God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 343 The Unyielding Zhou Ren

Chapter 343 The Unyielding Zhou Ren
Ever since Hou Junji, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, entered the room, he never took his eyes off the bed.

He suddenly grabbed Du He's sleeve and asked, "How much is this strange bed worth?"

Du He explained: "Master Hou, this bed is called a canopy bed, also known as a bunk bed, and it is the latest product produced by Datang Furniture Factory. Each bed costs about 70 cash if sold alone, and 60 cash if purchased in large quantities. The text is enough."

Hou Junji heard the words, calculated carefully, turned around suddenly, came to Li Er, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the conditions of the soldiers' residences are too poor, especially the beds. More than [-] people sleep on the same bed. , there are often conflicts, and hygiene is difficult to guarantee, but I saw this bunk bed today, but I have a suggestion, can I get this bunk bed in the barracks, so that soldiers can use it!"

Hearing this, Li Er nodded in agreement: "Haozhi, your suggestion is good. If you can use all the bunk beds, it will surely improve the living quarters for the soldiers. I will carefully consider this matter. Also, the students The residence is clean, tidy, and well-organized. If the barracks can be like this, the soldiers will be happier."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for all the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty!"

Li Er waved his hand: "This matter can't be rushed. We'll discuss it after the autumn harvest when the national treasury is full."

Li Er is also very helpless, he also wants to provide good living conditions for the soldiers who were born and died in the Tang Dynasty, but he has no money and the conditions do not allow it.

When Du He heard this, he was secretly happy.

If it can provide this bunk bed for hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the entire Tang Dynasty, it will be another huge order for Datang Furniture Factory.


Zhou Ren washed up and changed into a loose robe.

Although he washed it over and over again and changed the water several times, Zhou Ren still felt that his body was full of stench.

He tidied up his clothes and prepared to meet everyone.

At this moment, Zhou Ren saw two craftsmen in ordinary clothes squatting under the wall not far away. They were not very old, and they seemed to be honest and friendly people.

Zhou Ren coughed lightly, walked over, and asked, "Are you the ones who built this Guozijian?"

The two looked at Zhou Ren and nodded.

Zhou Ren took out a money bag from his sleeve, shook it a few times, made a clattering sound, threw it in front of the two of them, and said, "Now I'm giving you a chance to get rich, just tell me one thing, the money is yours of."

The two looked at it, hurriedly picked up the money bag, and nodded hastily.

Zhou Ren looked around, squatted down, and asked in a low voice: "Since you are craftsmen, you should know what went wrong when the Imperial College was built. If you tell me, the money will be yours."

The two craftsmen looked at each other, and one of them said, "Hey, it's not that simple. We know the problem of the Guozijian the most, but the biggest problem is the wall on the east side of the second floor of the Zangshu Pavilion. It is made of thin wood, and it can be pierced through with a fist, and if those students who are studying are not careful, their lives will be in danger."

Zhou Ren looked at the two suspiciously, and asked, "Really?"

"My lord, what we said is absolutely true. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself."

"Okay, great! This money is yours."

Zhou Ren stood up, but regained his previous vigor.

He quickly came to the dormitory, found Li Er and the others, and after everyone had finished visiting the dormitory, Zhou Ren ran up to Li Er and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I just heard that this library pavilion is very special, how about How about I go to Zangshu Pavilion to have a look?"

Li Er frowned and looked at Zhou Ren, and finally nodded.

So, everyone set off to Zangshu Pavilion.

The Zangshu Pavilion is located on the hillside above the teaching area, with a total of four floors, but it is in the shape of a tower. It looks towering and towering, which is very unusual.

The first floor is a very spacious hall with more than 100 tables for the students of the Imperial College to read and write.

Zhou Ren couldn't wait to invite Li Er to the second floor.

After Du He saw Zhou Ren ate shit, instead of being discouraged, he looked smug, and guessed in his heart that this guy was holding back water again.

So he followed suit and said, "Your Majesty, this floor is the study room, and the second to fourth floors are where the books are collected. Now, because there are not many books in the Imperial College, the third and fourth floors are still vacant. It's all on the second floor."

"Then go and have a look at the library!" Li Er nodded.

On the second floor, there is a hall in the middle, and there are four spacious library rooms on all sides.

Zhou Ren hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, my lords, why don't you go to the room on the east side to have a look."

Du He thought, has the fox's tail been exposed so soon?
He laughed and said, "Master Zhou is right. The library in the east is the one with the best light and the largest collection of books."

So, everyone rushed into the library on the east side.

After Zhou Ren came in, he went straight to the easternmost wall. He reached out his hand to touch it, and with a light touch, he saw that the wall was sunken in, and it was really thin.

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Ren's mouth, and he thought, Du He, it seems that you are cutting corners, hum, this time, let's see how you can argue.

Thinking about it, Zhou Ren suddenly shouted: "Everyone, please look, this wall is as thin as a cicada's wings. Unexpectedly, it was caused by Huyi County uncle cutting corners."

When everyone heard the words, they rushed over one after another.

Even Li Er was attracted here.

Zhou Ren pointed at the wall and said loudly: "Look, everyone, this is the wall of Zangshu Pavilion, and there are gaps in the middle, which are obviously made of wooden strips as thin as cicada's wings, which can be pierced through with a single punch." , it is extremely dangerous for students to study here."

Zhou Ren raised his hand and pushed it away, and sure enough, the wall was sunken in.

Everyone looked at Du He.

Zhou Ren asked proudly: "Uncle Huyi, if you hadn't cut corners and embezzled more than 50 yuan from His Majesty, how could this happen?"

Seeing this, Du He looked indifferent, and asked: "Master Zhou, how do you prove that I have embezzled money? Besides, you keep saying that the wall is as thin as a cicada's wing and can be pierced with a single punch. I want to see it. What kind of fist are you that can penetrate this wall."

Zhou Ren snorted: "Uncle Huyi County, look after you."

He clenched his fist and punched it.


Although the wall was dented, it was not penetrated, and it returned to normal immediately.

Doo shrugged.

Zhou Ren felt that he had lost face, and suddenly his blood surged, and he said, "I'm a scholar, so my strength is naturally not strong enough, so I'll show you how weak this wall is!"

Before he finished speaking, he took a few steps back, accelerated to run forward, and bumped into him sideways.



The wall was smashed through, Zhou Ren broke through the wall and came out.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from outside, and then Zhou Ren's screams were heard.

(End of this chapter)

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