Chapter 1218

Looking at Du Ruhui again, his body is very thin.

Seeing this, Du He asked, "Uncle Yuchi, did my father cough up blood?"

Yuchi Gong nodded.

Du Ruhui hurried forward and touched Du Ruhui's forehead with his hand, but found that Du Ruhui was in a state of high fever.

Have a fever?
Du He immediately called Uncle Wang who was taking care of Du Ruhui in the house, and asked, "Did my father feel cold occasionally?"

Uncle Wang said nervously, "Young master, the weather has been fine these days, and the master has never had a cold... But, the master has been coughing."

"Why didn't you send someone to tell me?" Du He was a little annoyed.

Uncle Wang turned pale with fright, "I was going to tell the young master, but the master said that the young master has been troubled by troubles these days, so I won't let the young one send someone to tell the young master."

Du He was taken aback.

Strictly speaking, he is no longer Du Ruhui's son.

However, in the past few years of getting along, he has felt a strong father's love.

Only in Lai Guogong Mansion, Du He felt at home.

He knew that in the past few years, he had offended many people and even done many things that went against common sense. The reason why nothing happened was because Du Ruhui wiped his ass behind his back.

Now, Du Ruhui finally couldn't hold on anymore and collapsed.

At this moment, the servants reported that Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, had arrived.

Du He immediately let Sun Simiao in.

The imperial doctor in the palace just said that Du Ru's bad energy and blood loss, just rest for a few days.

But Du He couldn't believe it.

Sun Simiao stepped forward to carefully observe Du Ruhui's symptoms, after a while, he suddenly raised his head, his face changed, and said, "My son-in-law, what Du Xiang suffers from is probably tuberculosis!"


Du He was a little strange.

Sun Simiao explained: "Consumption is indeed caused by the loss of qi and blood. People who are sick will have fever in the chest and throat, cough with blood, and the body will be as thin as wood..."

Almost all the illnesses he mentioned can be seen in Du Ruhui's body.


Duhe exclaimed.

Sun Simiao asked curiously, "My son-in-law, what is tuberculosis?"

Du He didn't speak.

Tuberculosis is actually tuberculosis.This is what Duhe can be sure of.

Tuberculosis, also known as tuberculosis.

Du He knew that before the 19th and 20th centuries, because there were no antibiotics, tuberculosis, once contracted, had no choice but to wait for death. There was no cure, even if Hua Tuo was still alive.

The causes of tuberculosis are very complicated, but it is useless to pursue these now.

In other words, Du Ruhui was lying on the bed, maybe he didn't have much time to live.

For a moment, Du He was a little lost.

Is my dearest person in Datang leaving?

He couldn't believe it, let alone accept it.

Seeing this, Sun Simiao, Yu Chigong and the others didn't speak, wanting Du He to be quiet.

At this moment, there was a loud noise at the door.

Du He's thoughts returned to reality.

He hurried out of the room, but saw Old Fu chasing Wang Bo all over the yard, and no one else could stop him.

"You bastard, I asked you to take good care of the master, how did you take care of it, now the master is ill, I must beat you to death..."

Old Fu was chasing, shouting at the same time, seeing that he couldn't catch up, he took off his shoes and threw them at Uncle Wang.

When the old man turned around, he saw Du He, ran over hurriedly, and wailed loudly, "Master, how is the master? It's all my fault. If I hadn't gone to Hu County, no one would take good care of the master, and he wouldn't come out." This kind of thing..."

He had taken care of Du Ruhui all his life, and had a deep relationship with Du Ruhui, but at this moment, he revealed his true feelings.

Du He hurriedly pulled Old Fu up and said, "Don't cry!"

"Ah...young master, I want to see the master!" Old Fu wiped away his tears and said.

Du He shook his head, then looked at Sun Simiao.

Sun Simiao understood what Du He meant, and said in public: "Everyone, what Du Xiang suffers from is tuberculosis."


Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Tuberculosis, in this era, is a terminal disease, and doctors since ancient times have no prescriptions that can completely cure tuberculosis.

If you are a young person, there is still the possibility of self-healing.

But at Du Ruhui's age, it was absolutely impossible.

For a while, everyone in the courtyard fell silent.

Everyone has mixed feelings in their hearts.

Whether it is Du Ruhui's opponent or Du Ruhui's friend, they all feel sad at this moment.


Old Fu couldn't help it suddenly, and burst into tears.

Du He said coldly: "Old Fu, don't cry!"


Du He said: "It's not the end of the day yet."

"Ah..." Old Fu was taken aback, "Master, can you cure Master?"

Du He said solemnly: "Not yet, but there must be a way."

The old man wiped away his tears, "Great, young master, if you say there is a way, then there must be a way. The master is lucky, and he will be fine."

Old Fu had great faith in Du He.

Yu Chigong came over, patted Du He on the shoulder, and said, "Nephew, you have grown up too, and you have to learn to bear some things."

Du He shook his head: "Uncle Yuchi, there are more important things now."

"What's the matter?"

I saw Du He cupped his hands towards the crowd, and said with a serious expression: "My lords, my father is seriously ill, I am very grateful for everyone's visit to my father, but, just now, Senior Yao Wang didn't explain the matter clearly, this tuberculosis is an infection. You have been in close contact with my father. I am afraid that you have already contracted tuberculosis. I hope that you can stay in Lai Guogong's mansion and observe it in isolation for about five days. It is not too late to leave. Otherwise, once you go out, you will definitely die spread the disease to family members."




Everyone was stupefied and basically didn't understand Du He's meaning.

Qin Qiong asked: "He'er, what do you mean, I have been infected with tuberculosis after being in contact with Du Xiang? Besides, can this tuberculosis be passed on to others?"

Du He nodded, "Exactly!"

Everyone immediately turned their attention to Sun Simiao.

But Sun Simiao said: "It's better to believe in its existence than in its absence. This old man is willing to listen to his son-in-law and stay in Lai Guogong's mansion for a few days."

The implication is that I don't know if what Du He said is true, but you'd better listen to him.

On the side, Wang Fengyu, who came from the Shangyao Bureau in the palace, sneered and said: "Mr. You can get infected if you don’t hear about it.”

Wang Gui looked at Wang Fengyu and asked, "Wang Fengyu, are you telling the truth?"

Wang Fengyu said: "Master Wang, I have been familiar with medical books since I was a child, and I have practiced medicine for decades. I have never heard that tuberculosis can be so contagious. I am afraid that the son-in-law is too worried."

Wang Gui said: "Since that's the case, Du He, don't be alarmist."

Changsun Wuji also said: "Du He, you may have some kind of conspiracy in keeping me in the Lai State Duke's mansion?"

Du He glanced at the two of them, and said coldly: "I'm in a hurry, everyone, I'm sorry, old Fu, I invite several adults to isolate and observe in each courtyard. No one is allowed to leave without my order." .”


(End of this chapter)

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