Chapter 1236
The whole morning passed quickly.

It's lunch time.

Colleagues went to lunch one after another.

Zhang Da is hiding in the public house, not daring to go out to meet people.

When everyone finished their meal and rushed back one after another.

But I saw a young man with his head down, carrying a food box, hurrying to the door.

"Stop! What are you doing?" asked the guard at the door.

The man replied: "I'm from Zhangfu, and I'm here to deliver food to our master!"

Everyone suddenly realized!

No wonder Mr. Zhang didn't eat with us. It turned out that people from the family had brought the meals.

Mr. Zhang looks down on the food of Jingzhao Mansion.

Many people were very curious and ran over to see what Zhang Da had eaten today.

They came to the door and stared in.

In the public house.

Zhang Da couldn't believe it.

When he went out, he didn't tell the people in the house to bring him food.

"Huh? Are you a servant of my family? Why do I feel that I have never seen you before..." Zhang Da looked at the man, feeling a little strange.

The man raised his head, grinned suddenly, grabbed the food box, turned it over, and slammed it on Zhang Da's head.


Zhang Da screamed like a pig being killed.

Because, in the food box, there was freshly cooked soup.


The people outside rushed in immediately.

Finally, with the help of everyone, Zhang Da cleaned up the soup on his head, only to find that his scalp had been scalded.

Looking at the young man who delivered the food, he has long since disappeared.


All of this was in Du He's eyes.

He looked at the terrified Zhang Da, and sneered, "It seems that this guy won't make it through. As long as he can break his mind, I can know from him who the hell is trying to deal with the Guancheng brigade. Let's do it. When the time comes, don't blame this young master for being ruthless."

Then, he turned around and walked out of Jingzhao Mansion.

Du He is skipping work.

Anyway, in this Jingzhao Mansion, Liu Wentong doesn't care about him, and Zhang Da, who wants to fight against him everywhere, is now unable to take care of himself.


The next day.

Duho came early.

He felt that it was necessary to have a good talk with Zhang Da.

However, until noon, there was no sign of Zhang Da.

This old boy, he was injured too badly, so he is recuperating at home, right?

At this moment, an official came into the yard and said, "Everyone, have you heard? Please resign, Mr. Zhang Zhang, the secretary of the army. I moved away with my family early this morning. Now, I am no longer in the capital... "

Du He's face darkened, and he hurriedly left the Jingzhao government office.


Near Jingzhao government office.

A tea house that has been open for many years.

This is a tea house on the surface, but it is actually a stronghold of Fang Fang.

In a room on the roof.

Zhang Jian said: "Master, it has been found out that Zhang Da's family moved out overnight...his resignation was delivered to Mr. Liu this morning."

Du He couldn't laugh or cry: "I wanted to have fun with Zhang Da and let him know that the world is dangerous, but I never thought that this guy is so inexperienced, he collapsed after only three rounds, and even resigned and ran away... ...It's really weird!"

Zhang Jian asked: "Master, do you want to ask Miss Yiyue to send someone to chase after him, and then quietly kill Zhang Da?"

Du He waved his hand: "No need, Zhang Da is just a young man, what really matters is the people behind him!"

It's not worth sending out a killer with fangs for a little guy.

Du He's real enemy is still hidden in the dark.

Zhang Jian couldn't help but said, "Master, what should we do now?"

Du He analyzed carefully: "I'm afraid there will be more and more such things. If my father can't be promoted to the post of Taiwei as soon as possible, he will be expected to serve in the position of the right minister. They can't help but attack me..."

Zhang Jian asked: "What does the young master mean?"

"They are all young people. As long as I become a captain, everything can be easily solved." Du He said.

Zhang Jian hesitated for a moment, and said, "Master, how about we tie up the emperor and make him an official for the master?"

Du He: "... Get lost!"

Zhang Jian ran away in a hurry.

Du He was lost in thought.

"My thoughts may not be known to everyone!"

"Now, I'm afraid many people have guessed that the turning point for my father's promotion lies in me!"

"They will definitely try to stop me!"

"This matter is very difficult!"

Du He rubbed his brows.


The news of Jingzhao Mansion's recorder joining the army, resigning and running away spread to the court, which also aroused a lot of discussion.

The recorder of the Jingzhao Mansion joined the army. This is not an ordinary official, and his rank is not low.

Such a person ran away.

It's really a big joke in the world.

This matter was also known by Li Er.Naturally, Li Er began to question the new recruiting officer.

Wei Chigong, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was the first to recommend Du He.

Yu Chigong said: "Your Majesty, although Du He is only a resident of Jingzhao Prefecture and joins the army, he is in charge of commercial taxation and public security within the jurisdiction of Jingzhao Prefecture. Zhang Da's resignation as secretary and enlisted in the army happened to allow Du He to take over as the secretary and joined the army."

Before he finished speaking, he drew unanimous opposition.

Wang Gui was the first to say: "No, absolutely not...Your Majesty, Du He has only been in the army for a month, if he is allowed to join the army as a secretary at this time, what will people in the world think?"

Changsun Wuji also said: "Your Majesty, you must be single-minded in everything. The new commercial taxation policy, and the replacement of Wuhou Shop by the Guancheng Brigade, are the top priorities in Chang'an City. Even if Du He has superpowers, he probably won't be able to handle it." Come on, let him join the army as a secretary now, I'm afraid that in the end, he won't be able to do anything well."

Chen Shuda said: "Yes, Your Majesty, Du He was young. He served as the governor of the Jingzhao Mansion and joined the army. He has not made any achievements. Now that he is promoted rashly, I am afraid that he will attract criticism. Your Majesty, please think twice."


Under everyone's suggestions, Li Er nodded: "Since that's the case, let Du He join the army as the sihu for now. For the candidates for the Lu family in Jingzhao Prefecture to join the army, the Ministry of Officials will come up with the charter and discuss it in the court."

After a while.

Everyone left Tai Chi Palace one after another.

Wang Gui and Changsun Wuji walked side by side.

Wang Gui sighed.

Changsun Wuji asked: "Lord Wang, are you worried that Du Xiang will be crowned the Taiwei?"

Wang Gui nodded: "It's not impossible! Now, Du Xiang has not shown up for more than a month. A censor suggested that His Majesty allow Du Xiang to become an official and choose a new right minister. However, his attitude was firm and he did not agree. It seems that in His Majesty's heart, Du Xiang is still very important."

Changsun Wuji smiled indescribably, and said: "Master Wang is probably too worried. Now, although Du Xiang has not taken up his official position, he can't influence the government. It is absolutely impossible to make meritorious service. The Du family and his son plotted against the Taiwei. The turning point can only be found in Du He... and Du He is just a small Jingzhao Mansion Sihu joining the army. Even if he has supernatural abilities, there is nothing he can do now. The dust has settled..."


(End of this chapter)

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