God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1230 Selling Books

Chapter 1230 Selling Books
Drunken House.

In a medium wing.

Looking at the delicious dishes that came up.

Wei Zheng felt a little pain in his flesh.

As the most upright official in the Tang Dynasty, Wei Zheng really had a clean hand, except for the rewards and salary from the court, he didn't make much money, but he had to support the entire Wei family, and his life was not rich.

Fortunately, Fang Xuanling's ordering was not an exaggeration.

If Fang Xuanling lets go of his hands and feet, it will undoubtedly make Wei Zheng's not-so-well-off life worse.



Waiting for the servant who served the food to go down, Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling looked at each other and sighed in unison.

Fang Xuanling asked: "Master Wei, you must be looking for me because of Du He's gift of money, right?"

Wei Zheng nodded: "I feel that Du He's gift of money to us is mostly related to the articles the two of us wrote in Laiguo's mansion."

"It's not more than half, it's for sure. You don't know, Du He sent me [-] guan, which is [-] more than you. The reason is that I wrote [-] articles at the beginning, and you wrote [-] articles. The next one is sixteen." Fang Xuanling explained.

Wei Zheng asked: "Du He, this boy, is famous for his money, but now he gives me money, I don't feel at ease..."

"Me too!"

"How should this be?"

Fang Xuanling rolled his eyes: "Why don't we return the money?"

Wei Zheng shook his head: "I know Du He's temper. No one can stop what he is going to do. I'm afraid it's easy for us to collect money, but it's not easy to send it back."

Fang Xuanling nodded in agreement.

The two sighed.

"Master Wei, I respect you!"

"Master Fang, three more cups!"

Dukang is the only way to relieve worries.

After coming and going, the two of them actually got drunk.


Early in the morning.

Chang'an City has started a new day.

Several scholars from Yangzhou walked out of Pingkangfang and were about to go back to the inn where they lived when they suddenly heard someone discussing on the side of the road.

"The new books sold by Datang Study cost ten dollars a book."

"What book is selling so expensive?"

"I heard it was a book written by the royal censor and the prime minister!"

"Impossible. The doctor Yushi is Lord Wei, and the prime ministers are Du Xiang and Fang Xiang. How could they do such dirty things to make money."

A few scholars became interested, and hurriedly asked the discussants where the Datang Study was.

Those people explained that Datang Study is located in Hu County, and if you want to buy books, there are many bookstores in the city, all of which are selling books from Datang Study.

Several scholars rushed to the nearest bookstore.

From a long distance, I saw a long queue at the door of the bookstore.

On the roof of the bookstore, a huge piece of paper was hung.

It says:

"On Politics"

It was co-authored by Wei Zheng, the official censor of the dynasty, and Fang Xuanling, the prime minister, all of which are based on personal experience.

Manchao Wenwu strongly recommends!

If you don't read it, you will regret it for a lifetime!

The way of being an official, the way of reading, and the way of being a man are all in it.

Are you still troubled by the policy theory of scientific research?The doctor Yu Shi and the prime minister will teach you how to make strategies.

Do you want to witness the demeanor of the strongest man in Datang?
Do you want to know how to get out of the way?
Do you want to know how the doctor Yushi spends his day?


The hanging huge piece of paper has a lot of words, and it is extremely exaggerated. It is all written in the vernacular. Even ordinary people who cannot read can understand what it means when they hear others read the Tao.

The few scholars from Yangzhou were dumbfounded.

This is... selling books?
Simply unheard, unseen.

Someone said: "This is something you don't know. This "Proof" was printed by Datang Study. Datang Study belongs to Dream Group, and Dream Group belongs to Prince Du. It is difficult for others to do such things. But if it's Consort Du, then there's nothing strange about it."

Hearing the words, several scholars hurriedly and honestly lined up, saying that they wanted to buy a copy of "Proof", otherwise the trip would be in vain.


Wei House.


A chunky peddler was carrying a box. Around him, there were three floors outside and three floors inside, surrounded by dozens of people.

They are all from the Wei Mansion.

There are relatives of Wei Zheng.

There are servants of Wei Mansion.

The peddler held a copy of "Argument" in his hand, and said eloquently: "Everyone, think about it... This book, half of the articles, were written by Mr. Wei. Mr. Wei is the owner of the Wei Mansion. Think about it carefully." , you have worked in the house for many years, why didn’t you become a steward, why didn’t you get the appreciation of Mr. Wei, and, Mr. Wei’s relatives, why did he control you very strictly, and didn’t let you go out to do business..."

His words were echoed by many people.

"Yeah, why?"

The peddler smiled slightly: "Now, your chance has come. You only need to buy this book, go back and study it carefully, and you will be able to understand Master Wei's thoughts. The most important thing is that Master Wei saw that you all bought the book. , I am naturally happy in my heart, and when I am happy, maybe I will give you a high look."

The cook of the Wei Mansion was the first to be tempted. He couldn't even write his own name. He hurriedly asked, "How much is it? I want to buy a book and read it carefully."

The peddler held out two fingers: "Two pennies."

"Two guan? Don't you get one guan in other places?" Someone asked.

The peddler spoke eloquently: "This statement is wrong. If others can buy it for a penny, you'd better offer two pennies. Books are pricey, but Mr. Wei's articles can be measured by Kaiyuan Tongbao. You can buy them for two pennies." Excuse me, Lord Wei is too late to be happy after hearing this."

The cook nodded: "That makes sense, I want two copies."

"I want one!"

"I also want!"

For a time, everyone was enthusiastic.

In a short time, all the books in the peddler's box were sold out, replaced by a box full of money.

He looked at his father's door and said with a smile: "Mr. Du and Mr. Fang are right, the most important thing in sales is to mobilize people's needs."

After speaking, he carried the box and walked away.


Inside the Wei Mansion.


Wei Zheng opened his eyes, only to realize that it was already the afternoon of the next day.

He rubbed his head and couldn't help but said, "Drinking is a mistake!"

He walks out of the house.

Only to find that the butler had been waiting for a long time.

Wei Zheng asked, "How about the matter I asked you to inquire about yesterday?"

The butler replied: "Master, I have already inquired about it. Yesterday, the money sent by Datang Study was strange. It was said to be the master's manuscript fee... Today, Datang Study has printed a batch of books called In "On Politics", there are articles written by Master and Mr. Fang, I heard that there are 36 articles in total, and they have already been sold in Chang'an."

Wei Zheng suddenly realized.

No wonder, Du He wants to send money.

This kid is actually using the old man's articles to make money.

It's really degrading.

However, the old man can accept that money with peace of mind.

Wei Zheng thought to himself, if he had known this, he would not have invited Mr. Fang to dinner.

Thinking that he had just earned three hundred guan, he was in a good mood.

The butler asked, "Master, are you not angry?"

Wei Zheng said with a smile: "What's there to be angry about? Although Du He's actions are disgraceful, but through the Datang Study, more people can see the old man's articles. Why not? Let's go and have a look! "

Seeing Wei Zheng's smile, the butler felt uneasy in his heart.


(End of this chapter)

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