God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1175 Xu Zhiyuan Asks for Help

Chapter 1175 Xu Zhiyuan Asks for Help

Hearing this, Xu Zhiyuan smiled and said, "My son-in-law, don't make fun of me. I've worked hard all my life, and today I'm just a small county magistrate. This time, the county magistrate has also done it twice... I can guarantee that in time, you will definitely soar into the sky, and you will be in good shape."

This guy is very talkative.

Du He said with a smile: "Many people, don't beat around the bush. You came to see me for something, right?"

Xu Zhiyuan was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Sure enough, you can't hide anything from you, son-in-law... That's right, I came to the door this time to ask for something?"

"I don't know why?"

Xu Zhiyuan showed a bitter face, and said, "My son-in-law, you don't know that in the past half a month, the number of thefts, robberies, and troubles within the jurisdiction of Chang'an County, that is, West Chang'an City, has increased by more than three times than before... I'm here today. Bothering you is for this matter."

Du He looked curious, and asked: "Master Xu, what does this matter have to do with me? Could it be that you thought that those who stole and robbed were sent by me?"

Xu Zhiyuan heard the words, and hurriedly said: "No, no, son-in-law, I didn't mean that... You don't know, many of these robbers were originally in East Chang'an City, but after the East Chang'an City established a security team, , These guys were afraid of being arrested, so they ran to West Chang'an City one after another..."

When Du He heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry.

That's it!

In a city, hooligans and hooligans are indispensable.

But now, East Chang'an City is being crazily controlled by the security team. These people can't do it, so they can only go to West Chang'an City.

Xu Zhiyuan noticed this problem a long time ago, and asked his yamen servants to form a patrol team similar to the East Chang'an City Security Team to hunt down these rascals everywhere.However, the abilities of his subordinates are not very high, not only did not catch a few people, but they were self-defeating and caused a lot of trouble.

After all, Xu Zhiyuan is just a small county magistrate, if his subordinates offend someone who shouldn't be offended, he can't do anything about it.But Du He was different. When Du He arrived in Wannian County, he even dared to kill the son of Lan Mingyu, a famous spice merchant in Chang'an City. Few people dared to provoke Du He.

As a last resort, Xu Zhiyuan could only come to the door for help.

I only heard Xu Zhiyuan say: "My son-in-law, I'm here today to ask for your advice. If it continues, I'm afraid there will be trouble in Chang'an County."

Xu Zhiyuan looked worried.

Du He suddenly smiled and said: "There is no way, it depends on whether Mr. Xu is willing or not."

Xu Zhiyuan's gloomy eyes suddenly brightened, as if he saw a life-saving straw, "Please enlighten me, as long as there is a way, I will definitely agree."

Du He said slowly: "The method is also simple, that is, from now on, the security of West Chang'an City will also be handed over to the Wannian Security Team to manage. Master Xu needs to draw thirty strong, alert young adults from Chang'an County. , join the Wannian Security Team, these 30 people are completely under the management of the Wannian Security Team, but all the expenses will be borne by Chang'an County, what do you think? The newly formed Wannian Security Team will be responsible for the security of the entire Chang'an City ,what do you think?"

Xu Zhiyuan didn't immediately agree, but thought deeply.

In this way, it is equivalent to Xu Zhiyuan handing over all the security power of Chang'an County to Wannian County.

This is not impossible.

Anyway, security has always been a headache for Xu Zhiyuan.

Moreover, Du He's method is indeed very feasible.

The Wannian Security Team is indeed something that no one else can imitate.

This is a team originally formed by the rogues in Wannian County. Under the leadership of Ma San'er, they are crazy but possess powerful abilities.

It makes sense for Chang'an County to draw 30 people to join.

Xu Zhiyuan gritted his teeth, "My son-in-law, I agree to everything you said."

He only needs to spend some money every year to solve the law and order of West Chang'an City, which is what he wished for.

But Du He raised his hand and said, "Master Xu, don't rush to agree, I still have one condition."

Xu Zhiyuan was taken aback, "Is there any condition?"

"Of course, you've heard that I, Du He, will lose money when I do things?" Du He asked with a smile.

Xu Zhiyuan blushed.

Indeed, the method proposed by Du He just now was taken advantage of by Chang'an County no matter how you look at it.

That's why he agreed so simply.

But the Great Demon King Du He has a great reputation and never engages in any business that loses money.

"I was the one to be abrupt," Xu Zhiyuan said awkwardly, "Dare to ask what conditions the consort has."

Du He stretched out a finger, "I only have one condition, that is, Wannian County will also be responsible for the tax payment of the entire Chang'an City in the future."

Xu Zhiyuan's eyes widened.

Tax payment, to put it bluntly, is collecting money.

This is economic power!
To hand it over!

Isn't this a loss of power and humiliation to the country... no, isn't it a loss of power and a shame to the county?

Xu Zhiyuan turned pale with fright: "My son-in-law, this...isn't it appropriate?"

According to the rules of the Tang Dynasty, some of the taxes collected by the county can be kept for themselves, and the rest can be turned over to the court.

If the tax is paid, it will be handed over to Wannian County.

After that, Chang'an County is still playing a fart!
Seeing Xu Zhiyuan's nervous look, Du He couldn't help being a little amused: "Master Xu, I haven't finished my sentence yet. The taxes collected will naturally be returned to Chang'an County, but Chang'an County needs to pay part of the fees. Fees, including carriage and horse fees, hard work fees, the price is absolutely reasonable. The most important point is that I only need to take over the commercial tax, which is the tax paid by merchants, and the other taxes are still collected by Chang'an County itself."

Xu Zhiyuan asked again: "Taxation is a major matter, will the imperial court agree?"

"Over there, I will naturally report to the court, as long as the Ministry of Civil Affairs agrees." Du He said.

Xu Zhiyuan nodded, "In this way, it's not impossible... Actually, I have also heard about Gao Yuanzhi's bet with you. This tax problem is not only a problem in Wannian County, but also in Chang'an County. Yes... If the son-in-law is really willing to take over the taxes of Chang'an County, Chang'an County will naturally wish for it."

Xu Zhiyuan is most concerned about economic power.

But now Du He promised that all the collected taxes will be handed over to Chang'an County in the end, and it is only commercial tax, so there is a lot of leeway.

As for the Ministry of Civil Affairs... Xu Zhiyuan is not a fool either, he has long known that Du He has a close relationship with Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Dai Zhou, so it is not a problem in his mind.

After thinking for a while, Xu Zhiyuan said again: "My son-in-law, I have one last question."


"Why does the son-in-law want to take over the commercial tax of Chang'an County?" Xu Zhiyuan asked curiously.

Du He stood up abruptly, and said, "Because I plan to fulfill a task that Mr. Gao Yuanzhi gave me back then, to solve the difficulty in collecting commercial taxes in Wannian County. I plan to implement a new tax in Wannian County." policy, but merchants are all looking for advantages and avoiding disadvantages. Once Wannian County really comes up with a new tax policy, these people may run to Chang'an County like crazy... Therefore, I must get the entire Chang'an City The right to levy commercial tax, unless they get out of Chang'an City, otherwise, they must listen to me..."


(End of this chapter)

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