God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1178 Teacher is the biggest

Chapter 1178 Teacher is the biggest

Facing Dai Zhou's question, Du He laughed and said, "Because I'm short of money!"

"Are you still short of money?" Dai Zhou immediately snorted.

Now Du He is not only the richest man in Chang'an, but also the faintest richest man in Tang Dynasty.

Although it cannot be compared with the Five Surnames and Seven Wangs, among the new nobles, in terms of money, it is already second to none.

Du He shook his head and explained: "What I'm talking about is that Wannian County is short of money... Lord Dai should be clear that although Wannian County is in charge of East Chang'an City and looks beautiful, it actually has no power at all. Let’s just talk about commercial taxes. Most of the taxes are collected by the eastern and western cities, but the eastern and western cities have their own municipal administrations. The county is in charge, how can those merchants give face... On the one hand, it is difficult to pay taxes, and on the other hand, the imperial court takes away all the annual taxes. During my tenure as county magistrate, I enriched myself by taking bribes, but wept the entire county government... When I took over, the Wannian county government was a mess..."

Du He is rich, but he will not use his money for Wannian County.

At this time, we must distinguish between public and private.

Taxation is the key to solving all problems.

As long as you have money, everything will be fine.

When Dai Zhou heard this, he understood everything.

He pondered for a while, then said: "So, you want me to support you in court...to solve the troubles that will arise for you?"

Dai Zhou was also an old fox who had become a spirit for many years, and soon figured out the meaning of Du He's visit.

It is conceivable that if this strange tax collection is announced, many people in the DPRK and China will stand up and oppose it.

At that time, if no one in the court speaks for Du He, Wannian County will take over the taxation of the entire Chang'an City, which will become empty talk.

Du He nodded, "Master Dai is sure?"

"Yes, but it's difficult! What kind of benefits are you going to give me?" Dai Zhou looked at Du He with a half-smile.

After dealing with Du He for a long time, Dai Zhou suddenly found himself becoming a philistine.

Du He thought for a while and asked, "I wonder if Mr. Dai knows that the Datang Construction Company is currently doing construction work in Hu County?"

Dai Zhou laughed and said, "Why don't I know? Although ordinary people don't know, the nobles in Chang'an City have spread the word that you started to build houses in Hu County, and many people are secretly laughing at you. The county is just a small county seat, who are you planning to live in when you build so many houses?"

Du He smiled and said: "Master Dai, don't worry about who I plan to live with. As long as Mr. Dai is willing to help, I will give you [-] mu of land near the Hu County Commercial Center. The [-] mu I will not touch the land, I will give it all to the Dai Mansion, and the Dai Mansion can dispose of it as it wants."

[-] mu of land seems right, but it is nothing to the Dai Mansion, which has a big family and a big business, let alone in the distant Hu County.

Dai Zhou waved his hand: "Okay, you are really stingy, I promise you about this matter. I will try my best to mediate for you in the court, but it was agreed in advance that if you can't make it in the end, you have to There is a preparation."

"I'm relieved to have Lord Dai's words." Du He said confidently.

At this time, the housekeeper came in and reported that Dai Jinyun had returned home.

Dai Zhou said happily: "Okay, Jin Yun is back, let him come directly to the main hall."

Not long after, Dai Jinyun came to the main hall.

When Dai Jinyun saw Du He, he was overjoyed, hurriedly stepped forward and bowed, "I've seen Teacher!"

Even though Dai Zhou was present, Dai Jinyun still greeted Du He first.

When Dai Zhou saw this, instead of being angry, he was very relieved.

Du He is Dai Jinyun's teacher and today's guest of Dai's mansion. Dai Jinyun's courteous greeting to Du He is exactly what Dai Zhou hoped.

After Dai Jinyun bowed to Du He, he greeted Dai Zhou: "My nephew has seen my uncle!"

Then, Dai Jinyun sat down.

Dai Zhou sighed in his heart: good boy.

Who would have believed that a prodigal son would become so obedient and obedient.

Dai Zhou finished feeling in his heart, and then said: "Jin Yun, how is the food research institute recently?"

"Uncle, everything is fine."

Dai Zhou said: "Jin Yun, uncle knows that you like to cook, and you have become the best cook in the world, but your father's original wish was to allow you to become an official in the court. You have grown up , can you consider entering an official career?"

The world's number one gourmet.

It sounds overbearing.

In fact, in this day and age, it's useless.

This title is similar to the number one oiran in the world.

Everything is inferior, only reading is high.

Above reading is to be an official.

Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and gourmets are not ranked high.

Dai Jinyun shook his head: "Uncle, is this trying to persuade me to give up food research and become an official instead?"


"This matter is absolutely impossible!" Dai Jinyun refused directly.

Dai Zhou froze for a moment, but couldn't say anything more.

At this time, Du He suddenly said: "Jin Yun, I think your uncle's words are not unreasonable... You have studied food for many years, and you should have discovered that the more you go, the more you can't do what you want. Why don't you change your thinking? You can cook delicious food while serving as an official. Perhaps, it can also provide new ideas... I know an official named Ding Baozhen. When he was a local parent officer, he invented a dish called Kung Pao Chicken based on the local reality. ..."

Upon hearing this, Dai Jinyun's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "Teacher, who is Ding Baozhen? What about Kung Pao Chicken?"

This is an occupational disease!
Du He smiled and said: "When I have time later, I will explain it to you in detail. The most important thing now is what do you think of my proposal?"

Dai Jinyun said solemnly: "Since the teacher said so, it must be for my own good, and I will listen to the teacher."

Dai Zhou almost vomited blood.

He had just talked earnestly for a long time, but it was still not worth Du He's words.

However, Dai Jinyun was very moved when he agreed to become an official.

He clung to Du He's ear and whispered: "Nephew, I owe you a big favor. Don't worry about taxation. I will do my best."

One after the other, Dai Zhou's attitude changed a lot.

What he said before is to do his best, that is to say, whether things can be done, and to what extent, there is room for negotiation.

Now we are doing our best, that is, we must help Du He get things done.

Du He smiled knowingly.

And the reason why he persuaded Dai Jinyun to be an official while studying food at the same time was not a whim.In fact, in this era, it is very difficult to become a pure gourmet, and there is no guarantee that Dai Jinyun will be rich and honored all his life, and it is safer to be an official.

Du He added: "It just so happens that the collection of commercial taxes in Chang'an and Wannian counties has recently been merged into one, and you, Jin Yun, are in charge of this matter."


(End of this chapter)

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