God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 233 Meeting Ceremony

Chapter 233 Meeting Ceremony

The civil and military ministers, including Li Chengqian, were dumbfounded.

Is Du He trying to drive the Tibetans away?

Bu Huitongzan didn't react for a while. As a diplomatic envoy of Tubo, he had dealt with Datang not once or twice, but this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Bu Huitongzan really wanted to turn around and leave, and go to war with Datang when he returned.

But he can't.

First, the body of the prince Gongsong Zanbu is still in the hands of the Tang people. Songtsan Gampo has clearly told him that he must take Gongsong Zanbu’s body back for a sky burial. The so-called sky burial means human death Finally, put the carcass in the wild to be eaten by crows and the like.

Second, after Songtsan Gampo came to power, although the national power has become stronger and stronger, it lacks a large amount of salt, iron, cloth, etc. These are all things that Tubo cannot be self-sufficient and can only rely on imports from the Tang Dynasty. This time, Songtsan Gampo It is hoped to obtain the city and supplies from Datang through negotiations.

If he went back like this, Zamp would definitely be furious.

For these two reasons, Bu Huitongzan held back.

He said: "Everyone, get off your horses, hand over your weapons, and we will enter the city."

clap clap.

Weapons were scattered all over the place, and the eyes of the Tubo people were bloodshot, like raging lions.

Under the leadership of Buhui Tongzan, everyone walked into Kaiyuanmen with a feeling of humiliation, and finally met Du He and others.

Du He clapped his hands: "Welcome, welcome, warmly welcome Mr. Buhui Tongzan to Datang, introduce yourself..."

"No need, Commander Du, I know you...you are not only the commander of this negotiation, but also the murderer of our Tubo prince, aren't you?" Bu Huitongzan said through gritted teeth.

All the Tubo people around took a few steps forward, and rushed to Du He, ready to strike.

But Du He said calmly: "Want to kill me to avenge Gongsong Zanbu? You can think about it... This is Chang'an, not Tubo. Whoever dares to take another step, I will let him see what it means Truly suicidal."

Two Tibetans next to him roared angrily and rushed towards Du He: "Go to hell!"

The two shot suddenly, but they were only less than five steps away from Du He.


The two unexpectedly pulled out the hidden daggers on their bodies, with murderous intent in their eyes.

Du He stood where he was, motionless.

Du Ruhui in the back shouted in shock, "He'er be careful."

Someone shouted: "Huyi county uncle, go back quickly."

huh huh.

Two feathered arrows suddenly flew from the side.

In the middle of the throat of two people.

The two fell to the ground with a plop.

I saw Xu Zhengdao standing in the distance, holding a bow in his left hand, waving at Bu Hui Tongzan with his right hand, and said, "That barbarian, your prince, was killed by me and has nothing to do with Du He. If you want revenge, come to me." ah!"

As he spoke, he pulled out two arrows from the quiver on his back and gestured towards Buhui Tongzan.

Bu Huitong shouted in admiration: "Commander Du, is this how you treat guests?"

Du He's face was gloomy, and he said: "Bu Huitongzan, don't give me a hard time here, just now, your subordinates wanted to kill me, you can't see this matter, right? Remember, this It's Chang'an City, this is Lao Tzu's territory, whoever dares to think carefully, just be careful that I will... all of you in a fit of anger."

As he spoke, Du He made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Being close at hand, Bu Huitongzan took two steps back in fright.

This is completely out of the way of negotiation.

For a while, facing Du He, Bu Huitongzan didn't know what to do.

At this time, Du He said to his eldest grandson Wuji: "Master Changsun, thank you for your hard work, take the Tubo envoys to the post house to rest, and discuss matters of negotiation tomorrow morning."

The corner of Changsun Wuji's mouth twitched.

This kid actually asked his majestic Sikong to serve the Tubo people?

He looked at the people around him, then reluctantly stepped forward, and said to the Tubo people: "Master Bu Huitong, please."

Li Chengqian asked curiously: "Du He, don't you need peace talks today?"

Du He waved his hand: "The Tubo envoys have come from a long distance, and they are exhausted. They need a good rest. Besides, I have prepared a meeting ceremony for them tonight."

"What gift?" Li Chengqian asked curiously.

Du He blinked: "When the time comes, His Highness will know."

After finishing speaking, Du He waved to everyone, got on his horse and left.

Everyone stood in the wind, all messed up.

Is this called negotiation?
How do you feel, Du He has no rules, just like a child playing house?
Someone asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, will nothing happen if you do this?"

Li Chengqian shook his head: "To be honest, I don't know what to do in my heart. Up to now, I don't know what Du He wants to do."


"Since my father entrusted Du He with the negotiation, he must have his own considerations. We should try our best to cooperate with Du He." Li Chengqian said helplessly.


Back at the furniture factory, Du He didn't sleep, but came to the training ground and started training.

Now, Xu Zhengdao has become Du He's teacher.

He was responsible for teaching Duhe to practice archery.

When Du He got up every day, he would hang a twenty-jin bag on his hands and hold it flat for training in the yard.

Even Xu Zhengdao couldn't understand the significance of Du He's training.

No one knew that Du He was actually preparing for his use of the Desert Eagle.

He used the simplest and crudest method to train his gun-holding strength.

Then he went to learn archery with Xu Zhengdao. After a while, his archery skills improved by leaps and bounds.

It wasn't until dark that Du He came back from the training ground to rest exhausted.

After washing up and having dinner, Du He changed into clean clothes, then left the furniture factory with others, and went straight to Chang'an City.

Taking advantage of the night, Du He and his party came to the attic near the post house.

Zhang Jian and Zhang Wei had already been waiting aside.

Seeing Du He, Zhang Jian laughed and said, "Master, the gift for the Tubo people has been prepared."


As he spoke, Zhang Jian clapped his hands.

The door next to it was opened, and a woman in a long skirt came out from the inside. She was slender and had a beautiful face. She twisted her waist and limbs when she walked, full of charm.

Du He watched carefully, and suddenly asked in doubt: "Why do I feel that this girl is somewhat similar to Xu Zhengdao, is it Xu Zhengdao's younger sister who has been living among the people for many years?"

Before the words fell, the woman suddenly showed a wretched smile: "It's my white-clothed arrow, Xu Zhengdao."

Du He was taken aback, and quickly turned to look at Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian said: "He proposed it himself. Brother Zhengdao is not only excellent in archery, but also in makeup. If it weren't for you, young master, you have sharp eyes, and you wouldn't be able to see it at all. Bu Hui Tongzan likes women from the Central Plains the most." , this time, I must give him a big surprise."

Du He looked at Zhang Jian, then at Xu Zhengdao who was disguised as a woman, he was not well.

In this era, is this how you can play?
However, Du He laughed when he thought of Bu Huitong praising the old man holding Xu Zhengdao in his arms.

"Fun, interesting..."


In the post house.


Bu Hui Tongzan threw all the things in his hands, and cursed: "A bunch of trash, they have been gone for so long, and they didn't even find a woman. I'm so mad..."

At this moment, someone rushed in and said, "My lord, I've found it, and I'll bring it here right away. It's exactly the kind you like, my lord. She's a young girl who hasn't left the court. I guarantee you like it."

"Okay, okay, hurry up, bring it in quickly, my lord should enjoy it and prepare for tomorrow's negotiation!" Bu Huitong shouted impatiently with an anxious expression on his face.

As soon as he said that, a graceful woman came to the door, it was Xu Zhengdao after putting on make-up.

Under the dim light, Xu Zhengdao walked in ostentatiously, but attracted Bu Hui Tongzan's soul.

(End of this chapter)

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