Chapter 1202
Knowing the truest thoughts of County Magistrate Zhu and others, Du He couldn't laugh or cry.

He said: "Since this is the case, we don't have to go around. The conditions and benefits of joining the three-county alliance in the county where you are located are the same as those of Chang'an County and Hu County before. From now on, we will be a family and we will be blessed together Enjoy, share the difficulties."

County magistrate Zhu asked curiously: "My son-in-law, I have one more concern. Whether it's the three-county alliance or the twelve-county alliance, will the court agree to this matter?"

Before Du He could answer, Xu Zhiyuan hurriedly said: "I have already experienced in this matter. Magistrate Zhu does not need to worry, as long as Jingzhao Mansion agrees."

There is one sentence that he didn't say, and that is: Liu Wentong, the governor of Jingzhao Prefecture, is also one of his own.

Du He nodded, acquiescing to Xu Zhiyuan's statement.

Everyone is determined.

Du He said: "Then let's sign the agreement. The Twelve-County Alliance is a bit unpleasant. How about calling it the Ten-County Alliance? What do you guys think?"

"Just listen to the son-in-law!"

"Everything is obeyed by the consort!"

Everyone expresses no opinion.

The ancients used three, six, nine as an imaginary number, but now Du He directly turns ten into an imaginary number without expressing a specific number.

The county magistrates had already decided to sign the agreement before they came, so they even brought the official seal. After signing the agreement, the official seal was directly affixed.

Not long after, a ten-county commercial taxation and public security joint management agreement was released.

After Du He signed his name and stamped the official seal of Wannian County Magistrate, the agreement will come into effect officially.

Wannian County, Chang'an County, Hu County, Xinfeng County, Weinan County, Zheng County, Huayin County, Lantian County, Yulu County, Shiping County, Wugong County, Shangyi County.

There are a total of twelve counties, and a ten-county alliance is established.

From then on, the commercial taxation and public security of the twelve counties were all handed over to Wannian County.

Of course, Du He is just a hands-off shopkeeper.

The commercial taxation of the twelve counties is managed by the Changan Taxation Bureau, and the specific person in charge is Dai Jinyun.

The public security of the twelve counties is in charge of the Chang'an Guancheng Brigade. The specific person in charge is Qin Huaiyu, and the person in charge behind the scenes is the King of Shu.

Du He immediately ordered his subordinates to send the ten-county alliance agreement to Datang Study for printing and distribution, and then immediately posted a notice in the twelve counties to inform the world.

Afterwards, Du He drew up another official document and sent it to Jingzhao Mansion.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Xu Zhiyuan stood up immediately, bowed his hands to everyone present, and said, "Everyone, the ten-county alliance is still established. Therefore, I suggest that we elect a leader? The leader needs to have both ability and political integrity, and be able to convince the crowd. What do you think?"

Wei Shuyu, magistrate of Hu County, stuffed a piece of pork jerky into his mouth and said, "Master Xu, I have no objection, but, leader, I only approve of Brother Du."

The county magistrate said: "Master Wei is right. The original intention of the ten-county alliance was to solve our commercial taxation and public security issues. Now, the Chang'an City Management Team and the Chang'an Taxation Bureau are under the jurisdiction of Wannian County. Now Speaking of which, it is all due to the consort. Without the consort, there would be no city management brigade and taxation bureau, and there would be no three-county alliance, and we would not gather here today. Therefore, the position of leader is not the consort. Can't do it."


"Magistrate Zhu is right!"

"We support the son-in-law as the leader of the ten-county alliance."

Everyone said.

Of the twelve county magistrates, eleven elected Du He as the leader of the ten-county alliance.

Du He couldn't laugh or cry.

How come there is a feeling of being the leader of the martial arts.

Xu Zhiyuan stood up abruptly, and said solemnly: "It is expected that the son-in-law will be the leader of the alliance, and I hope the son-in-law will not refuse."


Do I have excuses?
Du He was taken aback.

Then he laughed.

Xu Zhiyuan, what a wonderful person.

Du He nodded and said: "Since that's the case, then I'll be the leader for now. Thank you for your support."

Xu Zhiyuan turned around and said to everyone with a serious face: "Everyone, everyone has seen the situation just now. I waited to support the son-in-law as the leader, but the son-in-law refused to accept it. I asked repeatedly and expressed my interests, so the son-in-law reluctantly agreed."

Everyone was startled for a moment, then nodded their heads in agreement.

Only then did Du He begin to look at Xu Zhiyuan formally.

In the past, in Du He's heart, Xu Zhiyuan was just a younger brother who came to seek refuge, the kind of dispensable.

But this incident made Du He discover that Xu Zhiyuan is a very meticulous person.

Let's talk about the election of the leader.

The county magistrates have repeatedly asked Du He to take the initiative and spread the word, which are completely different things.

If Du He took the initiative to be the leader of the alliance, after being magnified by someone with good intentions, it is very likely that Du He would plot evil and form a party for personal gain.

But if the county magistrates begged hard and Du He had to reluctantly agree, that would be another way of saying it.

He looked at Xu Zhiyuan and asked, "Master Xu, how many years have you been the county magistrate of Chang'an?"

"Five years!" The corner of Xu Zhiyuan's mouth was a little bitter.

The county magistrate of Chang'an is at the foot of the emperor, and his next goal is to enter the Jingzhao Mansion or directly enter the court.

But Xu Zhiyuan was very unlucky. He had been the county magistrate of Chang'an for five years, but he still hadn't moved.

Du He laughed and said: "With the talent of Mr. Xu, to be a small county magistrate, but I have wronged you."

Xu Zhiyuan immediately understood Du He's subtext: "Little brother, work hard, I won't treat you badly."

He immediately bowed and said, "It all depends on the son-in-law's cultivation!"

Du He stood up, patted his sleeves, and said: "Everyone, it's rare to get together today. I'm the host, and we'll stay here in the county government office. How about getting drunk?"


"Your Majesty has long admired the culinary skills of the son-in-law, and it is an honor to be able to try it myself today."

Everyone is very happy.


Jingzhao House.

government office.

An official rushed in and sent an official document to Liu Wentong who was tasting tea, and said, "My lord, this is an official document sent by Wannian County. Please read it. The next official has already read it. Just now, Wannian County Magistrate Du He convened the county magistrates of the eleven counties of Jingzhao Prefecture and signed the ten-county alliance, the details are in this official document!"


Liu Wentong stood up at once, picked up the official document, and read it carefully.

With the experience of being tricked by the three-county alliance last time, he dared not stop watching it this time.

The ten-county alliance is actually an alliance of twelve counties.

Once the ten-county alliance is really established, it means that the commercial taxation and public security of the twelve counties will be bundled together, and all will be under the jurisdiction of Wannian County.

But Jingzhao Prefecture only has 22 counties.

Du He is now in charge of twelve counties, isn't he more powerful than me, the prefect of Jingzhao?
However, it is impossible to object.

Liu Wentong thought for a while and said, "This is a big matter, I should go to Wannian County in person and discuss it with County Magistrate Du."

The official looked strange, pointed to the end of the official document, and said, "My lord, look at the end."


(End of this chapter)

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