sentenced Mr. Lan to the crime, and was escorting Mr. Lan to the east gate to behead him for public display.

"Mr. Lan, is he going to be beheaded?"

"God has eyes!"

"Such a good thing, how could my Sun Tiedan be missing!"

"My uncle's third son's uncle's grandson was killed by Mr. Lan. I must go and see and give him a spit!"

The crowd spread the word from ten to ten, and soon, almost the entire Chang'an City knew that the famous playboy Lan Gongzi in East Chang'an City was going to be beheaded, and people joined the onlookers in small groups.

At first, the team was fairly orderly.

Later, someone took the lead and started throwing things and spitting at Mr. Lan who was lying on the bullock cart.

When Du He saw it, he couldn't help but sighed with emotion: "East Chang'an City has suffered from blue lotus for a long time. It's a miracle that this guy can live to this day! Oh...that bastard threw a stone..."

Du He saw with his own eyes that a stone the size of a casserole fell from the sky and hit Young Master Lan on the chest, causing him to vomit a mouthful of blood.

When he got outside the east gate, Mr. Lan was already on the verge of death. Even if he was not beheaded, he probably wouldn't live for a few days.

The fifty boards he suffered in the county government office were already heavy enough. Along the way, this guy was smashed with countless things. If Du He didn't ask the government officials to stop him in time, these angry people would beat Mr. Lan alive Died in the city.


(End of this chapter)

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