Chapter 1182 Tax Problem
The next day.

The imperial court formally issued an imperial decree, approving Du He's actions in Chang'an City, and affirmed that Du He's newly issued Chang'an City commercial taxation policy is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. We must give full support, and anyone who dares to stop will be punished at the slightest and executed at the worst.

As soon as the edict came out, the whole city praised it.

Small merchants are the happiest. In the past, they had to pay taxes.But as soon as the new tax policy comes out, they will be free to pay taxes in a fair manner.

Big businessmen have been looking for various tax avoidance methods, and then found that under the new tax policy, they can perfectly avoid various collections and pay less than [-]% of taxes.

And the court officials, princes and nobles are all the backstage of the big businessmen, and they are also the ones with vested interests, so they are naturally very happy.

It is said that some people held a big banquet for this reason, entertained relatives and friends, and celebrated together.

For a while, Chang'an City was discussing the new tax policy.


early morning.

Du He just came to the Wannian County Government.

Dai Jinyun hurried in and said, "Teacher, someone brought us a plaque."

Du He was taken aback: "What's going on?"

Dai Jinyun explained: "It's all because of our new commercial taxation policy. Fan Bingbing, a well-known cloth merchant in Chang'an, made a plaque and delivered it to the door in person, saying that he will hand it over to you."

Fan Bingbing is a well-known cloth merchant in Chang'an City, even Du He has heard of it.

Du He said, "Go and see!"

When Du He and Dai Jinyun came to the gate of the county government office, they saw that outside the gate of the county government office, they had already been surrounded by crowds of people.

At the front of the crowd, there was a team of people beating gongs and drums.

The gongs and drums are loud!

Warm atmosphere.

After Du He appeared.

I saw an obese middle-aged man about 40 years old coming forward, followed by several strong men, carrying a plaque covered with silk.

The middle-aged man stepped forward and bowed slightly: "Grassman Fan Bingbing, I have seen the county magistrate!"

Du He stepped forward, "You are the Cloth King of Chang'an City, Fan Bingbing. I heard that you want to give me a plaque. What do you mean?"

Fan Bingbing smiled slightly: "My lord, please look!"

He turned around and uncovered the silk on the plaque, and suddenly a well-crafted plaque was revealed.

I saw a few big gilt characters written on it: ancient and modern wisdom.

This means that Du He has concentrated the wisdom of the past and the present.

is the highest compliment.

Du He looked at it, and said with a smile, "Master Fan, I can't bear your plaque."

Fan Bingbing said: "Your magistrate, don't be polite. The new tax policy you promulgated is obvious to all. You benefit the people and the country. You deserve these words. Please be sure to accept them."

Du He nodded, and said, "Okay, since Shopkeeper Fan expressed his kindness, then I don't need to refuse, someone... hang this plaque under the plaque of the county government office, so that the people in Chang'an City can take a good look at it... ..."

Several yamen servants came over, took the plaque immediately, and hung it under the plaque of the county government according to Du He's instructions.

When the common people saw it, they applauded and praised Du He.

Fan Bingbing exchanged greetings before leaving in a carriage.

When the carriage came to the corner of the street, he lifted the curtain of the carriage and took a look at Du He, who was being embraced by the common people in the distance, and suddenly let out a pooh.

Fan Bingbing said coldly: "It is said that this Du He is smart. In my opinion, this person is just a fool. He didn't even know that I gave him a plaque to humiliate him, and he happily hung it under the county government office. What a shame." Extremely stupid..."

An old man beside him said: "Master, after all, Du He is the county magistrate or son-in-law. If we humiliate him like this, what if he realizes one day?"

"So what if he reacts? Now, everyone in the world knows that Du He can't collect taxes. After a few months, at the end of the year, Chang'an City's commercial taxes can't be paid, causing the treasury to be empty. How many times will you see?" People want him to die..." Fan Bingbing analyzed.

Then he turned around and said to the old man, "Old Qin, what happened to what I told you to do?"

Lao Qin solemnly said: "Master, please rest assured, I have hidden all our previous account books according to your instructions. From now on, all of our distribution will have two account books, one for the authenticity and the other for the truth. We keep it ourselves, just to fool those people from the tax bureau."

Fan Bingbing nodded: "You did a good job."

The carriage drove across the street and quickly disappeared.


A month passed by in a hurry.

According to the new tax policy, all merchants in Chang'an City must consciously pay taxes at the Wannian County Taxation Bureau at the beginning of each month.

Paying taxes is also simple, just take your business account book from last month, go to the tax bureau to check it out, and then pay taxes according to the profit you earn.

Dai Jinyun was also busy.

Although Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty is said to be well-developed in commerce, the work is actually not complicated, and in this era, there are not many merchants.

After a few days of busy work, I finally collected all the taxes from last month.

Dai Jinyun immediately took the collection list and met Du He.

His complexion was a bit uneasy: "Teacher... the situation is not optimistic. For the commercial tax collected last month, there were 130 merchants in the entire Chang'an City who paid the commercial tax. They collected a total of 10,000 guan. Going on, I am afraid that the annual tax will only be 50+ guan, and the commercial tax in Chang'an City last year was as high as [-] guan... What should I do?"

Du He asked: "There are only more than 100 merchants who pay taxes. Do you think this is normal?"

"It's definitely not normal! According to previous investigations by the Wannian Taxation Bureau, there are at least [-] merchants in Chang'an City that should pay taxes." Dai Jinyun said affirmatively.

Du He asked: "Jin Yun, where do you think the problem lies?"

Dai Jinyun knew that the teacher was trying to test himself, so he thought about it seriously, and then said: "Teacher, the students think that the merchants are cheating. They obviously made a lot of profits, but the account books are fake, and the profits in the account books are small. Many, some people do not have to pay taxes because of this, and some people pay less taxes because of this..."


Du He slapped the table: "That's right, what you said is the crux of the problem."

"Excuse me, teacher, how to solve this matter?"

Du He smiled and said, "Continue in accordance with the policy we announced earlier."

Dai Jinyun was surprised: "What does the teacher mean, we still follow the policy and publish the taxes collected in the whole city?"

"That's right!"

Dai Jinyun looked embarrassed: "But... In this way, isn't it telling the world clearly that our new tax policy has failed?"

The purpose of the new tax policy is to solve the difficulty of tax payment and collect more taxes for the court.

But now instead of solving the problem, the taxes collected are actually less than before.

In this way, not failure is what it is.

And once outsiders know about this, they will definitely laugh at Du He and Wannian County.

No wonder Dai Jinyun was worried.


(End of this chapter)

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