Chapter 344
The old boy was so excited just now that he forgot that this is the second floor which is almost two people tall.

The black thread at the end of Li Er ordered: "Come on, go and bring Zhou Ren and me here."

Not long after, Zhou Ren appeared in front of everyone with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Zhou Ren ignored the pain on his body, pointed at Du He, and shouted: "Uncle Huyi County, what else do you have to say, I just knocked you lightly, and I knocked your wall away. , it’s not safe, it might collapse at some point.”

Everyone turned their heads to look at Du He.

Du Ruhui came to Du He's side, and asked in a low voice: "He'er, what happened, did your subordinates do it? Why don't you hurry up and admit your mistake to His Majesty."

Du He smiled and said: "Father, even you don't believe me, I was right, why should I make amends?"

"You..." Du Ruhui looked mad, but there was nothing he could do.

Li Er stepped forward, looked at the dilapidated wall, and asked, "Du He, tell me, what's going on?"

"Uncle Huyi County, don't keep silent, the walls are so thin, there are indeed worries for the students."

"It's also fortunate that Mr. Zhou discovered it early, otherwise it will be the students who will have accidents in the future."

"Yeah, Mr. Zhou looks weak, but he didn't die when he went down from the second floor. It's amazing!"

Zhou Ren: "..."

Seeing the mixed reactions from the crowd, Du He slowly walked up.

Du He said: "I don't even bother to explain this matter."

Everyone was stunned.

Du He is so arrogant?

Du He glanced at Zhou Ren, and said loudly: "Because, if you explain to Shabi, Shabi won't understand."

Zhou Ren pointed at Du He, grinned and said, "You... Du He, what do you mean?"

Du He sneered and said: "Master Zhou, you like acting very much, but unfortunately, your performance is not in place, you act too hard, this is not acceptable... Hmph, who told you that this is a wall?"

"What is this if it's not a wall?"

Du He laughed, and said contemptuously, "You bumpkin, this is the window."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This is obviously a wall made of wooden strips, when did it become a window?
Duhe explained: "Everyone, this is my latest invention, shutters. The advantage of this window is that it is easy to make, can be opened and closed at any time, and saves materials."

Changsun Wuji scratched his head and asked, "Du He, what kind of window is this? The old man's eyesight is clumsy, I really can't see what kind of window it is."

The others also stared wide-eyed, with doubts in their hearts.

Du He waved his hand: "Lu Yuan, let me show you."

Lu Yuan hurried forward, walked to the corner, and picked up a thin red rope from the wall.

The rope is pulled down.


The wooden bars on the wall suddenly flipped over.

Suddenly, the front wall became a window.

Of course, the place where Zhou Ren broke through looked very weird.


The rope was pulled down again.

The wooden bars were all turned over and closed again, looking like a wall.

Du He took a look at Zhou Ren, and said with a smile: "The shutters, with their leaves slanting outwards, can not only ventilate and transmit light, but also prevent rainwater from entering in rainy days. Such a high-tech thing is actually considered by Mr. Zhou to be a wall that cut corners. , Mr. Zhou, you are really a piece of shit!"

"Ha ha……"

The crowd laughed.

Zhou Ren, on the other hand, wished he could find an earthquake and get in there.

At this moment, Du He asked, "Lu Shengxiao, how much does it cost to restore the blinds?"

Lu Yuan made some calculations and said, "This shutter is damaged in the middle, and the entire side needs to be replaced. Disassembly and installation are very cumbersome, and it will cost a thousand pennies."

Du He nodded: "Master Zhou, did you hear clearly? One thousand coins, please send it to the Imperial College tomorrow, it should be fine, right?"

Zhou Ren pointed at Du He angrily: " are blackmailing, you deceive people too much..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Er's scolding: "Shut up, hum, Zhou Ren, you have repeatedly made things difficult for Du He, what exactly are you trying to do?"

Even Li Er couldn't stand what Zhou Ren did.

Zhou Ren was so frightened that he quickly shut up.

The point is that Du He also pulled him to write a strange IOU, which made him so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

Afterwards, everyone visited again and went to the cafeteria next to the dormitory to have a meal.

Everyone is full of praise for the food in the Guozijian canteen.

After eating, everyone went out.

Just as Zhou Ren went out, he saw two craftsmen in ordinary clothes walking towards him.It was the two craftsmen he had spent a lot of money to buy.

As soon as he saw the two of them, he felt angry.If it wasn't for these two people cheating, how could he make a fool of himself again.

He rolled up his sleeves and was about to step forward and teach them a lesson...

But he saw the two craftsmen coming straight to Du He, talking in a low voice.

Zhou Ren rushed over and heard the two talking with Du He very familiarly.

Zhou Ren thought that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Uncle Huyi County, these two people, do you know each other?"

Du He nodded: "These two are capable men of our Dream Group, Mr. Zhou, do you know each other?"

These two people are exactly Xu Zhengdao and ghosts and gods.

I saw Xu Zhengdao winking at Zhou Ren triumphantly.

Suddenly, Zhou Ren was so angry that he almost fainted.

A capable general?

The two co-authors are not craftsmen at all.

He wished he could commit suicide by jumping off the building again.

Being cheated once doesn't count, why was Du He cheated again.

Zhou Ren wanted to cry, but why did Xin Zizi suffer so much?


Everyone returned to the gate of the Imperial College.

At the gate, internal servant Zhao Yang and others were already waiting here.

The hard-earned horses won in the Dooho race are also here.

Du He stepped forward to take the bloody BMW, and could feel envious and jealous eyes coming from behind him.

In this era, the best means of transportation is the horse. A hard-earned BMW is no different from a Bentley or Rolls-Royce of later generations.There are many generals present, all of whom are horse lovers. For example, Li Jing is a guy who loves horses like his life. He has more than 50 good motors in his home collection. BMW talk heart-to-heart.

Du He turned around, looked at Zhou Ren not far away, and asked, "Master Zhou, does this horse have a name?"

Zhou Ren was a doctor of the Ministry of Industry before, in charge of the Department of the Ministry of Industry, but was replaced by Du He. He went to Taifu Temple by himself and became an official of the Chefu Department, maintaining chariots and horses for the royal family and princes and ministers. He Huyou went to eat shit, jumped off the building, was cheated again and again, let alone resentment in his heart.

At this moment, he was suddenly named by Du He. Although there was a bit of viciousness in the depths of his eyes, on the surface he remained calm, pretending to be harmless to humans and animals.

This guy was hit by Du He several times just now, but now he doesn't dare to do it again.

When the people around saw it, they all looked at Zhou Ren with a good show.


(Thanks to [*Xiaohai] [Pseudo-lover] brothers for their rewards, thank you brothers for your support as always!)

(End of this chapter)

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