God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1219 Has Assassins

Chapter 1219 Has Assassins

"Du He, do you dare to imprison us?"

"You are so brave!"

"Who dares to lock me up!"

Wang Gui and others reprimanded angrily.

Du He pretended not to hear it.

Old Fu has already called all the servants who are five big and three rough, and "invite" everyone down.

Du He turned around and said to the two princesses: "Yuanshu, Lizhi, you two are also close to father just now, go back and observe in isolation."

Li Yuanshu shook her head: "Husband, now that my father is seriously ill, Lizhi and I should stay and take care of him."

Li Lizhi also said: "Yes, I also want to be with my husband."

Hearing this, Du He couldn't say anything more, so he nodded and agreed.

After everyone had made arrangements, Du He personally wrote a letter, and then found Sun Simiao, saying: "Old Sun, I plan to send a letter to the father, asking him to be isolated for a while, but, as far as I am concerned, the father may not I'll listen, and I want to ask you a favor."

Sun Simiao smiled and asked, "You mean to say that I am sure that tuberculosis is contagious."

"Not bad!"

"Okay, I promise you to help you, but there is one thing I don't understand. How can you be sure that this tuberculosis is highly contagious?" Sun Simiao expressed his doubts.

Du He was silent for a while, and said, "Because, I have seen it."

Sun Simiao knew that Du He would not tell the truth, but he chose Du He, so he added a few words to Du He's letter.

Then, the letter was sent.


Inside the kitchen.

Smoky fire.

A few servants stood guard outside.

Li Yuanshu, Princess of Runan, and Li Lizhi, Princess of Changle, were decocting the medicine themselves.

The prescription was prescribed by Sun Simiao, and it was nothing more than some common medicines for invigorating qi and blood, relieving cough and asthma.

The brewing of traditional Chinese medicine requires a slow fire to produce the medicinal effect.

The two princesses with golden branches and jade leaves have been sitting by the stove for a whole afternoon. Both of them are disheartened, but no one says they are tired.


Just then, the door opened.

Du He walked in.

Li Yuanshu and Li Lizhi didn't realize it.

Du He looked at the steaming soup on the stove, and the pungent smell of medicine in the room, and thought to himself: This is just useless effort.

Before the invention of antibiotics, tuberculosis and similar diseases had no solution.

But he didn't say these words, but stepped forward: "You two ladies, you have worked hard."

Li Yuanshu and Li Lizhi looked up and saw Du He.

Du He looked haggard and bloodshot in his eyes.

Li Yuanshu said distressedly: "Husband, father will be fine. Don't blame yourself too much. The medicine king said that after drinking these medicines, father will definitely get better."

Du He waved his hand: "I believe in Medicine King, and I also believe in you."

Then he took out a bag, took out two palm-sized black cloths, and handed them to Li Yuanshu and Li Lizhi.

Neither of them recognized it.

Du He explained: "This thing is called a mask. You often go in and out of your father's yard, so you should wear it to avoid tuberculosis infection."

Face mask?

Can prevent infection?
Li Yuanshu and Li Lizhi looked at the small thing, full of doubts, but neither of them asked.

Du He comforted the two girls again, returned to Du Ruhui's room, observed Du Ruhui carefully, then went to the study and shut himself in the study.


Royal Palace.

Li Er got the news.

"What? Du He actually locked up all the ministers who went to visit Du Aiqing, as well as the imperial doctor?" Li Er was surprised.

Is Du He trying to rebel?
The servant Zhao Yang said: "Your Majesty, it is said that Consort Du said that Du Xiang is suffering from tuberculosis, which is very contagious. I am afraid that anyone who has been in contact with Du Xiang will be infected. If these people are allowed to leave Lai Guogong He is afraid that more people will be infected, so he locked everyone in Lai Lai State Mansion, saying that if there is nothing wrong in five days, everyone can leave."

Li Er asked: "Tuberculosis infects people? Does the royal doctor in the palace know?"

Zhao Yang replied: "I have gone to consult several imperial physicians on purpose, and everyone thought that Concubine Du was an alarmist."

"I'm afraid that Du He lost his job because of Du Aiqing's illness. You take my word of mouth and go to the Lai Guogong Mansion..." Li Er planned to let Zhao Yang go to the Lai Guo Gong Mansion, and he will be detained by Du He. Minister, bring them all out.

As for Du He's nonsense, he felt it was justifiable and would not pursue it.

However, before he finished speaking, he saw a figure rushing in.

Zhao Yang looked back and immediately shouted: "There are assassins!"

When Li Er saw the man, he was also startled, and hurried to find his weapon.

I saw that person was dressed as a eunuch from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a hat, but his face was covered, only two eyes were exposed.

The imperial guards at the door heard the sound and rushed in one after another.

But he saw the man kneeling on the ground at once: "Your Majesty, this slave will die forever."

This voice is somewhat familiar.

Zhao Yang asked in surprise, "Ximen Qing?"

The man said: "Your Majesty, Manager Zhao, it's me, Ximen Qing."

Li Er and Zhao Yang looked carefully, and it really was Ximen Qing, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Li Er was furious.

Zhao Yang scolded angrily: "Ximen Qing, what are you trying to do by pretending to be a ghost?"

Ximen Qing hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, slave, this is all done according to Prince Du's request."

Not to mention Zhao Yang, even Li Er was stunned.

Li Er asked: "Du He asked you to do this?"

Ximen Qing nodded and said: "Your Majesty, just now, someone from Lai Guogong's mansion sent a letter for me to deliver to His Majesty in person, and also sent a bag. In the bag, there happened to be something I was wearing on my face. Concubine Du said that everyone who has been in contact with Du Xiang should wear it to avoid infecting others."

Ximen Qing took out a letter and a bag.

Li Er read the letter first.

The letter was written by Du He, and also signed by Sun Simiao, the king of medicine.

Li Er pondered and said: "Since the king of medicine thinks that tuberculosis may be contagious, he would rather believe it, but what is this?"

When Li Er took out palm-sized things made of black cloth from the bag, he was also a little confused.

That thing is made of many layers of cloth, it looks thick, but it is very soft, and there are two rings on each side, which fit over the ears.

It looks like a mask, but it's not.

Ximen Qing explained: "The person who brought the things said that Concubine Du said that as long as you wear this thing and avoid going to crowded places, you can avoid infecting others with tuberculosis."

Zhao Yang looked at Ximen Qing, and said: "Your Majesty, absolutely not. Your Majesty is the king of a country, the Ninth Five-Year Honor, how can you show your face to others."

But Li Er said: "It's okay, just wear it for a few days."

Zhao Yang: "..."

The next day.

The early court caused an uproar.

When the ministers of civil and military affairs entered the Tai Chi Hall, they realized that all the big figures in the court, such as Wang Gui and Fang Xuanling, had disappeared.

Everyone knew that the Right Prime Minister Du Ruhui was seriously ill, but could it be that the others also fell ill?

All the ministers were full of confusion.

What surprised them even more was that when Li Er appeared, he was masked.

Even Zhao Yang, the servant, also wore a black cloth to cover his face, leaving only two eyes.

What's going on here?
Many people are dumbfounded.


(End of this chapter)

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