God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1180 Embarrassed Dai Zhou

Chapter 1180 Embarrassed Dai Zhou

Seeing Dai Zhou's question, the housekeeper hurriedly explained: "The person who sent the land deed said that this [-] mu of land belongs to the new city planning area of ​​Huxian County, and we want our house to build a new house here within half a year."

"What's the reason for this? What's the use of Du He asking the old man to build a house in that remote place?" Dai Zhou frowned and pondered, and then said, "Forget it, let him do it, anyway, this ten thousand mu of land is not How much, just send people to build some houses."

The housekeeper shook his head again: "The man said that this area belongs to the new city planning area of ​​Hu County, and the specifications and styles of the houses to be built must be uniformly designed, and must be built by Datang Construction Company in a unified way. We only need to pay 12 guan! "

Dai Zhou almost vomited blood.

He suddenly realized: "Du He, this brat, even cheated me... I finally know why he gave me [-] mu of land. The land he gave me was fake, but the money he asked for was real... This bastard, Fortunately, the old man treated him graciously yesterday, but unexpectedly, he cheated the old man with his backhand!"

The butler said awkwardly: "Master, can you return the money?"

Dai Zhou gritted his teeth and said with blood dripping from his heart, "Here!"


"Jin Yun's change today and his willingness to become an official in the court are all thanks to Du He. We, Dai Mansion, are not people who don't repay their kindness. The 12 guan should be given to Du He This is a great gift... Besides, the matter that the old man promised Du He will definitely be done well, the old man only hopes that he can teach Jin Yun well so that Jin Yun can be a part-time official and officially enter the officialdom." Dai Zhou He said slowly, with his status, it would not be difficult to directly ask His Majesty Li Er to confer a half-official position on Dai Jinyun, but he did not do so, but hoped that Dai Jinyun would make meritorious service first and attract the attention of the court.The gold content of the two is simply not the same.

"Master, I understand."

The butler hurried down to prepare.


The next morning.

Before morning.

Dai Zhou took the sedan chair, and as soon as he arrived at the gate of Taiji Palace, he saw civil and military ministers gathered in twos and threes, discussing in a low voice. He walked by these people and found that they were all discussing the new tax policy of Chang'an City.

Dai Zhou thought to himself: Du He, this boy, makes big moves every time, every time he makes a move, a single stone stirs up thousands of waves, even the ministers of the court have to pay attention to this matter.

The ministers of the DPRK and China have a lot of property in their families.

Now that Du He promulgated the new taxation policy in Chang'an City, few people did not pay attention.

Just as Dai Zhou stepped forward, he bumped into Situ Wanggui head-on, and he hurriedly greeted him.

But Wang Gui said with a smile: "Master Dai, I heard that you were cheated of 12 guan by Du He, is there such a thing?"

Dai Zhou shook his head hastily: "It's nothing, Mr. Wang, you don't know, Du He allocated a piece of land for me in Huxian County, a total of 12 guan... That piece of land didn't yield much food, so I just planned to grow it in Hu County. A house was built there, but the craftsmen at home were busy, so they thought about inviting Datang Construction Company to build it, and the cost was [-] guan.”

Wang Gui laughed: "Master Wang, you and I are not outsiders, so why do you bother to speak well for Du He? Even if you build a house in Chang'an City, it is only tens of thousands of yuan. Spending 12 guan, it's not something that was framed by Du He, so don't shirk it."

Dai Zhou was a little unhappy.

He was cheated by Du He.

But he didn't want others to know about this.

After all, he doesn't want to be regarded as a fool by the world.

Unexpectedly, Wang Gui actually knew.

Not only Wang Gui knew, but Dai Zhou knew from the faces of the surrounding officials that these guys probably knew about it.

For a while, Dai Zhou blushed a little, wishing he could find a hole in the ground to get in. He really couldn't stand the eyes staring at him like a fool.

However, Wang Gui and others insisted on dragging Dai Zhou to ask about the process of being deceived.

Finally, Wang Gui said: "Lord Dai, you are so miserable that you were tricked by Du He!"

Dai Zhou: "..."


Wu Ping is a censor.

The so-called censor is to impeach all officials and persuade the emperor.

For a long time, Wu Ping has followed his idol Wei Zheng, who is able to speak out, and strives to be the official censor of the Tang Dynasty.

However, now that the world is peaceful and most of the officials behave well, it is not easy to find opportunities to impeach officials.

As for the emperor, His Majesty is wise and powerful today, and he rarely does anything impulsive, and he has no chance to persuade him.

Finally, in these two days, Wu Ping caught an opportunity, that is, Du He, the magistrate of Wannian County, signed an agreement with the magistrate of Chang'an in private, taking over the commercial taxation of the entire Chang'an City, and promulgating the new commercial tax of Chang'an City without authorization. The taxation policy has already begun to be implemented.

It's worth it!

Taxation is a major matter of the country.

It was lawless for Du He to act like this.

Wu Ping has been running around the streets for the past few days, collecting all kinds of evidence, and using four hours last night, he wrote an impassioned memorial to impeach Du He.

When his sedan chair came to the gate of Taiji Palace, he saw all the officials gathered together, and many people were discussing the new tax policy. You must be the first to stand up, so as not to be robbed of the limelight by others.

Just then, the palace gate opened.

Hundreds of officials poured into the Tai Chi Palace and headed for the Tai Chi Palace one after another.

On the Hall of Tai Chi.

Li Er had just appeared, walked to the dragon chair, and hadn't sat down yet.


Wu Ping stood up excitedly, and said loudly with a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, I have this performance."

Li Er frowned.

This is illegal!
In the past, it was only after he inquired that the ministers would come out to play.

This Wu Ping is in a panic, and it is difficult to achieve a major event.

"So it's Wu Aiqing, what do you want to play?" Li Er asked displeasedly, sitting on the dragon chair with his buttocks.

Wu Ping didn't notice Li Er's face, took out the memorial he had prepared, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I want to impeach Du He, the county magistrate of Wannian. He secretly colluded with Xu Zhiyuan, the magistrate of Chang'an County, and signed a tax collection agreement, whereby Wannian County collected the entire Chang'an city's taxes. This way, the imperial court was ignored, and the imperial court's laws were regarded as child's play, which was shocking... and Du He, without the permission of the imperial court, implemented a new commercial taxation policy in Chang'an City, causing panic and chaos... Your Majesty, what I said is true. In the past few days, I have been running around the streets of Chang'an, collecting countless The evidence is all in this memorial, please look over it, Your Majesty."

The servant Zhao Yang immediately stepped forward, took the memorial in Wu Ping's hand, turned around and handed it to Li Er.

After reading the memorial, Li Er was stunned for a moment, then glanced around, and asked, "Dear dears, is there any such thing?"

These two things are indeed a bit shocking.


(End of this chapter)

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