God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 230 Li 2 is a big scam

Chapter 230 Li Er is a big scam

On June [-], the Tubo envoys went to the north of the Wei River.

His Majesty Li Er suddenly went hunting in the deep mountains of Qinling.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

A country cannot live without an owner for a day, let alone such an important moment.

Could it be that the Tubo envoys are going to wait in Chang'an City?

Just when people were panicking, news came out from the palace that His Majesty Li Er had left two orders before leaving.

The first decree is to let the prince supervise the country and take charge of all affairs.

This also makes sense, the crown prince Li Chengqian is already 14 years old, so he is capable of supervising the country.

However, the second decree made people dumbfounded.

The second decree is to let Boduhe in Huyi County lead the negotiations with the Tubo envoys. The crown prince will assist Duhe in completing the negotiations. Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui can assist.

Since the establishment of Datang, everyone has never seen such absurd things.

A small Huyi County Bo, actually let the dignified prince come down to assist him?
Who is the prince?

All of a sudden, various speculations and discussions emerged one after another.

Of course, many people were curious about what would be the final result if the Great Demon King Du He was asked to negotiate with Tubo.

Everyone remembers that there were two peace talks that Du He participated in.

One time, he negotiated with Wang Gui and others in a furniture factory. In the end, Du He got a thousand taels of silver and [-] mu of land.

The second time was when Du He negotiated with Changsun Wuji by the Baqiao. This time, he signed a treaty of land cession and indemnity, which caused the Changsun family to bleed a lot.

This time, is it Tubo's turn?

On the afternoon of June [-], Ximenqing went to the furniture factory to deliver the order.

At that time, Du He was preparing to build a swimming pool by the Bahe River, and heard Ximen Qing read out Li Er's confession solemnly.

Du He suddenly had the urge to tear up the edict.

Ximen Qing said with a smile: "Congratulations to Huyi county uncle, you are now a big celebrity in front of your majesty. It is because your majesty didn't hand over the matter of negotiating with Tubo to the left or right minister, nor did you hand it over to grandson Sikong and others." , but let you take command, which is enough to show that His Majesty trusts you very much!"

The corners of Du He's mouth twitched, he really wanted to beat Ximen Qing violently, but after thinking about it, it seemed that this matter had nothing to do with Ximen Qing.

Du He asked: "What kind of official position will Your Majesty give me?"

Ximen Qing shook his head: "Your Majesty said before leaving that you are indifferent to fame and wealth, Uncle Huyi, and you don't want to be an official. Your Majesty doesn't want to force others to make things difficult for you, so you haven't been given an official position."

Du He: "..."

Ximen Qing was sent away.

Du He immediately stood by the river, holding up the edict and yelling: "Li Er, you are a big scumbag, your uncle...you are not such a swindler!"

Seeing Du He jumping in a panic, the people around were all curious, who is this Li Er, who made the young master so angry?

In the afternoon, Cheng Chumo, Qin Huaiyu, and even Yuchi Baolin from Tongzhou rushed over.

When Qin Huaiyu met, he said: "Du He, Your Majesty is putting you on fire. If you are not careful about this peace talk, it may lead to war between the two countries."

Du He laughed and said: "I'm afraid, Your Majesty just wants to fight this battle. Since Songtsan Gampo became Zanpu, Tubo's national power has become stronger and stronger. How can someone else sleep soundly on the couch? Your Majesty will never allow Tubo to become stronger. It's just that I haven't been able to find an excuse, and I can't persuade the ministers of the DPRK and China to launch a war. Now it's all right, and someone will send you a pillow when you fall asleep. It's so cheating..."

Thinking of this, Du He kept a respectful distance from Li Er, an old bastard.

This is really black belly.

It's not good to cheat anyone, even the young master Ben.

Cheng Chu said in a low voice, "No wonder, Your Majesty took away my father and other generals when he went hunting in the mountains this time, and now only a bunch of civil servants are left in the court. These civil servants are most afraid of war and have always advocated peace talks with Tubo. !"

Du He nodded: "Damn it, if this matter is not handled well, I will be infamous forever. It is not a small crime to provoke the battlefield between Tubo and Tang Dynasty."

Yuchi Baolin laughed and said, "Du He, you killed Gong Song Zanbu anyway, so you still care about this?"

"Fuck it, why do I care about this, it's just that this feeling of being used as a gun is very uncomfortable!"

Cheng Chumo smiled wretchedly and said, "Brother, let's go to Deyue Tower to have a refreshment tonight, anyway, the envoys from Tubo will come tomorrow."

Du He: "...Get out!"


late at night.

The East Palace is brightly lit.

Li Chengqian stood on the main hall, not feeling sleepy.

Facing a solitary lamp in front of him, his face turned pale.

Prince Zhan Shi Zhang Xuansu came over and asked: "Your Highness, I am worried about the matter of supervising the country. In fact, there is no need to worry about this matter. Although His Majesty is not here, Mr. Fang Fang and Mr. Du are there, big and small. You can listen to their opinions, even Lord Situ Wang, Master Sikong Changsun, etc. This matter of supervising the country is actually a trivial matter."

Li Chengqian shook his head: "I am not worried about supervising the country. Last year, my father was ill. I also supervised the country once and made no mistakes. This time I will become more familiar with the country. What I am worried about is the relationship with Tubo. Regarding the peace talks, Bengong and Du He have always had a feud, and he is in charge of this matter, how should I get along with him?"

Deep down in his heart, Li Chengqian was a little afraid of Du He.

Even if he is the crown prince, Du He is just a small Huyi county uncle.

The reason is that in the last few fights, Li Chengqian has suffered a crushing defeat, while Du He has become the great devil known to everyone in Chang'an City.

Zhang Xuansu thought for a while and asked, "What do you think of Du He, Your Highness?"

"I can't see through it," Li Chengqian said softly, "In the past, I and Du He were also considered good friends, and their relationship was the same as that of Changsun Chong and Fang Yiai now. It turns out that he seems to have changed, and what he does is becoming more and more invisible to people, and he takes risks every time, and wins by surprise every time, such a person is really blessed by God."

Zhang Xuansu shook his head and said: "Your Highness, you are wrong. Du He is not favored by the heavens, but he has already started planning before he was dispatched. It seems that Du He has good luck for the various things in Chang'an City in the past few months. In fact, everything was going according to Du He's plan. For example, in Zhang Chao's case, when Zhang Chao jointly impeached Du He, Du He must have known about it, but he stood still, waiting for Zhang Chao to show his flaws, and finally handed over the murderer to the police. Zhang Chao fell into his trap step by step until he fought against the Taiji Temple, and if such a person were put on the battlefield, he would be a strategic strategist!"

Li Chengqian turned his head and looked at Zhang Xuansu in surprise.

Zhang Xuansu is best at molue, and he has always been self-confident, and there are few people he thinks highly of.

Now, Zhang Xuansu is praising Du He?

Li Chengqian was surprised.

Is this Zhang Xuansu, the teacher I am most familiar with?


(Fifth watch, brothers, it’s not that I’m banned, it’s that I can’t comment on all QQ reading. I’m also very sad that I can’t see your coquettish comments. Xizhou created a group, group number: 611876256)

(End of this chapter)

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