Chapter 1237 Rainstorm
Lai Guo Gongfu.

Du Ruhui also had the same worry.

Du Ruhui looked at Du He on the opposite side, and said: "He'er, being a father is not because you are greedy for an official position. In fact, you are not very interested in the position of Taiwei... Being a father is just worrying about your two brothers..."

Du He knew it well, and said with a smile: "Father, don't put too much pressure on yourself, just leave this matter to me."

"He'er, you know the current situation. I can't show up. I'm afraid that this opportunity will happen to you. If you don't have any great credit, it's not an option to drag it on like this... When it really comes to that point, I will I will definitely explain to His Majesty brazenly that you will inherit the title of Duke of Lai..."

Du He really didn't want to hear this.

He asked: "Father, I remember that when you were seriously ill, you wrote a letter to elder brother, why didn't you hear from me?"

Du Ruhui didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "He'er, it's a long journey from Dengzhou to Chang'an. When Jinwei came to Chang'an, it was a long and dusty journey, and she walked for more than half a year. Your elder brother received my letter and then set off from Dengzhou. He came to Chang'an again and again. I'm afraid it's already the end of the year."

Du He nodded, thinking so too.

In this era, there is no high-speed rail, no high-speed, and no cars.

It all depends on carriages, horses, and the roads are poor.

From Dengzhou to Chang'an is a big project.

He chatted with Du Ruhui for a while before going back to rest.


Time to enter August.

There is no Zhang Da in the Jingzhao Mansion, and there is no candidate for the new secretary to join the army. No one finds fault, but Du He is at ease.

When he is free, he records all kinds of whimsical ideas in a notebook that he carries with him.

This time, he was going to make a big deal, make an invention that shocked the world, and in exchange for credit, let Du Ruhui ascend to the position of Taiwei.

The steam engine in the research and development center has reached the fifth generation and is gradually becoming mature.

Want to build a steam train?
Glass grinding technology is getting more and more mature, should we build an astronomical telescope?

As time passed day by day, Du He's small notebook was filled with various inventions and creations.

Seeing that it has been more than two months since Du Ruhui handed in the official memorial, Du He planned to make a move.

On this day, Du He was sitting in the backyard of Lai Guogong's mansion when a heavy rain fell suddenly.

Thunder rumbled.

The heavy rain was pouring like pours.

Du He was planning to go out, but when he saw this, he said: "The weather is beautiful, the weather is not suitable for going out, let's talk about it tomorrow!"


Day two.

It was raining heavily.

Du He looked outside: "It's raining, it's a day of staying with guests, it seems that we still need to rest for a day."


Day three.

The heavy rain didn't mean to stop.

Du He lay down under the eaves with peace of mind, "Come here, send someone to Jingzhao Mansion and tell Mr. Liu that it's raining too much and I'm afraid of the water, so I won't go to the mansion for now."


Day three.

The rain is still falling.

Qin Huaiyu and Yuchi Baolin came to visit.

Du He called Dai Jinyun over.

Four people got together at a table and started playing mahjong.


Fourth day.

It rained non-stop.

Du He, Qin Huaiyu, Yuchi Baolin, Dai Jinyun, playing mahjong.


fifth day.

The torrential rain is getting worse.

Du He, play mahjong.


sixth day.

The rain in Chang'an is like the tears of the white lady.

Du He, play mahjong.

In the afternoon, Qin Huaiyu and Yuchi Baolin caught a small ox that was washed by the flood outside the mansion, and it turned into a hot pot without any effort.


the seventh day.

It rained non-stop.

Du He, playing mahjong, eating beef hot pot.


half a month later.

The sky is clear.

Sleeping with the sound of rain every day, and waking up with the rest of my life.

Early this morning, Du He opened his eyes, and it was quiet outside without any movement.

Still a little unaccustomed to it.

He came out and stretched.

Seeing no one around, he asked, "Why don't you see Mr. Qin and others?"

It turned out that the heavy rain trapped Qin Huaiyu, Yuchi Baolin, Dai Jinyun and others in Laiguo Mansion for more than half a month. Afterwards, everyone became a little anxious. Every day at dawn, they would get up one after another and run to In Du He's courtyard, Qin Huaiyu practiced spears, Yuchi Baolin practiced knives, and Dai Jinyun studied.

Du He was still a little unaccustomed to not seeing many people today.

Next to him, the servant replied: "Master, the young masters left in a hurry this morning."

"Go, go out and see!"


The door of Lai Guogong's mansion opened.

Du He just walked out.

Then I heard the sound of clattering.

Then, he saw a person drifting past in front of him.

Du He was shocked.

Could it be that he saw a ghost in broad daylight?
He stared wide-eyed and froze for a moment.

Looking around, there is a vast ocean.

Chang'an City directly became a water city.

The person who just walked past Du He stepped on a wooden basin.

Du He roughly estimated that the flood on the street was at least half as deep as a person.

Lai Guogong's mansion is a grand mansion with a total of eight stairs, and now only the last one is left.

If the heavy rain continued for a few more days, the Duke of Lai's mansion might not be able to keep it.

As for the low-lying area of ​​Chang'an City, I'm afraid it has already been soaked in water.

Just then, a few horses ran by not far away.

One of the horses rushed straight to this side, and the rider couldn't stop the horse. The horse first stepped on the steps of the Lai Kingdom Duke's mansion, and then stepped on the ground, and the rider on the horse fell down and fell into the flood. .

Du He tilted his head and said: "Oh, that person just now looks familiar to me, he seems to be my colleague in Jingzhao Mansion."

The servant asked: "Master, do you want to save someone?"

Du He looked down and saw that there was no movement, then shook his head: "The water is very strong, and I don't know what's below, so it's better not to take risks... That person just now seems to be Mr. Zhang, and it's probably more or less ominous. As a colleague , I will definitely take good care of his newly married wife..."


A figure suddenly rushed to Du He's side and grabbed Du He's sleeve: "My son-in-law, I'm not dead yet, I just married a wife, so I won't bother you."

Du He took a closer look, and it turned out to be a colleague of the Jingzhao Mansion. He was surprised and said, "Oh, Mr. Zhang, you are not dead, but for your newly married wife, you, my friend, I have made up my mind."

Master Zhang: "..."

He cupped his hands towards Du He, and said: "My son-in-law, by order of Lord Fu Yin, I came to tell you that the heavy rain has stopped now, and please return to the government office quickly."

"It's natural!"

After receiving Du He's response, Mr. Zhang was unwilling to stay longer, his horse had already been washed away by the flood, so he had to grope for a high place and walk back.

After the heavy rain, the flood came.

Even if Chang'an City is like this, many places around it may have already encountered a catastrophe.

As an official of the Tang Empire, Du He is obliged to participate in the disaster relief work.

He returned to the study room, spread out the paper, picked up a pen and began to write. Then, he took out the blueprint of Chang'an City that he had collected, and began to write and draw on the blueprint.


(End of this chapter)

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