Chapter 1176 Choice
After Xu Zhiyuan heard this, he immediately understood that Du He had big plans.

Originally, Xu Zhiyuan's visit this time was just to ask Du He to solve the security problem in West Chang'an City.

Now, his mind is active.

In his mind, a figure suddenly appeared, that is Liu Wentong, the current governor of Jingzhao Mansion.

Xu Zhiyuan knew that Liu Wentong used to be known as Liu Wugui, and he had been the governor of Zhuozhou for more than ten years without being promoted.However, in the suppression of the Lu family's rebellion last year, he gained credit and became the prefect of Jingzhao Prefecture, becoming a hot figure in the officialdom of the Tang Dynasty.

Ordinary people only know that Liu Wentong was promoted because of his meritorious service.

But Xu Zhiyuan, as the county magistrate of Chang'an, knew many secrets that outsiders didn't know. He knew that Liu Wentong's promotion had a great relationship with Du He.

And I have been the county magistrate of Chang'an for many years, and I have no hope of promotion.

At this moment, he seemed to see hope.

It depends on whether you can't catch it.

He gritted his teeth and secretly made up his mind to follow Du He.

He hurriedly got up, bowed and said: "My son-in-law understands the righteousness and serves the country and the people. I admire it. I, Xu Zhiyuan, have no talents, but I am willing to do my best for my son-in-law. If my son-in-law does not dislike it, in the future, Chang'an County Willing to listen to the order of the son-in-law at will."

After hearing this, Du He understood what Xu Zhiyuan was planning.

In fact, he had noticed Xu Zhiyuan a long time ago.

Xu Zhiyuan was definitely not a mediocre person who was able to serve as the magistrate of Chang'an County. The reason why he couldn't be promoted was also very simple: this guy was too honest and had no background, so he never got promoted.

Moreover, when Xu Zhiyuan served as the county magistrate of Chang'an, he really worked hard.

Du He thought for a while, turned around, patted Xu Zhiyuan's shoulder like an elder, and said, "Master Xu, you're welcome..."

Knowing that Du He had accepted him, Xu Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It is true that going to Duhe is risky.

But wealth is in danger, he is already old and can't afford to wait, so he has to take a gamble.

Afterwards, Du He explained the details of the two incidents, and Xu Zhiyuan left contentedly.


A few days later, the new Wannian Security Team was established.

The Wannian Security Team will take over the security of the entire Chang'an City, and the number of teams has changed from the original 20 people to 100 people, with 70 people from Wannian County and 30 people from Chang'an County. The entire security team is headed by Du He. Wannian County has the final say.

When the news came out, the people in the entire Chang'an City clapped their hands and applauded, but those local scoundrels and dandy sons were frightened by the news.

The newly established security team maintains security in accordance with the management of Chang'an City. Regardless of whether it is a rich merchant or a high-ranking official, anyone who dares to make trouble will be arrested by the Wannian County Government.

Due to this, Du He also got busy.

Among the people who were arrested, there were many dignitaries and backgrounds, so it was useless to hand them over to Chang'an County or even Jingzhao Mansion. Only Du He himself could be sentenced.

For a time, the Wannian County Yamen was crowded, and there were countless people who came to intercede.

But for those who came to intercede, regardless of their status or status, Du He was gone, and there were quite a few who should be sentenced.

When the common people heard the news, they spontaneously spread the reputation for Du He.

There were still many people who came to intercede, and even many officials in the court warned Du He not to go too far, otherwise he would tear his face.Du He still didn't respond.

Until the morning of this day, some officials impeached Du He for his misconduct in Chang'an City.

"Your Majesty," an official said tearfully, "Du He is only the magistrate of Wannian County, and his jurisdiction is only East Chang'an City, but now he has taken over the security of the entire Chang'an City without the court's permission. The county lieutenant has yamen servants, but they are in vain. All the arrests and arrests are handed over to Wannian County... Such an act has never been heard of before. This is the first. From the very beginning, strict and strict laws were implemented, and people are in a state of panic... I implore Your Majesty to issue an order immediately to stop Du He from doing anything wrong again!"

"The minister waits for the second opinion!"

Many ministers stood up and said.

The ministers of the imperial court are considered to be the top class of the big households in Chang'an City. Their descendants and relatives have often used their names to mess around in Chang'an City. Now they are all in the hands of Du He. Some were even beheaded.

Many people have long hated Du He to death.


These ministers had just finished speaking when Li Er suddenly punched the case table and shouted angrily: "What a reckless act, what a harsh law... In your opinion, Du He's actions are just If you want to make all the county magistrates in the world, like Gao Yuanzhi, collude with merchants and common people, will you be happy?"

As he spoke, Li Er suddenly grabbed a pile of memorials on the table and threw them all in front of everyone.

Li Er said coldly: "Do you think I am a fool? Do I really know nothing? Since the establishment of the Wannian Security Team, I have sent people to pay attention secretly. It has been almost two months. I can tell you plainly... In the past two months, Du He and the Wannian security team have done nothing wrong. Everyone sentenced by Du He has followed the law of the Tang Dynasty and has never done anything wrong. I have never been here... But, in your eyes, you feel that Du He is implementing harsh laws, you, you deserve death..."

The group of ministers who impeached Du He turned pale with fright, and hurriedly said: "I am waiting for death!"

Li Er said displeasedly: "From now on, if anyone dares to make a fuss about the Wannian Security Team again, don't blame me for not being sympathetic, hum!"

Li Er said that since then, no one dared to impeach Du He.

And the quality of public security in Chang'an City has skyrocketed.


Wuhou shop in the west of the city.

Wuhoupu is a department under the direct jurisdiction of the Forbidden Army. It is responsible for the patrols of Chang'an City, especially the patrols after the curfew. Wuhoupu is in charge.

In other words, part of the safety of Chang'an City is in the hands of Marquis Wu. Of course, Marquis Wu who patrol the city are limited in their abilities, and high-level disasters require the Imperial Army to personally act.

A middle-aged scribe hurried into the courtyard and said to the officer sitting in the high position: "My lord, just now the Wannian Security Team sent a letter. According to reliable news, recently a wave of rogues from the northwest entered Chang'an City. Now Wannian The security team has already found out that this group of people lives near Pingkangfang, Captain Ma and the others decided to go in and arrest them at midnight tonight, and they want our help, you see?"

"Assist! We must assist, how many people Captain Ma and the others need, just ask, you... No, I will lead the team personally, and go to assist the Wannian Security Team tonight..." The officer said forcefully.

The middle-aged scribe hesitated for a moment and said, "My lord, there is something I don't know if I should say it or not?"


The middle-aged scribe said: "My lord, you are the chief of Wuhou shop, but you are the sixth grade. It is said that you are two ranks higher than Du He, the county magistrate of Wannian. Moreover, our Wuhou shop is under the control of the Imperial Army. Lianjing The Zhao Mansion doesn't even care about us... But now, we actually want to listen to the Wannian Security Team, isn't it a joke to say that?"


(End of this chapter)

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