Chapter 339
Wait until the treaty is signed.

Du He stood up and stretched out his hand, "Mr. Cui, happy cooperation!"

Cui Yi bit his lip helplessly, took his own contract, turned and walked out.

With the light from the door, Du He looked at the name written by Cui Yi: Cui Jinghong.

Two days later.

Cui Jinghong's deposit of [-] guan was sent to Dream Group.

Half a day later, Cui Jinghong formed a long convoy with mahjong machines and other items purchased from Dream Group, a total of [-] carriages, and headed northeast.

Before leaving, Cui Jinghong looked back at the tall and majestic Chang'an City with an extremely bitter expression.


August twelfth.

The renovation project of Renmin Avenue was completed.

The reconstruction project of Guozijian was completed.

The more than 5000 disaster victims who participated in the work-for-work relief suddenly had nothing to do. Du He announced that he would reward everyone with [-] guan.

After receiving the money, more than 5000 victims spontaneously blocked the entrance of Dream Group and asked to thank Du He in person.

It was Du He who gave everyone a bite of food when they couldn't even eat enough.

It was Du He who gave everyone money after they finished their work.

More than 5000 people blocked the dream group for a whole day and night, but they didn't see Du He, because Du He went to Lantian Coal Mine to check the situation.

In the end, under the persuasion of Lu Yuan and others, the victims gradually dispersed. Many people chose to leave, leave Chang'an City, and return to their hometown, but more people chose to stay in the construction company and continue to invest in Chang'an The International Shopping Center is under construction.

On the same day, Du He rushed back from Lantian, and immediately entered the palace to report to Li Er about the Guozijian and Renmin Avenue in detail.

Li Er immediately invited the ministers of the DPRK and China together, led by Du He, to set off from Zhuquemen, ready to take a good look at what the People's Avenue transformed by Du He would look like.

In the past two months, during the reconstruction process of Renmin Avenue, the surrounding area was blocked by various fences, so few people could clearly see the scene inside.

Taking a quick look now, everyone was stunned.

I saw that the People's Avenue is more than twice as spacious as before. The key is that it is neat and tidy. The blue stone road and the brick-paved sidewalk are clearly separated and the boundaries are clear and clear at a glance.

The biggest feature is that there are lines drawn on the road paved with bluestone slabs, a thick white solid line in the middle, and two dotted lines on each side.

Du He introduced: "From now on, the road is for carriages and horses to walk, all keep to the right, and move within the demarcated line frame. Pedestrians can only walk on both sides, unless they cross the road, otherwise they cannot walk on the stone slabs. In this way, it can solve the previous accidents such as horse-drawn carriage hitting people and horses trampling pedestrians. At each intersection, there are horizontal lines, which are special roads for pedestrians to pass. All carriages and horses have to wait for pedestrians when they arrive here. If you pass through again, otherwise you will be caught by Marquis Wu, who patrols the city, and you will be fined 100 renminbi, or you will be arrested and thrown into prison.”

When everyone heard this, they were all amazed, and felt that Du He's method was very effective.

Sure enough, at every intersection, there was the figure of Marquis Wu, and when he saw chariots and horses not allowing pedestrians to pass, he was whipped twice.

And pedestrians, if they walk through the carriageway at will, they will also be pulled over and beaten.

When Li Er saw him, he said, "Isn't it a little too much to whip the common people?"

Du He said hastily: "Your Majesty doesn't know something. Some people talk about etiquette and know shame, but some people don't have this awareness. Reasoning with him is worse than a few whips. It will be fine if you beat it a few more times."

Li Er nodded.

Everyone walked along the two sides of Renmin Avenue, discussing along the way.

People suddenly discovered that Du He's brain is not at the same level as everyone's. Du He's whimsical ideas are innumerable, and they are all things that everyone would not think of even if they broke their heads.

Not long after, everyone arrived at Yongning's sect.

The entire People's Avenue will be visited.

Someone asked curiously: "Huyi County Bo, why is this road called Renmin Avenue?"

Du He explained: "This question is a good one. I think you adults still remember why the people's avenue was renovated in the first place? At that time, tens of thousands of disaster victims gathered in Chang'an, which caused a lot of trouble for Chang'an. Someone suggested that the disaster victims All were driven out of the city and the city gates were closed. In the end, His Majesty was wise and chose to provide food for the victims, and let the victims work. Only then did there be several projects for work relief. People's Avenue, in fact, is more than 1000 It was rebuilt by the victims day and night, and they didn't have half of the wages, and some only had three meals a day. During the construction process, some people fell down and were injured many times. Fortunately, it succeeded in the end. The hard work of the people, why not call the people's way!"

After a pause, Du He continued: "What's more, Your Majesty has said that the king is a boat, and water is the people. Water can carry a boat and overturn it. The building of the People’s Avenue in Chang’an City, capital of the Tang Dynasty, just means that His Majesty’s policy of governing the country is based on the people.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

Li Er suddenly said: "Well said!"

"it is good!"

Seeing that Li Er said yes, everyone applauded.

Wait for everyone to quiet down.

Li Er said: "My dear friends, this People's Avenue is several times more luxurious than before. Look at the happy smiles on the faces of the people on the street. This is a great achievement. Uncle Huyi County, it is a great achievement." No. Now, I do have a proposal, how about we have a competition, run from here to Suzaku's gate, and then turn back, whoever arrives first, I will give him a lottery, this lottery is..."

Li Eryi turned around and pointed to a horse not far away: "The lottery head is my hard-earned horse. This horse was a tribute from the Da Yue clan in the Western Regions three years ago. It is a first-class horse."

Everyone's eyes widened, and they all looked at Li Er eagerly.

Du He asked: "Your Majesty, are you talking about running on foot, or can you ride a horse?"

Li Er laughed: "It doesn't matter what the method is, riding a horse or walking is fine."

Hearing this, not to mention military generals, even civil servants are ready to move.

I only listened to people's orders: "Hurry up, go back quickly, and bring the old man's war horse over."

"Wait a while, I'll go home and bring my Xiliang BMW."

Everyone hurried to find their mounts.

Du He looked at the bloody horse in the distance, not to mention tall and mighty, but the most important thing was that his eyes were very bright.

"Damn it, this horse, I'm going to order it!" Du He thought to himself.

Ever since the horse presented by Cheng Yaojin died, Du He has not been able to find a suitable mount, and now he has taken a fancy to this hard-earned horse.

He beckoned: "Lu Bu, hurry up and fetch my young master's mount."

"Master, your BMW is dead!"

Du He shook his head: "It's another BMW. Whether we can win today depends on that horse."


Lu Bu's eyes lit up, he hurriedly turned around and ran out of the city.


(four more,)

(End of this chapter)

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