God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1203 lack of talent

Chapter 1203 lack of talent
Liu Wentong heard the words, and then looked at the end of the official document.

Upon closer inspection, his complexion changed drastically.

This official document is different from the previous ones. It is a notification official document. That is to say, this official document is to establish a ten-county alliance, but it is not to ask Jingzhao government for approval.

It's about knowing.

That is to say: Brother Liu Wentong, we have established a ten-county alliance. I'm sorry, but you were not present. Let me inform you now.

The corner of Liu Wentong's mouth said bitterly: "Magistrate Du must have guessed that I would be scruples about this matter, so he made this... Sigh."

The official asked: "My lord, Wannian County is so unruly, shall we reprimand them? Or should we report this matter to the court?"

Liu Wentong turned around sharply, stared at the official, and said coldly: "What to do, I have my own discretion. When is it your turn to tell me what to do, get out!"

The official was scolded and left in a daze.


The next day.

The announcement of the establishment of the Ten-County Alliance was posted in twelve counties including Wannian, Chang'an, and Hu County.

The world knows.

Previously, the three-county alliance was established. Although the scene was not small, it was by no means as big as this time.

After all, Wannian County and Chang'an County both belong to Chang'an City, and Hu County has already been integrated into Chang'an City because of Anhu Avenue and Dream Group.

Now, it is twelve counties that form an alliance.

Someone was surprised.

Someone is curious.

Someone is angry.

Everyone's reaction is different.

Officials in the DPRK and China are surprisingly unanimous in their opposition.

The reason is also very simple. Du He formed the ten-county alliance privately and became the leader of the alliance. This move is tantamount to treason.

However, no one jumped out to impeach Duhe.

Many people who are planning to impeach Duhe are quietly gathering preparations.

With the lessons learned from the previous censors Wu Ping and Zhang Li, the ministers who want to impeach Du He have become more and more cautious.

The ten-county alliance's policy was implemented very quickly.

First of all, the Guancheng Brigade began to expand. Under the guidance of Li Ke, Qin Huaiyu directly recruited a group of government servants with good physical fitness from various counties, filled them into the Guancheng Brigade, and disrupted the personnel. After ten days of training , Divide the Guancheng Brigade into fifteen squadrons, stationed in each county respectively, the remaining three squadrons are all elite soldiers, one stationed in Chang'an City, two in Huxian County, used for mobility, logistics, training, etc. wait.

The Bureau of Taxation also established twelve branches, which began to work in various county governments.

But Dai Jinyun encountered a problem: lack of personnel.

In this era, there is no shortage of young men with brute force, so there is no shortage of people in the Guancheng Brigade.

But what is most lacking is people who can read and write.

Regardless of the fact that Datang has entered a prosperous stage.

But even in Gyeonggi counties like Hu County, there are many places where it is difficult to find a scholar even if you travel dozens of miles around.

Therefore, the tax bureau is short of people.

Where are the readers?

Looking at the entire Chang'an City, the places where scholars gather are the Imperial College in Qujiangchi and the Banshan Academy on the edge of the Bahe River.

Guozijian is the place where the imperial court cultivates talents.

Banshan Academy was created by Du He alone.

Later, Du He and Fan Yang's Lu family opposed each other, and transferred all the Banshan Academy to Wang Situ.

Situ Wanggui's purpose is also very simple, that is to be the dean of an academy, to cultivate a group of talents, who will be immortal in the future.

Dai Jinyun aimed at Banshan Academy, so he took people to Banshan Academy, hoping to recruit a group of scholars to the Taxation Bureau.

I don't know, the first time I went, I was rejected.

Went for the second time and was persuaded to come back.

For the third time, Banshan Academy directly closed the door and refused to let him in. The vice president of Banshan Academy, Wang Gui’s son Wang Chongji, even scolded him for being ignorant of praise, saying that the students of Banshan Academy will all have to obtain fame in the future. How can a person who has become an official go to the Taxation Bureau to be a petty official with no future.

Dai Jinyun felt insulted, so he had to come to find Du He.

After listening to Dai Jinyun's statement, Du He asked, "Jin Yun, have you seen those students from Banshan College?"

Dai Jinyun said honestly: "I met those students once and told them in public that as long as they go to the Chang'an Taxation Bureau, their monthly salary can reach five guan, and the salary will continue to rise in the future. But the students found that Banshan Academy It is no longer the original Banshan Academy. In the past, the teacher served as the dean of the Banshan Academy, and Xiao Shen served as the vice president of the Banshan Academy. The academy offered many courses, including arithmetic, astronomy, and science. Teaching the books of sages and sages, the students only want to take the scientific examination to become an official, alas... What a waste of a group of good seedlings."

Dai Jinyun stayed in Banshan Academy, and even today, he still misses the teaching environment that is completely different from Guozijian.

The good Banshan College is about to be destroyed in the hands of Wang Gui and his son.

He is not an educator, but feels sorry for those students who are stupid in reading.

Hearing this, Du He murmured, "Nowadays, it seems that the Taxation Bureau is in urgent need of talent expansion. The simplest and most direct way is to recruit a group of students from Banshan Academy, but the problem is that, on the one hand, Banshan Academy does not give face or let people , On the other hand, those students who want to be officials are not interested in the tax bureau."

"Exactly!" Dai Jinyun thought to himself, the teacher's summary is really sharp and penetrating.

Du He thought for a while and said, "Since this is the case, we can only take extraordinary measures..."

He waved.

Dai Jinyun immediately leaned over: "Please tell the teacher clearly."

Du He whispered: "The solution is also simple, that is to make trouble."

"make trouble?"

"You immediately take some people to Banshan Academy to make trouble, and say you want to rob people. At that time, Banshan Academy will definitely stop it, so the bigger the trouble, the better. It is best that Banshan Academy can't help but take action... um , You are not professional in this matter, you go to the King of Shu and ask him to send you some people." Du He arranged.

Dai Jinyun's eyes lit up: "Teacher, do you want to be arrogant?"

"Of course, the more arrogant the better."

"Can you hit someone?"

"Remember, you must never do it. The key to this matter is not to do it."

"Students understand."

Dai Jinyun agreed and left in a hurry.


Not long after, Dai Jinyun left Wannian County with a dozen people dressed as tax bureau officials, took a carriage, left Chang'an City, and went straight to Banshan College on the bank of Bahe River.

Banshan College is on the edge of the Bahe River. Originally, the headquarters of Dream Group was on the opposite side, which was very lively.

Since Dream Group moved away, the surrounding area has become deserted.

Come to the gate of Banshan College.

Just as Dai Jinyun was about to go in, he was stopped by several men guarding the gate.

A bearded man stretched out his hand, looked at Dai Jinyun, and said with a bad expression: "So it's Mr. Dai. Our vice president said that Banshan College doesn't welcome you, and you don't want to come here anymore."


(End of this chapter)

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