God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 231 Tubo, you can fight

Chapter 231 Tubo, you can fight

Zhang Xuansu saw Li Chengqian's doubts, and said with a smile: "I seldom admire others in my life, but what Du He has done in the past few months has really impressed me. If you talk about conspiracy, Du He is the least able to talk about conspiracy , but this is precisely the biggest conspiracy, and the conspiracy is also a kind of conspiracy. Du He never hesitates to do things, and never fears any consequences. This is the origin of his Great Demon King, and this time His Majesty will negotiate Handing over to him to be the commander is probably out of such considerations, most of the courtiers and Chinese officials are peacemakers, even if they lose a few cities, it doesn't matter, I am afraid that only Du He can break their illusions."

In words, Zhang Xuansu praised Du He a lot.

Hearing this, Li Chengqian felt a little jealous.

As a majestic prince, he has never received such praise from Zhang Xuansu. Sometimes, Zhang Xuansu would even bluntly point out his various mistakes, making him unable to step down.

"Teacher, if Du He continues to grow like this, will he become a serious problem in the future?" Li Chengqian felt a faint worry.

Zhang Xuansu said: "Your Highness, who is Liu Bang?"

"Han Gaozu!" Li Chengqian thought to himself, is there even a need to ask?

Zhang Xuansu asked: "Liu Bang is the emperor who created the foundation of the Han Dynasty. In terms of strategy, can he compare with Zhang Liang? In terms of war, can he compare with Han Xin? Arrange internal affairs and appease the people, can he compare with Xiao He?" "

Of course Li Chengqian knew the story recorded in "Historical Records", and said, "Of course it can't compare to... Teacher, what do you mean?"

"That's right, as the future emperor, what you have to do is to win over people like Du He and use them for you. What you have to learn is the emperor's art, and you can control all these abilities." Zhang Xuansu said earnestly said.

"But, Du He and I..."

"It's man-made!" Zhang Xuansu interrupted Li Chengqian rudely.


The next day.

On the Hall of Tai Chi.

Early in the morning, everyone gathered.

Because, the most important thing today is to receive the Tubo envoys.

This time, the person who came to negotiate was an important figure in Tubo: Buhui Tongzan.

Buhui Tongzan was Naribula's deputy, that is, Tubo's deputy prime minister. He was familiar with the Central Plains and had visited the Central Plains many times when the Sui Dynasty was still alive. All the way through the ranks, he finally became the prime minister's deputy that day.

At the same time, Buhui Tongzan was still a soldier with a tough style, and sending him to peace talks showed Songtsan Gampo's determination.

But now, more than two-thirds of the military generals in the court were taken away by Li Er, and the remaining group of civil servants saw hope.

None of these guys want to fight, they just want to talk about peace, even if they cut off a few cities, it doesn't matter. Among them, Situ Wanggui is the representative.

On the contrary, Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and others were all the main players.

The headache for a few people is that it seems that the prince of the prison country is also the master of peace.

After everyone gathered, there was no trace of Du He.

What the hell, Du He is the leader of this negotiation.

Now everyone is leaderless.

The herald reported that the team of Tubo envoys had crossed the Wei River.

Still no Duho.

Li Chengqian immediately ordered: "Hurry up and send someone to the furniture factory to invite Du He into the palace. He is the leader appointed by the emperor, and he must decide all matters."

So someone rode a fast horse out of the city immediately to look for Du He.

Not long after, another Lin official came to report: "His Royal Highness, the Tubo envoy Bu Huitongzan and his party have already arrived outside the city gate. Would you like to send someone out of the city to welcome them?"

Li Chengqian anxiously paced back and forth in the main hall: "Accordingly, Bo Duhe of Huyi County should preside over this matter, but what exactly is Du He doing, and why has he not been seen for so long."

Just in time, the person who invited Du He to enter the palace also arrived.

"His Royal Highness, Huyi County Bo is sleeping in a furniture factory. It is said that he stayed up late in the laboratory yesterday, and his energy is not very good. He asked me to tell His Highness that it is not a big deal to preside over the negotiation. His purpose is very simple. , Tubo caused trouble, just hit it, it's no big deal, he wants to ask all the adults, who is willing to talk about peace?" The guard imitated Du He's tone and asked.

Wang Gui was the first to jump out and said: "Just what is called fighting is enough. Fighting is a waste of people's money. It must not be done. I just finished the war in the Tang Dynasty. Isn't the lesson from the Turks not enough? This battle must be done." Do not fight."

The guard turned around and said to Li Chengqian: "Your Highness, Huyi County Bo said that if anyone wants peace talks, he will pass on the power to lead the negotiations to him and let him go. Just now Wang Situ has said that he wants peace talks, that is Wang Situ came to preside over it. Please forgive your Highness and Lord Wang, these are the original words of Huyi County Bo, and the officials are just passing them on."


Wang Gui froze for a moment.

He didn't expect that Du Heyuan, who was in the furniture factory, could plot against him, and he was speechless in anger.

Li Chengqian was also a little dumbfounded.

In terms of playing mahjong, this is called playing cards against common sense.

The civil servants were cursing, but the few people who were fighting were waiting to see Wang Gui's jokes.

Li Chengqian was silent for a while, then said: "Of course not, Du He is the candidate appointed by the emperor, how can he be replaced casually, besides, the county uncle of Huyi is not Wang Situ's elder, how can he pass it on to Wang Situ. "

When Wang Gui heard this, he almost vomited blood.

It turned out that Du He dug more than one hole.

He also heard Li Chengqian ask: "Does Du He have any conditions to come to Tai Chi Hall?"

The guard said: "County Hu Yi said that it is okay to ask him to preside over the peace talks. He must meet two conditions before he comes. First, everyone must have a clear and unified opinion on whether to fight or to negotiate. He is in charge, and all matters, big or small, must be obeyed by him."

The second condition, everyone agrees.

The first condition immediately triggered a big discussion.

In the end, it was Du Ruhui and others who came forward to discuss one to take over.

Everyone's opinion is: If the Tibetans are not sincere, then fight.

Then, Li Chengqian sent someone to the furniture factory to invite Du He.

After a while, Du He leisurely appeared in the Tai Chi Hall.

Seeing Du He coming, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But now, it has been more than half an hour since the Tubo envoys were waiting outside the city.

Li Chengqian said enthusiastically: "Du He, you are finally here. My lords and I will wait for you."

Du He thought to himself, did this guy take the wrong medicine?

As the saying goes, don't reach out to hit a smiling person, Du He also greeted Li Chengqian politely: "It's not because I am sleepy that I kept His Highness waiting for a long time, it is really a heavy task assigned by Your Majesty. Without the help of all the adults, I, Alexander Haha, what happened just now, is there any result?"

Li Chengqian said: "After everyone's discussion, it is agreed that if the Tubo people are not sincere in this negotiation, they can declare war on Tubo."

Du He turned around, shouted towards the door, and Yan Wentian ran in in a hurry.

When everyone saw it, alas, isn't this Yan Shigu's little grandson?When did you become Du He's follower?

I just heard Du He say: "Wen Tian, ​​write down all the people present, make a meeting minutes, and say that after everyone's agreement, it is believed that Tubo can be fought."

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they stared at Du He with wide eyes.

Wang Gui and the others immediately regretted it.

Someone cursed inwardly: Du He, the little thief, actually dragged all the people like himself into the car.

Well now, the fight was not what Du He said, but the result of everyone's agreement. From the beginning to the end, Du He was not present. Even if war is really declared against Tubo in the future, it is not Du He's fault, but the mistakes of the ministers up.

Naturally, this infamy cannot be blamed on Du He.

No wonder everyone is scolding Du He.


(The sixth update is here, thank you brothers for your support!)
(End of this chapter)

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