Chapter 1168
Gao Yuanzhi was as anxious as ants on a hot pan.

He first went to the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion, and wanted to find Liu Wentong, the governor of Jingzhao Mansion, to find out what happened to the official document in Du He's hand. The official document was really not in compliance with the rules, and there was no county magistrate in the world to exercise the power of the magistrate. Yes, no matter how bad it is, it should be exercised by the county magistrate.

It's simply a joke of the world.

However, when he arrived at the Jingzhao government office, he was told that Liu Wentong had gone out.

As for when to come back, I don't know at all.

Time waits for no one, Gao Yuanzhi immediately rushed to Xu Guogong's mansion.

When he arrived at Xu Guogong's mansion, he found out that his uncle Gao Shilian had entered the palace early this morning.

Gao Yuanzhi entered the palace in a hurry, came to the Ministry of Officials, and finally met Gao Shilian.

Gao Shilian asked in surprise: "Nephew Yuanzhi, the Wannian county government now needs you to be in charge to prevent Du Hehu from coming. Why didn't you stay in the county government, but entered the palace instead?"

Gao Yuanzhi wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Uncle, something is wrong... Du He, Du He actually got the official document Liu Wentong gave him. He wants to interrogate those people who were arrested in the county government yesterday. I can't stop him... I went to the Jingzhao government office, but I didn't see Liu Wentong, so I can only come to my uncle and you go out."


Hearing this, Gao Shilian said angrily: "Nonsense... This old man is a dignified secretary of the official department, a member of the imperial court. Isn't it a joke for you to ask this old man to come forward and manage a small county lieutenant from the ninth rank? "

Gao Yuanzhi wept and asked, "Uncle, what should we do now? Among those who were arrested by Du He and sent to the county government prison, those rascals are not very important, but Mr. Lan is different. He and I are good friends. His father and I have also been friends for many years, if I can't keep him, what prestige will I have in the county government in the future."

Gao Shilian glared at Gao Yuanzhi, and said with hatred: "You... the old man has warned you a long time ago that serving as an official will benefit one party, and don't do things too much. It's better for you to collude with those big households. Don’t you think that I don’t know about the matter of cutting down on fish and meat? Do you think that the censors in the court are all vegetarians? All these years, those memorials to impeach you have been suppressed by this official... Forget it, old man Just help you one more time."

After speaking, Gao Shilian asked someone to bring paper and pen, and wrote a letter.

Then hand it to Gao Yuanzhi: "You quickly take this letter back to Du He. He will naturally know what to do after reading the letter."

Gao Yuanzhi secretly read the content of the letter. It was basically Gao Shilian's promise that as long as Du He didn't make trouble, he would promote Du He later.

Gao Yuanzhi nodded, took the letter, and was just about to turn around to leave when he saw an official from the official department rushing in and said happily, "Everyone, have you heard? Show it to the public... This young master Lan is amazing, his father is Lan Mingyu, a well-known spice merchant in Chang'an City... Unexpectedly, Du He is so bold that he dared to kill Lan Mingyu's son."

Gao Yuanzhi's face suddenly turned pale.

Gao Shilian asked: "Master Zhou, how did you hear the news?"

Master Zhou bowed slightly to Gao Shilian: "Master Gao, now the whole city of Chang'an knows about it. Just now, Du He escorted Mr. Lan to the gate of the east city, and he is going to behead Mr. Lan immediately for public display. "


Gao Shilian stood up at once, and said with a heavy face, "Yuanzhi, you go to the east gate quickly, or it will be over if you go too late."

Others don't know, but Gao Shilian is very aware of Du He's temper.

Du He, there is nothing he dare not do.

Since Du He made this incident known to everyone in Chang'an City, it means that he has made up his mind to kill Young Master Lan.

"My nephew understands."

Gao Yuanzhi nodded, turned around and left in a hurry.



Du He gave an order.

Ma San'er went down with a knife.

Mr. Lan's head fell to the ground, and rolled a few times on the ground, just in front of a dark man.

The man let out a bah, and kicked the head in the air with one kick.

The people were so excited that they rushed forward one after another.

Seeing that the head fell off, someone went up to mend it again.

Poor Lan Lian, after losing her head, was kicked like a cuju.

When Du He saw it, he hurriedly turned his head away: "It's so immoral...I like it!"

At this moment, a horse galloped towards the city gate.

The person on the horse yelled: "Keep people under the knife...Keep people under the knife..."

It was Gao Yuanzhi, the magistrate of Wannian County.

Gao Yuanzhi held the letter that Gao Shilian handed over to him, with an extremely anxious expression on his face.

He just came up.

But he saw something flying straight towards him.


That thing hit him on the forehead, how did he get off the horse?

Gao Yuanzhi was lying on the ground, furious: "Who, who did it, dared to sneak attack on this official... ah..."

When he turned his head, he saw a bloody head lying beside him. He screamed in fright and passed out directly.


"Master Lan is dead!"

"That big disaster, finally died, who did it?"

"The magistrate of Wannian County, Gao Yuanzhi killed him."

"I heard that County Captain Du killed it. How did you become the county magistrate of Wannian?"

"You know what a fart, Du Xianwei is just a small county captain, how could he sentence Mr. Lan, all of this was done by Gao County magistrate."

"So, County Magistrate Gao is a good official..."

"That's right..."

Similar discussions kept spreading in Chang'an City.


Gao Yuanzhi woke up.

Face as grey.

He looked at the county magistrate beside him, and asked, "Now, what's the situation outside?"

The county magistrate said: "My lord... Except for a very small number of people in the county government, all of them have taken refuge in Du Xianwei? Even I can't order them."

Gao Yuanzhi asked suspiciously: "Du He, is he spending money to buy people's hearts again?"

The county magistrate shook his head: "This group of guys who are not afraid of death, after Lieutenant Du killed Mr. Lan yesterday, all these people went to seek refuge with Lieutenant Du, and said that Lieutenant Du made a bad mouthful of anger for them... "

"These bastards..." Gao Yuanzhi couldn't help cursing, his majestic Wannian county magistrate turned out to be a polished commander.

The county magistrate showed a bit of bitterness at the corner of his mouth, and said: "My lord... It is true that Mr. Lan has humiliated many people in our county government before, not to mention those government officials, even I have been beaten by him in public..."

Gao Yuanzhi didn't want to mention this matter again, so he asked, "What about outside the county government office?"

"Right now, the people in the entire Chang'an City are discussing that you ordered Captain Du to kill Mr. Lan, and the people all praise you..." the county magistrate said.

Gao Yuanzhi's frown suddenly relaxed, and he asked incredulously, "Is this really the case? Didn't these people scold me behind my back?"

The county magistrate smiled bitterly and said: "My lord, but they hate Mr. Lan even more. Mr. Lan was killed, and the common people thought that you ordered the killing... they are all praising you!"


(End of this chapter)

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