God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1177 Are You All Crazy?

Chapter 1177 Are You All Crazy?
Hearing the words, the chief of Wuhou Shop laughed, and said, "You, what time is it, and you are still talking about book business, let me ask you, what do you think of the Wannian Security Team?"

The middle-aged scribe was stunned for a moment, and then he commented fairly: "It's different, it's super capable, since the Wannian Security Team began to take over Chang'an City, the entire Chang'an City is in order, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Robbery, theft, and troubles are almost gone. ..."

The chief of Wuhoupu said: "That's right, I'm a rough man, and I admire such people. There are 500 people in Wuhoupu, but it's not as good as the Wannian Security Team's two-month contribution. I admire them." , They are all real men... Besides, every time the Wannian security team asks us for help, it benefits a lot. Before, we could only eat meat once a month. Now, we eat meat every day. In the past, our brothers Tighten your belt to live, now, everyone has money, just say you, you have got some money, right? These are all given to us by the Wannian security team. ?”

The middle-aged scribe said: "But, your rank is higher than Du He's after all!"

The chief of Wuhoupu smiled and said: "You, you only see the present, but not the future, you think that I am wronged by doing things for Du He, but I tell you that instead of being wronged, it is a It's such an honor, just look at it, Du He will definitely be promoted in a short time."


The middle-aged scribe heard the words, remembered something, and suddenly stopped talking.

The chief of Wuhoupu ordered: "Call the people immediately. Tonight, everyone will be dispatched. We must help the Wannian security team to catch all the rogues from the northwest. If anyone dares to do nothing, I will kill him alive."


a few days later.

Xu Zhiyuan sent someone to Du He to entrust Wannian County to collect taxes for West Chang'an City.

All the agreements were drafted by Du He himself. After Xu Zhiyuan read them, he had no objections, so he stamped the official seal and sent them to Wannian County.

Since then, Wannian County has been responsible for all commercial taxes in Chang'an City.

After many days of contact, Xu Zhiyuan and Du He became more familiar with each other.

Xu Zhiyuan asked curiously: "I don't know what method the son-in-law is going to use to collect the tax. The tax in the second city is the most difficult to collect, and it is the most troublesome."

Du He smiled and said, "It won't work if you say it!"

Xu Zhiyuan didn't ask too many questions, so he said, "I don't know, is the son-in-law going to set up a team to collect taxes? If so, Chang'an County will definitely help out, and can send 50 people to help."

But Du He waved his hand: "Master Xu's kindness, I appreciate it. However, the collection of taxes is different from law and order. Relying on a large number of people will not work at all. It needs to be done skillfully. There will be bad things if there are too many people... Don't worry. Well, within ten days, there will definitely be a result, but taxation is a major matter, and now Chang'an County and Wannian County have reached an agreement, and this matter still needs to be agreed by the court."

"But, can the Ministry of Civil Affairs agree?" Xu Zhiyuan was at a loss.After all, there has never been such a thing as merging the commercial taxation of two counties together since ancient times. Moreover, taxation is a powerful means for the central government to control the locality. If it gets out of control, a great disaster will erupt.

Du He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have my own way."

After Xu Zhiyuan left, Du He ordered his servants: "Prepare the carriages and horses, my young master is going to visit Lord Dai."

The Lord Dai that Du He is talking about is exactly Dai Zhou, Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs, which was renamed the Ministry of Households in a few years, is in charge of taxes, money and food, etc., and is considered a relatively important department in the DPRK.

According to the original historical trajectory, Dai Zhou died in the seventh year of Zhenguan, but Du He discovered after traveling that Dai Zhou not only showed no signs of dying, but instead lived more and more vigorously.


The carriage came to the gate of Dai's mansion.

Du He got off the car, and as soon as he reached the door, he saw the servants of Dai's mansion rushing up to greet him very enthusiastically.

The butler immediately came forward: "Oh, Mr. Du, you are a rare visitor!"

Du He asked, "Is Master Dai at home?"

"My master is in the backyard, Mr. Du, I'll take you right away!" The butler of Dai's mansion enthusiastically led Du He inside.

The whole house was very polite to Du He.

The housekeeper quickly brought Du He to the front yard.

As soon as he entered the courtyard gate, he saw Dai Zhou running out in disheveled clothes and grabbing Du He's hand.

Du He was taken aback, thinking that Dai Zhou was going to do something wrong to him.

Dai Zhou hurriedly explained: "Nephew, I was taking a nap. When I heard that you came to Dai's mansion, I hurried out, but I forgot to wash and dress up. Hurry up, I invite you..."

After speaking, he took Du He to the main hall to sit down, and asked the servants to serve Du He with the best tea.

There are actually two reasons why Dai Zhou is so enthusiastic about Du He.

For one thing, it was Du Ruhui who strongly recommended Dai Zhou to be Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, otherwise, with his aptitude, it would have been impossible to get such a lucrative position.

Second, Dai Jinyun, the well-known prodigal son of the Dai mansion, changed drastically after worshiping Du He as his teacher. He also became the director of the Datang Food Research Institute and won the title of knighthood.

Dai Zhou sat down and said: "Nephew, you are a busy person. You rarely come to my Dai mansion. Since you are here today, don't leave in a hurry. I will send someone to Hu County to call Jin Yun back." , you two, master and apprentice, can also talk, I'll have someone prepare meals right away, no matter how busy you are today, you still have to stay for a meal."

The hospitality was hard to turn down, and Du He didn't intend to refuse.

He nodded and said, "Uncle Lao Dai is sorry for your troubles, but I came to the door today, but I have something to ask for your help!"

"Oh? You, Du He, still have something to ask me for help. Is there anything you can't do?" Dai Zhou was very surprised.

Du He smiled, took out the commercial tax collection agreement signed by Wannian County and Chang'an County, and put it in front of Dai Zhou.

Dai Zhou picked it up and looked at it, his eyes widened immediately.

He said in surprise: "As the county magistrate of Wannian County, you actually want to help Chang'an County collect taxes, and the magistrate Xu Zhiyuan of Chang'an County also agreed? Is he crazy?"

Dai Zhou actually wanted to say, you are all crazy!

This kind of practice is unprecedented!

Taxation is the financial power of a local government.

To be able to make such a move, whether it is Chang'an or Wannian, is really crazy.

Du He took a sip of tea and said lightly: "Lord Dai, there is no need to doubt. I have discussed this matter with Chang'an County Magistrate Xu Daren for many days. All the details were decided by us together. Your lord's official seal, so from now on, the commercial taxation of the entire Chang'an City will be handed over to Wannian County. This matter is a bit crazy, but it is imperative..."

"What is your purpose for doing this?" Dai Zhou stared into Du He's eyes and asked curiously.


(End of this chapter)

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