Chapter 232
Not long after, Yan Wentian followed Du He's instructions and completed the minutes of the meeting.

Du He picked it up, looked at it briefly, and handed it to everyone: "Everyone, sign it."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one was willing to sign.

Everyone is a hostile faction, but now they are forced to become a hostile faction.

This name must never be signed.

Seeing this, Du He put away the minutes of the meeting and said, "Let's go, go back to the furniture factory, and go to Qinling to tell His Majesty that I won't be the commander anymore, grandma, no one cooperates!"

With that said, Du He turned around and was about to leave.

Everyone saw that Du He was going to sue?

Everyone panicked immediately.

Li Chengqian hurriedly said: "Du He, stay."

Du He turned back and shrugged helplessly: "Your Highness, you have also seen it. It's not that I don't want to be the commander to negotiate with Tubo.

Li Chengqian hurriedly turned around and said to everyone: "Everyone, now that the father is out hunting and negotiating with Tubo is the top priority, are you going to give up negotiating with Tubo? If the father blames the time, everyone will be responsible. Sign That's all, I just read the minutes of the meeting, and it's completely consistent with what everyone discussed, so why can't I sign it?"

When Li Chengqian came forward, everyone could no longer lose face.

In addition, Du Ruhui was the first to sign, followed by Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others. After seeing it, the others gritted their teeth and signed their names one after another.

Du He took it over, checked it again, and found nothing missing, then curled his lips and said, "I wish I had done this earlier, but if I insist on blah blah blah, the end result is still the same. It's really... a bitch is hypocritical!"

Everyone: "..."

Du He turned back and said, "Okay, everyone, follow me to welcome the Tubo envoys in. Those barbarians have been drying outside the city gate for almost two hours, and I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on anymore."

Someone asked: "Uncle Huyi County, negotiating with Tubo is a major event among major events. Don't we need to plan ahead?"

Du He shook his head: "This young master is not in the habit of making plans. My son said, planning can't keep up with changes. Everything is fake, and the real thing is adapting to the situation."

Many people actually thought that what Du He said was reasonable.

After saying that, Du He led the civil and military officials out of the Tai Chi Hall, and drove to the gate of the city in chariots and horses.


Outside the far door, the scorching sun is on your head.

Cicada cried tirelessly.

The Tubo convoy was just under the city gate, and the Tubo men who were originally valiant and high-spirited were now smothered in the sun, and all of them were downcast, cursing in their hearts that the Tang people did not understand the rules.

The deputy prime minister, Bu Huitongzan, sat in the carriage at first, feeling quite calm, thinking that this was an insult from the people of Tang, but after half an hour, he couldn't sit still, it was really hot inside the carriage, it was so hot People are sweating profusely, and Tibetans in places like Tubo wear animal skins to keep out the cold and keep warm. After being exposed to the sun, they emit various strange smells.

Bu Huitongzan couldn't take it anymore, so he walked down and asked the guards around him to fan him violently.

The guards cursed one after another, some scolded the people of Tang, some scolded the weather, and some directly opened their mouths to scold Tang Huang Li Er.

Bu Huitong praised everyone to be safe and not to be impatient: "People in the Central Plains like to show their prestige to others. This is just a consistent method. Don't be surprised."

The voice just fell.

The door to the far door creaked open.

Bu Huitong was overjoyed, and hurriedly ordered: "Get in the car and enter the city."

Unexpectedly, the convoy had just arrived at the gate of the city, but it was stopped.

A group of people appeared on the top of the city gate, the leader was Du He, beside him was Prince Li Chengqian, and behind him were civil and military officials.

Just now, everyone suggested that Du He take people outside the city to welcome Buhui Tongzan, but Du He flatly rejected him: "Tubo is just a small state of Cuoer, what qualifications do you have to let this young master go out of the city to welcome him? It is already very difficult to let him enter the city To save face, according to me, just build a shed for him outside the city..."

At this time, Buhui Tongzan's subordinates shouted loudly: "Who is at the city gate? Why did you stop me? We are Tubo envoys, and the Tubo deputy prime minister Buhui Tongzan is on the carriage. Why don't you go out of the city to greet them, is this the way His Majesty Tang treats guests?"

Everyone on the tower persuaded: "County Huyi, this is a breach of etiquette, and it will give the Tubo people an excuse."

"The opinion of the Tubo people is nothing." Du He waved his hand indifferently.

Du He stood at the door, and the person next to him lifted up a huge loudspeaker, and said to the people below: "Listen, the people below, I am the uncle of Huyi County in the Tang Dynasty, Du He, and I am in charge of all aspects of this negotiation according to the orders of His Majesty the Tang Dynasty. For affairs, you can call me Commander, and now, the Commander is here to welcome all the guests from Tubo, but there are no rules and no rules, please dismount your horses and weapons, and accept the search of the soldiers before you can let them go."

When the Tubo people heard this, they immediately cursed.

It's a pity that these people can't hear what these people are cursing.

Seeing this, Du He said, "Righteous way, send our people out to communicate with the Tubo people."

"Hey, good."

Xu Zhengdao smiled, and suddenly ran to the bottom of the city gate with a dozen guards from the furniture factory, and confronted the Tubo people.

Afterwards, each of these people took out a tiny trumpet and started yelling at the Tubo people.

"Listen, Tibetans." Xu Zhengdao shouted.

The crowd shouted loudly: "Listen, Tibetans!"

"Grass mud horse."

"Grass... Ni... Ma..." The crowd followed Xu Zhengdao and shouted.

"You have eaten shit since you were young, and you will eat shit when you grow up..."

Xu Zhengdao is a master of cursing. Under his leadership, the more people cursed, the more vigorous they became.

At the beginning, the Tibetans could still talk back.

Later, these guys were all defeated, and they all shrank their heads, not daring to speak again.

Bu Huitongzan almost vomited blood angrily: "It's really unreasonable, it's unreasonable... The Emperor Tang actually sent a boy to lead the negotiation affairs. He didn't take us Tubo seriously at all."

"Sir, what should I do?"

Bu Huitongzan thought for a while and said, "Tell Du He that you can dismount and enter the city, but you must not hand over your weapons. Otherwise, we Tibetans will be ashamed."

The person next to him immediately told Du He the arrangement loudly.

Du He listened: "Chirp, wow, Xu Zhengdao, take it down for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Xu Zhengdao rushing up with the guards from the furniture factory, and handed over all the weapons of the Tubo people.

These Tubo people are all masters in disguise, and they are also first-class masters in Tubo, but they were accidentally snatched by the guards of the furniture factory. Everyone couldn't react for a while.

How did they know that recently, Du He has been training soldiers secretly. He directly handed over the introductory boxing book given by Wen Buren to Xu Zhengdao, and asked Xu Zhengdao to train everyone.As soon as everyone came into contact, it was not just an introductory boxing book, but the essence of advanced boxing. Over a period of time, Fang Fang has cultivated a group of masters.


(Thanks to [Shangguan Tianfeng] [There are always people who want to harm me] brothers for their rewards, thank you for your support!)

(End of this chapter)

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