Chapter 1229

The problem of Du Ruhui's resignation from office has been properly resolved, and Du He can no longer rely on Lai Guogong's mansion.

He is now the Sihu of Jingzhao Mansion and joins the army, leading the commercial taxation and security of the entire Jingzhao Mansion.

Early in the morning, Du He came to the Jingzhao government office.

Liu Wentong came out to greet him in person, and said happily: "My son-in-law, you are counted. If you don't come again, there will be troubles in the Chang'an taxation bureau and the city management brigade."

Du He was taken aback, and asked curiously: "Lord Liu, don't tell me, the director of Chang'an Taxation Bureau is my disciple Dai Jinyun, and the captain of the Guancheng brigade is Qin Huaiyu, son of Qin, and my brother who is in charge. With the two of them here, how could there be any troubles with the tax bureau and the city management brigade."

Liu Wentong said dumbfoundedly: "I'm afraid you don't know. I have a man named Zhang Da. This man is the secretary of Jingzhao Mansion and joined the army. Speaking of which, he is still your direct boss. You didn't come." During this period of time, he was in charge of the taxation bureau and the city management brigade, and Zhang Da had a high-level vision and a low-handedness, and he didn't get along well with Mr. Dai and Mr. Qin."

When Du He heard the words, he quickly understood in his heart.

How dare a small recorder join the army to get involved with the tax bureau and the city management brigade?

That proves that someone in the DPRK wants to intervene in the tax bureau and the city management brigade.

Zhang Da is just cannon fodder.

The Guancheng Brigade is in charge of the public security of the 22 counties under the jurisdiction of the entire Jingzhao Prefecture, including all criminal and trial responsibilities, and its power is not insignificant.

The Taxation Bureau is responsible for the collection of commercial taxes within the entire Jingzhao Prefecture, especially in Chang'an City and Huxian County, where the commercial taxes are very considerable.

Someone can't sit still!

Du He's heart moved, and he asked, "What is Zhang Da's background?"

Liu Wentong shook his head: "This person is just a scholar, very ordinary."

Du He knew that the person who made the move this time was very concealed and would never show up easily.

He secretly wrote down the name.

Liu Wentong said again: "My son-in-law, let me introduce you to all my colleagues first."

Then, he personally took Du He to the various departments of Jingzhao Mansion. Everywhere he went, he enthusiastically introduced Du He to everyone.

After walking around, Du He discovered the problem.

The entire Jingzhao Mansion didn't take much notice of him, the new Sihu joining the army, which was in stark contrast to Liu Wentong's enthusiasm.

After seeing everyone, Liu Wentong couldn't hold back anymore. He turned his head, glanced at Du He, and said, "My son-in-law, this matter..."

Du He waved his hand and said with a sneer, "I understand their thoughts. Now, I'm just a commoner son-in-law, serving as a small servant to join the army. My father is about to retire. In the eyes of many people, I may only be able to If I become a Sihu and join the army, naturally I won't give me any good looks."

The people of Datang are already so realistic.

Liu Wentong said disdainfully: "My son-in-law, the sparrow knows the ambition of the grand swan, how can a group of villains know that the son-in-law will surely become a great success in the future."

Du He turned his head, looked at Liu Wentong, and asked with a smile: "Master Liu, do you think I will have a great day?"

Liu Wentong said without hesitation, "I never doubted it."

Du He smiled and stopped talking.

He came to the court where the recorder joined the army, but learned that Sihu had just left after joining the army.

Du He sneered in his heart.

Mr. Zhang, I'm afraid he didn't want to see me on purpose.

He went back to the court where his Sihu joined the army, read a book, had lunch at the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion, went to Liu Wentong for a cup of tea, and boasted about his idleness. When the time came, he returned to the mansion of Lai Guogong.

As soon as he arrived at the mansion, Zhang Jian brought Wang Erniu to the backyard.

Wang Erniu is the treasurer of Datang Study.

When Wang Erniu saw Du He, he took out something wrapped in silk, handed it to Du He respectfully, and said, "Master, according to your order, I have printed the book, please have a look."

Du He took it, opened it and saw that it was a thin booklet.

On the cover, there are only a few large characters that are quite satisfactory: experience in politics.

Du He looked through, the first article was Fang Xuanling's "On Political Virtue".

This pamphlet is exactly what Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng wrote when they were imprisoned in the Laiguo Duke's mansion, they exchanged tuberculosis, and had no choice but to write articles in exchange for immortal medicine.

The two wrote a total of 36 articles.

Twenty articles by Fang Xuanling.

Sixteen articles by Wei Zheng.

The style is naturally parallel prose, and the articles are short. Therefore, 36 articles are printed together, and there is only a thin booklet.

The more Du He looked, the deeper his frown became.

Wang Erniu's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly asked, "Master, is there a mistake?"

Du He put down the booklet and shook his head: "There are no mistakes or omissions, but you didn't do what I asked."


Du He saw Wang Erniu's honest look, and explained: "What I want to create is a best-selling book, the design should be novel, unique, and eye-catching, so that people can't wait to buy a box and put it in the box after just one glance. The kind at home... And then, it started the reputation of Datang Study, and the Datang Study has been in decline for too long."

Datang Study was well-known all over the world because of movable type printing and a book of "Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties".

But after Du He let go of it, under the leadership of Wang Erniu, it became more and more a printing factory.

This is not the study that Du He wants.

The more Wang Erniu listened, the more confused he became.

Finally, he looked at Du He anxiously.

Seeing this, Du He sighed, and said, "Since that's the case, this time, let me do the knife myself, and I will serve you with pen and ink!"

Wang Erniu was immediately filled with joy.



The sky is going to be dark.

A carriage came to the gate of Wei Mansion.

A scholar claimed to be from Datang Study and came to give money.

A total of three hundred guan.

This is no small sum.

The butler didn't dare to make a decision, so he hurriedly reported to Wei Zheng.

"Master, there's a guy at the door who claims to be from Datang Study, and says he's sending manuscript fees to the master, a total of three hundred coins..."

Wei Zheng was taken aback.

Send money?

He stood up abruptly and asked, "Call him to ask."

The housekeeper said, "He left the money and left."

Ordinarily, some people give free money, which is a good thing.

But Wei Zheng always felt that something was wrong, and felt uneasy.

He paced back and forth, and said to himself: "This old man has nothing to do with Datang Study, so there is absolutely no reason to give money to this old man for nothing. Du must be Du must be Du He who did it, but ...Du He did this, why on earth..."

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

The housekeeper added: "By the way, master, the man said that he is still busy delivering money to Fangfu."


That was the residence of Fang Xuanling, the left chancellor of the dynasty.

Wei Zheng seemed to have thought of something, and he hurriedly said, "Hurry up and ask Fangfu for an invitation. Tonight, the old man is going to entertain Mr. Fang at the Drunken Immortal Building."

The butler looked at Wei Zheng in surprise.

My master has always been stingy, plus he is not rich, so it is rare to invite guests a few times a year, so he spends so much money today?


(End of this chapter)

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