God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 340 Let's See Who Can Run Steadily

Chapter 340 Let's See Who Can Run Steadily

Not long after, everyone brought back their mounts.

One by one, gearing up, ready to go.

Someone asked: "Uncle Huyi, you are empty-handed, do you want to give up?"

Du He said with a smile: "Of course I can't give up. This is a hard-earned horse paid tribute by the Da Yue Clan. It is extraordinary. My mount will be here soon."

Before the words fell, a rough voice sounded from under the city gate.

"Master, the mount is here."

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw Lu Bu riding a tall horse, speeding towards this side, with a strange thing on his back.

When they got closer, everyone saw that Lu Bu was carrying the same bicycle that Du He had ridden before.

Only, this bike has undergone some changes.

When Lu Bu put the bicycle on the ground, Du He was a little dumbfounded when he saw it.

I saw that the bicycle was beyond recognition.

The original metal body was covered with various papers, but the papers were all paper-cuts. The paper-cuts were in the shape of soldiers, and the technique of the stickers was not good enough. The whole bicycle looked like it was about to fall apart.

Du He asked, "What's going on?"

Lu Bu shook his head: "I got it from Her Royal Highness Princess Changle."

"...My mother, it seems that the little girl did it." Du He was speechless for a while.

When the others saw it, they all burst out laughing.

"Uncle Huyi County, is it possible that you want to use this strange thing to win the first place?"

"Ministry Du, I don't think you should participate in this competition, lest you fall and get bumped halfway!"


Du He waved his hand: "Don't talk nonsense, this number one, I'm sure."

Everyone thought Du He was joking and didn't care at all.

Game start.

Everyone got on their horses.

Doo gets in the car.

Li Er presided over the game himself.

Li Er gave an order.

Everyone clamped their horses back, flicked their whips, and rushed out one after another.

When Du He saw it, he sneered and said, "Hurry up, don't think that running fast is the first, you have to run steadily."

Seeing that Du He was still on the spot, Li Er said bitterly, "Du He, what are you dawdling about, why don't you hurry up and catch up."

"Just chase, just chase! Hehe!"

His Majesty stepped on the foot, the bicycle made a creaking sound, and slowly moved forward.

Seeing this, the people around shook their heads helplessly, thinking that Du He was hopeless.

The entire People's Avenue has been taken over by the imperial army, and everyone stands on both sides to watch the game.

Du He was riding a bicycle. According to his speed, it was impossible to catch up with the horses under the crotch of those generals, but he just accelerated along the way without any haste, looking like he was sure of victory.

Finally, when he came near Chongyifang, Du He looked up and saw a large group of people blocking the front.

He rode a bicycle and quickly caught up, but saw that the horses and horses rushing in front all slowed down, letting the horses under his crotch walk cautiously, what's more, there were three or four guys beside him Disgraced, he led the horse forward.

Looking at the ground again, the stone slabs are very smooth, and a lot of water has been sprinkled on them.

In fact, Du He already knew about the condition of the road near Chongyifang.

When everyone visited just now, there were craftsmen who polished the smooth stone slabs into rough and uneven ground.

Except for Duhe, no one noticed this detail.

Therefore, when Li Er announced that he was going to race, Du He quickly thought of this detail, and immediately thought of his bicycle.

The distance of three to four feet is enough to torture the people on horseback.

What's more, the generals rushing in front didn't react in time, the horse rushed up the Guanghua stone slab, and immediately slipped and fell.


Du He rang the bell on the handlebar of the bicycle, instead of slowing down, he accelerated and rushed up.

When everyone saw it, they all moved out of the way one after another, wanting to see Du He's joke.

In this place, even horses are going to slip, how can you not fall over with this bastard?
I don't know, the bicycle rushes up, there is no advantage at all, it accelerates steadily and rushes forward.

When everyone reacted, they saw that Du He had rushed out and caught up with the person on horseback in front.

Gao Shilian shouted: "Hurry up, don't let Du He take the first place, everyone catch up quickly, catch up with Du..."

I'm only halfway through.


Gao Shilian fell to the ground on his back, his buttocks on the ground, he grinned his teeth in pain, the BMW under his crotch struggled for a long time before getting up, and when he looked up again, Du He had disappeared.

Everyone managed to pass through this glorious stone slab, but they saw that Du He, Qin Qiong and others had turned back.

Qin Qiong and others hurriedly slowed down and began to pass cautiously, while Du He rang the bell and rushed over without hesitation, quickly leaving everyone behind.

In this game, there was no suspense, Du He won the first place.

Li Er and the others wondered why Du He was at the back when he set off, but was at the front when he came back.

When the participants in the competition will explain the whole story, everyone suddenly realizes.

In the end, Du He got the very strong sweat horse.

At the end of the competition, everyone took a rest under the gate of Yongning, then went east, and finally visited Qujiang Pond.

Today, this Qujiang Pond has been renamed Guozijian.

Everyone walked along the avenue, and arrived at the site of the Imperial College in a short time.

Where there was supposed to be a door, there was no door.

I saw a huge natural stone as high as three people, engraved with a few big characters: Guozijian.Then it was painted with vermilion, which is very eye-catching.

Changsun Wuji asked: "Du He, this Guozijian cost 70 yuan from the treasury. Why doesn't it even have a door? Could it be that you have embezzled money and built the Guozijian so crudely?"

Others have this doubt too.

Du He stepped forward and said with a smile: "My lord, grandson, you don't know about this. It's not that I, Du Heke, withheld the money, but it was built for the school-running philosophy of the Imperial College. Master Confucius and His Majesty decided after many discussions. There are six words in total: tolerance, truth-seeking, and benefiting the world. The first word is tolerance, so the Imperial College is open and tolerant to the outside world. Seeking truth means abandoning all kinds of things. Things, keep everything simple, Guozijian is a place to study, not a high-level courtyard, so why build a majestic and majestic gate, it is most appropriate to have this sign."

Li Er stood up and added: "I discussed this matter with Du He at the beginning. A gate costs at least 70 guan, and these 50 guan can build five houses for the Imperial College. Why not do it?" Well, the entire Guozijian, according to the previous standard, cost 20 guan, but in the end it only cost more than [-] guan, saving nearly [-] guan. Learn a lot from Du He!"

After hearing this, everyone was convinced.


(fifth watch,)

(End of this chapter)

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