God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1181 The Miserable Martial Censor

Chapter 1181 The Miserable Martial Censor

The entire Tai Chi Hall was silent.

No one spoke.

Censor Wuping was a little dumbfounded.

He looked at the crowd in embarrassment and said, "My lords, how could you not know that I was outside the palace just now, and I heard you talking about this new commercial tax policy, and I also heard you scolding Du He for harming the country and the people. When asked, none of them spoke."

He was a little confused.

"Cough cough..."

Dai Zhou coughed lightly, stood up, and said, "Your Majesty, there is indeed something."

Wu Ping was satisfied after hearing this, and finally someone stood up and spoke for me.

Unexpectedly, just as he thought this way, he heard Dai Zhou say: "Your Majesty, Du He has indeed taken over the taxation of the entire Chang'an City, and also promulgated a new commercial taxation policy, but it is not like what Wu Yushi said. That!"

Wu Ping was dumbfounded.

"Lord Dai, are you saying that what I said is wrong? How could what I said be wrong? I have collected all these evidences in the past few days. It is absolutely true. How could it be wrong..." Wu Ping yelled anxiously said.

Dai Zhou rolled his eyes, ignored Wu Ping, and continued: "First of all, Du He took over the commercial taxation of Chang'an City. This matter was carefully discussed with Xu Zhiyuan, the magistrate of Chang'an County. Agreed, in recent years, with the development of commerce and trade in my Tang Dynasty, the East and West cities have been extremely prosperous, and after the emergence of Dream Group, many merchants and shops have appeared outside the East and West cities, and there are many difficulties in collecting taxes. In addition, Changan It would be inconvenient to separate from Wannian. The Ministry of Civil Affairs has long thought of handing over all the taxes of Chang'an and Wannian to the Jingzhao Mansion, but no one has been willing to take over this matter. Now, Du He, the county magistrate of Wannian, is willing to take over. The taxation of the entire Chang'an city, I think, is a good thing, as for making decisions without authorization, lawlessness, it is simply nonsense, nonsense, I will be the first to complain for Du He."

Before Wu Ping could react, Dai Zhou said again: "Secondly, Wu Yushi said that Du He promulgated a new commercial taxation policy, causing panic and shaking the country. I think this is even more nonsense... This new The tax policy was also agreed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs after discussions. These policies were not groundless, but were implemented in Hu County more than a year ago. The results are obvious to all. Forty percent, almost equal to the two counties of Wannian and Chang'an. If such a policy can be used in Chang'an, the tax in Chang'an will be more than tripled this year... Such a good thing that benefits the country and the people, I don't know what Wu Yushi said , it will become a disaster for the country and the people.”

Li Er was a little confused.

Dai Zhou's words were just the opposite of Wu Yushi's.

According to Wu Yushi, Du He's eyes can't be saved.

According to Dai Zhou, Du He is doing good things for Datang.

Wu Yushi retorted in a bit of confusion: "Your Majesty, Mr. Dai's words are simply..."

Before he finished speaking, Changsun Wuji stood up suddenly, pointed at him and said: "Nonsense words, you who are bewitching the army's morale should be pulled out and killed with a rod. Such behavior, I am ashamed to be in your company."


Wu Ping was dumbfounded.

Isn't Changsun Wuji always at odds with Du He?
How could he stand up and speak for Du He?

Seeing Wang Gui again, he said: "Your Majesty, I think that what Master Dai said is true. Wannian County took over the commercial taxation of Chang'an City. I can't bear to frame Du He."

"My minister agrees!"


For a time, many ministers stood up one after another.

Wu Yushi looked at the crowd and said in surprise: "My lords, you are talking nonsense with open eyes, you, how can you protect Du He, you are my Tang Dynasty's sinners, sinners..."

Li Er couldn't stand it anymore, and waved his hand: "Come on, pull it out, hit fifty with the rod, and cut off one level of official position."

Several imperial guards rushed in and dragged the shouting Wu Ping out.

Not long after, there was the sound of Wu Ping being beaten to the point of crying and howling at the gate of the Tai Chi Hall.

Li Er looked at the crowd and asked, "My dear friends, is the new tax policy implemented by Du He really so good?"

Changsun Wuji said: "As Master Dai said, the new tax policy promulgated by Du He in Chang'an did not appear suddenly, but has been implemented in Hu County for more than a year, and the results are quite fruitful. I think that this new tax policy The tax policy will definitely fill the treasury."

Wang Gui nodded and said, "Wannian County and Chang'an County collect taxes in the east and west of Chang'an City respectively. It is inconvenient and conflicts will arise. Now all commercial taxes are collected by Wannian County. There is no better way than this." .”

"I thought that..."

"I want to ask for credit for County Magistrate Du."

Ministers expressed their views one after another.

Li Er listened and nodded happily: "Since this is the case, this matter is allowed by the court, so let Du He do it boldly. However, if Du He is impeached by Wu Yushi today, there is no guarantee that no one will do it again in the future." The impeachment of Du He and the new taxes should be decreed immediately by the imperial court, and anyone who dares to criticize this matter will not be lightly forgiven."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

The ministers of civil and military affairs said in unison.

Wang Gui, Changsun Wuji and others looked at each other, and they all saw the joy in each other's eyes.



The last stick landed on his buttocks, and Wu Yushi felt numb in his lower body.

He looked in the direction of the Tai Chi Hall, and heard the voices of ministers praising Li Er from inside. He lay on the ground, snotted and said with tears: "I understand, I understand...these ministers, all of them in their families There are quite a few industries. They embrace Du He's new business tax policy, and they must know that this new tax policy is good for them... However, the merchants gain benefits, but what they lose is the tax in the treasury. Your majesty is wise and powerful, so how could Promise...God, the treacherous officials have misled the country, and His Majesty has been deceived."

He wanted to stand up, but he couldn't stand up no matter what, so he crawled towards the Tai Chi Hall.

He is going to tell Li Er the key!

However, before he got close to the gate of Tai Chi Hall, he was stopped by someone.

"I am Yushi, I want to meet His Majesty, why did you stop me?" Wu Yushi shouted hoarsely.

The imperial guard said expressionlessly: "Lord Wu, just now His Majesty has decreed that your official position will be cut off by one level. You are no longer the imperial censor, and you have no right to go to the Tai Chi Hall. You should leave quickly, and you have offended His Majesty. No one can protect you."

Wu Yushi: "..."

Then, he couldn't help shouting: "God is going to kill me, Datang..."

The imperial army was angry: "How dare you say that Tang Dynasty is about to perish. It is unreasonable. Do you want to rebel? Come on, drag him down and beat him hard!"

As a result, Wu Yushi was dragged down again and began to beat him with a stick.

Not long after, the screams sounded outside the Tai Chi Hall again.


(End of this chapter)

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